pycharm 使用black
The Uncompromising Code Formatterdom
By using Black, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. In return,code
Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting.orm
You will save time and mental energy for more important matters.ip
PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA增長
一、Install black.
$ pip install black
Locate your black installation folder.
On macOS / Linux / BSD:pycharm
$ which black
/usr/local/bin/black # possible location
On Windows:it
$ where black
%LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\black.exe # possible location
二、Open External tools in PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA
On macOS:pip
PyCharm -> Preferences -> Tools -> External Toolsio
On Windows / Linux / BSD:form
File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Toolsimport
Click the + icon to add a new external tool with the following values:
Name: Black
Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter.
Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
Arguments: "$FilePath$"
Format the currently opened file by selecting Tools -> External Tools -> black.
三、Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to Preferences or Settings -> Keymap -> External Tools -> External Tools - Black.
Optionally, run Black on every file save:
Make sure you have the File Watcher plugin installed. Go to Preferences or Settings -> Tools -> File Watchers and click + to add a new watcher: Name: Black File type: Python Scope: Project Files Program: <install_location_from_step_2> Arguments: $FilePath$ Output paths to refresh: $FilePath$ Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$ Uncheck "Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher"