設計模式 -建立型模式 ,python工廠模式 抽象工廠模式(1)


xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import json class JSONConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): self.data = dict() with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: self.data = json.load(f) @property def parsed_data(self): return self.data class XMLConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): self.tree = etree.parse(filepath) @property def parsed_data(self): return self.tree def connection_factory(filepath): if filepath.endswith('json'): connector = JSONConnector elif filepath.endswith('xml'): connector = XMLConnector else: raise ValueError('Cannot connect to {}'.format(filepath)) return connector(filepath) def connect_to(filepath): factory = None try: factory = connection_factory(filepath) except ValueError as ve: print(ve) return factory def main(): sqlite_factory = connect_to('data/person.sq3') print() xml_factory = connect_to('data/person.xml') xml_data = xml_factory.parsed_data liars = xml_data.findall(".//{}[{}='{}']".format('person', 'lastName', 'Liar')) print('found: {} persons'.format(len(liars))) for liar in liars: print('first name: {}'.format(liar.find('firstName').text)) print('last name: {}'.format(liar.find('lastName').text)) [print('phone number ({})'.format(p.attrib['type']), p.text) for p in liar.find('phoneNumbers')] print() json_factory = connect_to('data/donut.json') json_data = json_factory.parsed_data print('found: {} donuts'.format(len(json_data))) for donut in json_data: print('name: {}'.format(donut['name'])) print('price: ${}'.format(donut['ppu'])) [print('topping: {} {}'.format(t['id'], t['type'])) for t in donut['topping']] if __name__ == '__main__': main()





import random

class PetShop:

    """A pet shop"""

    def __init__(self, animal_factory=None):
        """pet_factory is our abstract factory.  We can set it at will."""

        self.pet_factory = animal_factory

    def show_pet(self):
        """Creates and shows a pet using the abstract factory"""

        pet = self.pet_factory.get_pet()
        print("We have a lovely {}".format(pet))
        print("It says {}".format(pet.speak()))
        print("We also have {}".format(self.pet_factory.get_food()))

# Stuff that our factory makes

class Dog:

    def speak(self):
        return "woof"

    def __str__(self):
        return "Dog"

class Cat:

    def speak(self):
        return "meow"

    def __str__(self):
        return "Cat"

# Factory classes

class DogFactory:

    def get_pet(self):
        return Dog()

    def get_food(self):
        return "dog food"

class CatFactory:

    def get_pet(self):
        return Cat()

    def get_food(self):
        return "cat food"

# Create the proper family
def get_factory():
    """Let's be dynamic!"""
    return random.choice([DogFactory, CatFactory])()

# Show pets with various factories

for i in range(3):
    shop = PetShop(get_factory())
    print("=" * 20)




貓類和狗類的公用方法必須是speak(),不能讓貓類的方法名是miaomiao()   ,狗類的方法叫wangwang(),把它當鴨子類,在java是用實現接口來規範。py沒有接口。json
