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CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id STRING #-1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_mismatch INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_language_mismatch INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_encoding_mismatch INT 2 #這個參數刪掉,設置成2會致使gzip有vary頭才能分辨,設置成1無論有沒有vary頭都不能分辨壓縮不壓縮了都是存成一份,刪掉後無論gzip的有沒有vary頭vcache均可以分辨。
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_charset_mismatch INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.resolv_conf STRING NULL #關掉dns使用本地resolv.conf功能
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.strict_round_robin INT 1 #終端客戶請求過來,該域名解析有多個ip地址的時候,設置成1,按照每次過來輪詢訪問,設置爲0按照client固定一個ip地址訪問。
CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_request_via_str INT 0 #以前默認是1,修改爲0,這個參數設置成1的時候,會再到上一層或者源請求的時候,request頭信息裏面帶有via信息,這個時候源認爲這是一個代理,有的源設置的gzip壓縮再認爲是代理的時候是不返回壓縮文件的,好比nginx若是不開gzip_proxied any;那麼vcache請求gzip的時候也會返回非gzip的文件。
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.retry_time INT 60
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold INT 10
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts INT 6
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout INT 5
CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out INT 120
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout INT 10
# Process Records Config File
# <RECORD-TYPE> <NAME> <TYPE> <VALUE (till end of line)>
# NAME: name of variable
# VALUE: Initial value for record
# *NOTE*: All options covered in this file should be documented in the
# administration guide or the addendum:
# System Variables
# 系統變量
#TS的名字,初始化的時候會自動配置,取本機的 hostname
CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_name STRING  平臺-運營商-區域-C-IP
CONFIG proxy.config.config_dir STRING etc/trafficserver
CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_binary_opts STRING -M
CONFIG proxy.config.env_prep STRING
CONFIG proxy.config.alarm_email STRING nobody
CONFIG proxy.config.syslog_facility STRING LOG_DAEMON
CONFIG proxy.config.output.logfile STRING traffic.out
CONFIG proxy.config.snapshot_dir STRING snapshots
CONFIG proxy.config.system.mmap_max INT 2097152
# Main threads configuration (worker threads). Also see configurations for
# SSL threads, disk I/O threads and task threads in their respective areas.
# 主要線程配置(工做線程),同時能夠在各自的配置模塊進行SSL線程,磁盤I/O線程和任務線程的配置。
CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig INT 1
#當proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig INT 值爲1時,CPU核數與TS線程數量的默認比例,默認的縮放比例是1.5。CPU核數*縮放比例=TS線程數量
CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig.scale FLOAT 1.5
CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.limit INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.accept_threads INT 1
# Local Manager
CONFIG proxy.config.admin.admin_user STRING admin
CONFIG proxy.config.admin.number_config_bak INT 3
#設置ts進程的權限,設置爲#-1表示啓動以後不更改進程的權限。Set the user_id=#-1 and start trafficserver as root.
CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id STRING nobody
# Process Manager
CONFIG proxy.config.admin.autoconf_port INT 8083
CONFIG proxy.config.process_manager.mgmt_port INT 8084
# In order to only bind a specific IP, use the following config, as in
# the example below. Note – this can contain two addresses, one for IPv4
# sockets and one for IPv6 sockets.
#LOCAL proxy.local.incoming_ip_to_bind STRING
#LOCAL proxy.local.incoming_ip_to_bind STRING fc07:192:168:101::17
# 告警配置
# Alarm Configuration
# execute alarm as 「<abs_path>/<bin> 「<MSG_STRING_FROM_PROXY>」」
CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.bin STRING
CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.abs_path STRING NULL
# HTTP Engine
# 基礎設置#
# basics #
# The server ports are listed here. These are separated by spaces or commas.
# 服務監聽的端口在這裏列出。可使用空格和逗號進行分隔
# Each port is a colon separated list of values, which must include a
# port number. The order is irrelevant. Other options are
# 每一個端口都是一個冒號分隔的列表裏的值,必須包含一個端口號。沒有順序要求。其餘選項都有
# ipv4 – Use IPv4 (default)
# ipv6 – Use IPv6
# tr-in – Transparent inbound.
# tr-out – Transparent outbound.
# tr-full – Fully transparent (inbound and outbound).
# tr-pass – Transparently Pass-through non-HTTP traffic (in conjuction with tr-in).
# ssl – SSL terminated port.
# blind – Blind tunnel port (CONNECT only)
# ip-in=[addr] – Bind inbound IP address (listen for client).
# ip-out=[addr] – Bind outbound IP address (connect to origin server).
# ip-resolve=[style] – Set the IP resolution style.
# Note – address types must agree with each other and the ipv4/ipv6
# option if specified. IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets.
# ip-out can be repeated as long as each address is a different
# family. If ip-in is specified as an IPv6 address, the port is
# forced to IPv6. Transparent ports cannot be bound to an IP
# address on the transparent side.
# The ‘=’ is optional for any option with a value.
# Example 1: Port 8080 IPv6 inbound transparent, and port 80 IPv4
# 「8080:ipv6:tr-in 80」
# Example 2: Listen on standard http and https ports for IPv4 and IPv6,
# fully transparent on the http ports. Also provide an non-transparent
# port at address on port 8080.
# 「80:ipv4:tr-full tr-full:80:ipv6 443:ipv4:ssl 443:ssl:ipv6 ip-in=」
CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 8080
# Ports on the origin server to which a blind tunnel may connect.
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_ports STRING 443 563
# The via settings have four values
# via的設置有四種值
# 0 – Do not modify / set this via header
# 0 – 不作任何修改 /設置目前的via頭
# 1 – Update the via, with normal verbosity
# 1 – 更新via,添加正常的信息
# 2 – Update the via, with higher verbosity
# 2 – 更新via,添加較多的信息
# 3 – Update the via, with highest verbosity
# 3 – 更新via,添加最多的信息
CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_request_via_str INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_response_via_str INT 0
# Insert a Server: header, this has three values
# 0 – 不添加
# 0 – Don’t add or modify the Server: header
# 1 – 添加一個服務器頭部
# 1 – Add a Server: header
# 2 – 只在沒有Server:頭部的時候添加
# 2 – Only add a Server: header if one doesn’t exist already
CONFIG proxy.config.http.response_server_enabled INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_age_in_response INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_url_expandomatic INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.no_dns_just_forward_to_parent INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_in INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_out INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.chunking_enabled INT 1
# send http11 requests:
# 0 – 從不
# 0 – Never
# 1 – 始終
# 1 – Always
# 2 – 若是服務器端返回的HTTP版本小於1.1,那麼就生產一個區塊
# 2 – if the server has returned http1.1 before
#? 3 – 若是客戶端請求是HTTP/1.1和源服務器返回HTTP/1.1,生產一個區塊的反應
# 3 – if the client request is 1.1 & the server has returned 1.1 before
# 若是use_client_addr的參數設置爲1,那麼這裏設置2或3會致使TS使用客戶端的HTTP版原本請求上游服務器
# If use_client_addr is set to 1, options 2 and 3 cause the proxy to use
# the client HTTP version for upstream requests.
#設置TS發送http 1.1請求
CONFIG proxy.config.http.send_http11_requests INT 1
# 共享服務器鏈接
# 0 – 從不
# 0 – Never
# 1 – 共享,使用一個全局共享鏈接池
# 1 – Share, with a single global connection pool
# 2 – 共享,爲每一個工做線程建立一個共享鏈接池
# 2 – Share, with a connection pool per worker thread
#?啓用or禁用 重用服務器會話
CONFIG proxy.config.http.share_server_sessions INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.origin_server_pipeline INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.user_agent_pipeline INT 8
# HTTP referer過濾器 #
# HTTP referer filtering #
#HTTP referer防盜鏈開關
CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_filter INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_format_redirect INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_default_redirect STRING
# 父節點代理配置 #
# parent proxy configuration #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy_routing_enable INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.retry_time INT 300
# Parent fail threshold is the number of request that must
# fail within the retry window for the parent to be marked
# down
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold INT 10
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts INT 4
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout INT 30
CONFIG proxy.config.http.forward.proxy_auth_to_parent INT 0
# HTTP鏈接超時時間(秒) #
# HTTP connection timeouts (secs) #
# 出:代理服務器 -> 源服務器鏈接
# out: proxy -> origin server connection
# 進:user agent -> 代理服務器鏈接
# in : ua -> proxy connection
CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in INT 115
CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out INT 120
CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_in INT 30
CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out INT 30
CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in INT 900
CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.accept_no_activity_timeout INT 120
CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_active_timeout INT 60
CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_completed_threshold FLOAT 0.5
# 源服務器鏈接嘗試 #
# origin server connect attempts #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries INT 6
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server INT 3
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_rr_retries INT 3
CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout INT 30
CONFIG proxy.config.http.post_connect_attempts_timeout INT 1800
CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.cache_time INT 300
CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.abort_threshold INT 10
# congestion control #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.congestion_control.enabled INT 0
# 負響應緩存 #
# negative response caching #
#非正常響應包括:204 305 400 403 404 405 500 501 502 503 504
CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_lifetime INT 1800
# 代理用戶變量 #
# proxy users variables #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_from INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_referer INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_user_agent INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_cookie INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_client_ip INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_insert_client_ip INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_other_header_list STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_squid_x_forwarded_for INT 1
# 安全 #
# security #
#啓用/禁用HTTP PUSH的選項
CONFIG proxy.config.http.push_method_enabled INT 0
# ###################################
# # HTTP快速過濾器(安全) #
# # HTTP Quick filtering (security) #
# ###################################
# 該功能轉移到了ip_allow.config
# this functionality is moved to ip_allow.config
# cache control #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.http INT 1
# Enabling this setting allows the proxy to cache empty documents. This currently
# requires that the response has a Content-Length: header, with a value of 「0」.
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.allow_empty_doc INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_no_cache INT 1
#?啓用時,若是客戶端的請求帶有no-cache頭信息,Traffic Server會發出一個有條件的請求到原始服務器。
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ims_on_client_no_cache INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_server_no_cache INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_cc_max_age INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.normalize_ae_gzip INT 0
# cache responses to cookies has 5 options:
# 0 – 不緩存帶有cookies響應
# 0 – do not cache any responses to cookies
# 1 – 緩存全部contnet-type
# 1 – cache for any content-type
# 2 – 只緩存圖片類型的請求
# 2 – cache only for image types
# 3 – 除了content-type爲text的緩存全部
# 3 – cache for all but text content-types
# 4 – 緩存content-type爲text之外的全部,除非響應頭信息沒有」Set-Cookie」或者帶有」Cache-Control: public」
# 4 – cache for all but text content-types except OS response
# without 「Set-Cookie」 or with 「Cache-Control: public」
# See also cache-responses-to-cookies in cache.config.
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_authentication INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_urls_that_look_dynamic INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.enable_default_vary_headers INT 0
# 從新嚴重內容的5個選項
# when_to_revalidate has 5 options:
#? 0 – 默認。使用緩存之類或啓發式緩存
# 0 – default. use cache directives or heuristic
# 1 – 啓發式緩存
# 1 – stale if heuristic
# 2 – 老是陳舊的(老是從新驗證)
# 2 – always stale (always revalidate)
# 3 – 不刷新
# 3 – never stale
# 4 – 若是請求含有條件則驗證,不然使用默認值。若是該請求中包含的If-Modified-since,而後TS的老是從新驗證緩存的內容,並使用客戶端的代理請求的If-modified-Since的頭。
# 4 – always revalidate if request is conditional, else default is used
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_revalidate INT 0
# 一些老的MSIE瀏覽器不發送no-cache頭部到TS,這個變量能夠控制爲MSIE請求添加no-cache頭信息
# Some old MSIE browsers don’t send no-cache headers to
# reverse proxies or transparent caches, this variable controls
# when to add no-cache headers to MSIE requests:
# -1 – no-cache從不被添加,統計數據不更新
# -1 – no-cache is never added, stats are not updated
# 0 – 默認;no-cache不添加到MSIE的請求
# 0 – default; no-cache not added to MSIE requests
# 1 – no-cache被添加到MSIE IMS的請求
# 1 – no-cache added to IMS MSIE requests
# 2 – no-cache被添加到全部的MSIE的請求中
# 2 – no-cache added to all MSIE requests
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_add_no_cache_to_msie_requests INT -1
# 所需頭部的三個選項:
# required headers: three options:
# 0 – 不須要使用頭部來決定文檔是否能夠緩存
# 0 – No required headers to make document cachable
# 1 – 須要」Last-Modified:」,」Expires:」,或者」Cache-Control: max-age」
# 1 – 「Last-Modified:」, 「Expires:」, or 「Cache-Control: max-age」 required
# 2 – 明確緩存生命週期須要的」Expires:」或者」Cache-Control: max-age」
# 2 – explicit lifetime required, 「Expires:」 or 「Cache-Control: max-age」
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.max_stale_age INT 604800
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.range.lookup INT 1
# heuristic expiration #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_min_lifetime INT 3600
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_max_lifetime INT 86400
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_lm_factor FLOAT 0.10
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.time INT 240
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.probability FLOAT 0.005
# 動態內容和內容協商 #
# dynamic content & content negotiation #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_text STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_images STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_other STRING NULL
# HTTP統計是很是消耗資源的,不須要的話關閉掉 #
# The HTTP stats are expensive, turn off you don’t need them #
CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_http_stats INT 1
# 自定義用戶響應頁面
# Customizable User Response Pages
# 0 – 禁用用戶自定義響應頁面
# 0 – turn off customizable user response pages
# 1 – 僅在默認目錄中使用自定義的用戶響應頁面
# 1 – enable customizable user response pages in only the 「default」 directory
#? 2 – 使用語言針對性的用戶響應頁面
# 2 – enable language-targeted user response pages
CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_customizations INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_logging INT 0
# 0 – 永遠不會抑制生成響應頁面
# 0 – never suppress generated responses
# 1 – 老是抑制生成響應頁面
# 1 – always suppress generated responses
# 2 – 抑制響應頁面僅用於攔截的流量
# 2 – suppress responses for intercepted traffic
CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.response_suppression_mode INT 0
# Net Subsystem
# Enable defer accept / accept filtering. On Linux, this is a timeout, sec.
# Cluster Subsystem
# 集羣子系統
# 集羣類型須要重啓後才能生效
# cluster type requires restart to change
# 1=全集羣模式,2=管理模式,3=非集羣模式
# 1 is full clustering, 2 is mgmt only, 3 is no clustering
LOCAL proxy.local.cluster.type INT 3
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.cluster_port INT 8086
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.rsport INT 8088
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mcport INT 8089
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_group_addr STRING
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_ttl INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.log_bogus_mc_msgs INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.ethernet_interface STRING lo
# 緩存
# Cache
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.permit.pinning INT 0
# 默認狀況下內存的緩存大小根據緩存大小自動設置的
# default the ram cache size to AUTO_SIZE (-1) based on cache size
# (每GB的磁盤緩存大約有10MB的內存緩存)
# (approximately 10 MB of RAM cache per GB of disk cache)
# 固然它也能夠設置爲一個固定值,好比21474836480 (20GB)
# alternatively, set to a fixed value such as 21474836480 (20GB)
#trafficserver的cache層分爲兩層:磁盤disk與緩存ram cache
#在用戶第一次請求一個頁面時,ts回源取出object返回給用戶的同時將object寫入disk。當用戶第二次請求object時,直接disk命中,這時若是條件符合就將object寫入ram cache,之後用戶再次請求相同object時,就可能直接緩存命中,從而提升響應速度
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size INT -1
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff INT 4194304
# 替換算法
# Replacement algorithm
# 0:CLFUS算法-TS特有的算法。分析見
# 0 : Clocked Least Frequently Used by Size (CLFUS) w/optional compression
# 1 : LRU算法-最久未使用算法(LRU):最久沒有訪問的內容做爲替換對象。可選壓縮,且很是簡單。但緩存污染狀況比較嚴重,見
# 1 : LRU w/o optional compression – trivially simple
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.algorithm INT 0
# Filter inserts into the RAM cache to ensure that they have been seen at
# least once. For LRU, this provides scan resistance. Note that CLFUS
# already requires that a document have history before it is inserted, so
# for CLFUS, setting this option means that a document must be seen three
# times before it is added to the RAM cache.
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.use_seen_filter INT 0
# 壓縮RAM緩存內容
# Compress the content of the ram cache:
# 0 :不壓縮
# 0 : no compression
# 1 :很是快,但相對較低的壓縮比
# 1 : fastlz (extremely fast, relatively low compression)
# 2 : 中等速度,合理壓縮
# 2 : libz (moderate speed, reasonable compression)
# 3 : 很是慢,高度壓縮
# 3 : liblzma (very slow, high compression)
# 注意:壓縮任務運行在線程。須要使用更多核壓縮時,就須要調整proxy.config.task_threads參數
# NOTE: compression runs on task threads. To use more cores for
# compression, increase proxy.config.task_threads.
#這是針對於CLFUS算法RAM緩存壓縮選項。不要混淆於Content-Encoding: gzip選項。RAM緩存壓縮的目的是儘可能節省內存空間。對用戶和代理都是不可見的
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.compress INT 0
# The maximum number of alternates that are allowed for any given URL.
# It is not possible to strictly enforce this if the variable
# ‘proxy.config.cache.vary_on_user_agent’ is set to 1.
# The default value for ‘proxy.config.cache.vary_on_user_agent’ is 0.
# (0 disables the maximum number of alts check)
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.limits.http.max_alts INT 5
# 目標對象尺寸可以使用磁盤上連續的片斷(簡單點說就是對大文件進行分塊存儲)
# The target size of a contiguous fragment on disk.
# 可接受的值是2的冪值,好比:65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152.
# Acceptable values are powers of 2, e.g. 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152.
# 太大會在慢鏈接時浪費內存,過小會花費更多的搜索時間
# Larger could waste memory on slow connections, smaller could waste seeks.
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.target_fragment_size INT 1048576
# The maximum size of a document that will be stored in the cache.
# (0 disables the maximum document size check)
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.max_doc_size INT 0
# 開啓read while write機制(合併回源?)。若是開啓read while write機制,有讀取相同object請求到來時,此時object尚未寫到cache中去,cache查找會失敗,但能夠直接從這個負責寫操做的CacheVC中讀取object。這樣不只讀取速度快,同時也避免了回源,減小了到源服務器的請求鏈接數。
# enable the cache to read from an object while it is being added to the cache
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.enable_read_while_writer INT 0
# This controls how many objects (average) the disk caches can hold, and
# how much memory it’ll consume for the directory structure.
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.min_average_object_size INT 8000
# How many I/O threads to allocate per disk (spindle). Be aware that RAID
# disks would show up to TS as a single spindle.
# 每塊磁盤分配多少的I/O線程。當使用RAID時TS會把多塊硬盤當成一塊硬盤。
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.threads_per_disk INT 8
# Time (in ms) to delay until retrying to acquire a cache lock. Setting
# this low can reduce latencies in some cases, but can consume more CPU.
# If you experience CPU spinning, try increasing this setting.
CONFIG proxy.config.cache.mutex_retry_delay INT 2
# 臨時存儲磁盤。必須是使用裸設備
# The interim storage disks. Must use raw disks.
# 最多支持8塊臨時磁盤
# Only support at most 8 interim disks now. e.g.
# STRING /dev/sda /dev/sdb/
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.search_default_domains INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.splitDNS.enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.max_dns_in_flight INT 2048
# ?指定的主機名擴展列表會自動添加到主機名查找失敗後
# Additional URL expansions for http DNS lookup
# 好比你須要TS添加一個主機名爲.org的擴展而後指定org爲該變動的值
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.url_expansions STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.round_robin_nameservers INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.nameservers STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.resolv_conf STRING /etc/resolv.conf
# This provides additional resilience against DNS forgery, particularly in
# forward or transparent proxies, but requires that the resolver populates
# the queries section of the response properly.
CONFIG proxy.config.dns.validate_query_name INT 0
# HostDB
# TS運行中該配置更改將不會生效
# in entries, may not be changed while running
# 須要注意的是,若是更改數據庫中最大文件的數目,同時也必須修改數據庫存儲的空間大小
# note that in order to increase hostdb.size, hostdb.storage_size should
# also be increase. These are best guesses, you will have to monitor this.
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.size INT 120000
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.storage_size INT 32M
# ttl模式:
# ttl modes:
# 0 – 遵循DNS響應的TTL
# 0 = obey
# 1 – 忽略。使用內部超時值
# 1 = ignore
# 2 = 使用DNS和內部TTL較小的值。內部超時值成爲最大的TTL
# 2 = min(X,ttl)
# 3 = 使用DNS和內部TTL較大的值。內部超時值成爲最小的TTL
# 3 = max(X,ttl)
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.ttl_mode INT 0
# in minutes…
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.timeout INT 1440
# round-robin addresses for single clients
# (can cause authentication problems)
CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.strict_round_robin INT 0
# 日誌配置
# Logging Config
# 可啓用的日誌記錄:
# possible values for logging_enabled:
# 0: 所有不記錄
# 0: no logging at all
# 1: 只記錄錯誤日誌
# 1: log errors only
# 2: 只記錄事務日誌
# 2: log transactions only
# 3: 所有記錄(錯誤日誌+事務日誌)
# 3: full logging (errors + transactions)
CONFIG proxy.config.log.logging_enabled INT 3
CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_secs_per_buffer INT 5
CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs INT 25000
CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_orphan_logs INT 25
#這個值,用來防止磁盤被日誌打滿,它能確保:普通日誌+孤兒日誌+動態餘量 < 磁盤容量。
#雖然traffic.out不屬於普通 日誌,也不屬於孤兒日誌,但在計算日誌的總大小時,TS只是簡單地把/var/log/trafficserver/目錄下(這個目錄只是默認配置,實際的看各自的環境而定)的全部文件的size加起來。
#logging space exhausted,…
#但如前面所言,因爲traffic.out不會被rolling,一旦traffic.out的文件大小超過了配置值,就會一直處於「logging space exhausted的狀態」。
CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom INT 1000
CONFIG proxy.config.log.hostname STRING localhost
CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_dir STRING var/log/trafficserver
CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_perm STRING rw-r–r–
CONFIG proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled INT 1
#squid日誌格式類型。1=ASCII 2=binary
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_name STRING squid
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_header STRING NULL
#開啓/禁用Netscape common日誌格式
CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_enabled INT 0
#Netscape common日誌格式類型。1=ASCII 2=binary
CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_is_ascii INT 1
#定義Netscape common日誌文件名
CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_name STRING common
#定義Netscape common日誌文件頭部文本
CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_header STRING NULL
#開啓/禁用Netscape extended日誌格式
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_enabled INT 0
#Netscape extended日誌格式類型。1=ASCII 2=binary
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_is_ascii INT 0
#定義Netscape extended日誌文件名
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_name STRING extended
#定義Netscape extended日誌文件頭部文本
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_header STRING NULL
#開啓/禁用Netscape extended2日誌格式
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled INT 0
#Netscape extended2日誌格式類型。1=ASCII 2=binary
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_is_ascii INT 1
#定義Netscape extended2日誌文件名
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_name STRING extended2
#定義Netscape extended2日誌頭部文本
CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_header STRING NULL
#0 – 禁用分離。全部ICP事務都會被記錄至HTTP事務中
#1 – 全部的ICP事務都會被記錄在一個獨立的文件中
#-1 – 在默認的日誌文件中過濾掉全部的ICP事務。也就是說ICP事務不會被記錄
CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_icp_logs INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_host_logs INT 0
# 設置日誌收集模式
# 0 – 客戶端模式。即表示,TS不負責從別的機器接收日誌。
# 1 – 服務端模式。可接收別的機器發送的日誌,值得一提的是,它還能夠繼續充當「客戶端」。
# 2 – 服務端模式。客戶端發送自定義的日誌格式到服務端。
# 3 – 服務端模式。客戶端發送標準的和自定義的日誌格式到服務端。
# Log collation allows you to do 「remote logging」
LOCAL proxy.local.log.collation_mode INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_port INT 8085
CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_secret STRING foobar
CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_retry_sec INT 5
#0 – 禁用日誌文件的滾動
#1 – 啓用在特定的時間間隔對日誌文件進行滾動.(須要配合proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec和proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr)
#2 – 啓用在指定文件大小對日誌文件進行滾動(須要配合proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb)
#3 – 啓用在指定文件大小或特定的時間間隔對日誌文件進行滾動(以先發生優先)
#4 – 啓用在指定的時間間隔中日誌文件打到特定大小進行滾動
CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec INT 86400
CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb INT 10
CONFIG proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files INT 1
#1 – 記錄全部的事務
#2 – 每秒只記錄一次事務
#3 – 每三次事務記錄一次
CONFIG proxy.config.log.sampling_frequency INT 1
# 反向代理
# Reverse Proxy
CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.header.parse.no_host_url_redirect STRING NULL
# URL映射規則
# URL Remap Rules
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac_port INT -1
# To enable forward proxy, you must turn off remap_required
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 1
# Pristine host header is the 「original」 (request) header. Make sure your
# origin expects them in reverse proxy.
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.pristine_host_hdr INT 1
# SSL終止
# SSL Termination
# The number of SSL threads is a multiplier of number of CPUs and
# proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig.scale by default. You can
# override that here (set it to a non-zero value).
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.number.threads INT 0
# The following three variables can be
# set to 0 to disable SSLv2, SSLv3, and/or TLSv1.
# SSLv2 is disabled by default for security concern.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv2 INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv3 INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.TLSv1 INT 1
# The following two variables control the Cipher Suite traffic Server
# uses for HTTPS connnections and whether to prefer the client
# selected (default) or the server selected
# Our default SSL Cipher Suite tries to be reasonably fast and strong.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cipher_suite STRING RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:AES256-SHA:ALL:!aNULL:!EXP:!LOW:!MD5:!SSLV2:!NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.honor_cipher_order INT 0
# Control if SSL should perform content compression or not
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.compression INT 0
# 設置客戶端認證級別:
# Client certification level should be:
# 0 沒有客戶端證書
# 0 no client certificates
# 1 客戶端證書是可選的
# 1 client certificates optional
# 2 須要客戶端證書
# 2 client certificates required
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.certification_level INT 0
# Server cert chain filename is the name of the global cert chain file
# that is added to every cert in ssl_multicert.config. This file is only
# loaded if there are configurations in ssl_multicert.config.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert_chain.filename STRING NULL
# This is the path that SSL certificates files are relative to. Certificate
# names specified in ssl_multicert.config will be located relative to this path.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# If any private key is not contained in the certificate file, you must
# fill in the private key path. Private key names specified in
# ssl_multicert.config will be located relative to this path.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.private_key.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# The CA file name and path are the
# certificate authority certificate that
# client certificates will be verified against.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.filename STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# 客戶端相關的配置
# client related configuration #
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.verify.server INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.filename STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# Fill in private key file and path only if the client’s
# private key is not contained in the client certificate file.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.filename STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# The CA file name and path are the
# certificate authority certificate that
# server certificates will be verified against.
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.filename STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
# ICP配置。
# ICP Configuration. NOTE! ICP is currently broken NOTE!
# ICP模式
# icp modes
# 0 ICP關閉
# enabled=0 ICP disabled
# 1 容許接收ICP查詢
# enabled=1 Allow receive of ICP queries
# 2 容許發送、接收ICP查詢
# enabled=2 Allow send/receive of ICP queries
CONFIG proxy.config.icp.enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_interface STRING NULL
CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_port INT 3130
CONFIG proxy.config.icp.multicast_enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.icp.query_timeout INT 2
# Scheduled Update Configuration
# 計劃更新配置
CONFIG proxy.config.update.enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.update.force INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_count INT 10
CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_interval INT 2
CONFIG proxy.config.update.concurrent_updates INT 100
# Socket send/recv buffer sizes (0 == don’t call setsockopt() )
# Socket 發送/接收緩存區尺寸
# out: TS到源服務器
# out: proxy -> os connection
# in : 客戶端到TS
# in : ua -> proxy connection
# User Overridden Configurations Below
CONFIG proxy.config.core_limit INT -1
# 調試
# Debugging
# Uses a regular expression to match the debugging topic name, performance
# will be affected!
CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.tags STRING http.*|dns.*
# Great for tracking down memory leaks, but you need to use the
# ink allocators
CONFIG proxy.config.dump_mem_info_frequency INT 0
# Log the source code location of diagnostic messages.
CONFIG proxy.config.diags.show_location INT 0
# 配置和回收的InkFreeList內存池
# Configuration for Reclaimable InkFreeList memory pool
# NOTE: The following options are meaningfull only when Traffic Server is
# compiled with the following option to configure:
# 這個選項只有當TS在編譯時使用下面的選項:–enable-reclaimable-freelist
# –enable-reclaimable-freelist
CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.enable_reclaim INT 1
# The value of reclaim_factor should be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. Allocators
# use it to calculate size of unused memory, which is used to determine when
# to reclaim memory. The larger the value, the more aggressive reclaims.
CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.reclaim_factor FLOAT 0.300000
# Allocator will reclaim memory only when it continuously satisfy the reclaim
# condition for max_overage continuous checks.
CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.max_overage INT 3
# 因爲debug,開啓debug_filter
# For debugging, enable debug_filter, which is a bit-map with these fields:
# 0: 在ink_freelist_new上回收內存
# bit 0: reclaim memory in ink_freelist_new
# 1: 在空間塊或操做系統上回收內存
# bit 1: allocate memory from partial-free Chunks(if exist) or OS
CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.debug_filter INT 0
# 慢日誌
# Slow Log
# 記錄滿日止的閾值。當請求大於多少毫秒時會被記錄至慢日誌,當該參數大於0時即啓用
# Log any request that takes more then x number of milliseconds, needs
# to be > 0 to be enabled
CONFIG proxy.config.http.slow.log.threshold INT 0
# 在線。任務的線程池、插件的一些選項。推薦2
# Thread pool for 「misc」 tasks, plugins etc. 2 is a good minimum.
CONFIG proxy.config.task_threads INT 2
# Dnion record.conf param
# For qq one minute traffic.
# Default 0 unused
#CONFIG proxy.config.http.one_minute_host INT 0;