在構造決策樹時,咱們須要解決的第一個問題就是,當前數據集上哪一個特徵在劃分數據分類時起決定性做用。爲了找到決定性特徵,劃分出最好的結果,咱們必須評估每一個特徵。完成測試以後,原始數據集就被劃分爲幾個數據子集。這些數據子集會分佈在第一個決策點的全部分支上。若是某個分支下的數據屬於同一類型,則此分支無需繼續劃分。若是數據子集內的數據不屬於同一類,則須要重複劃分數據子集。劃分數據子集的算法和劃分原始數據集的方法相同,直到所具備相同數據類型的數據均在一個數據子集內。html |
建立分支的僞代碼函數 createBranch() 以下:html5
Check if every item in the dataset is in the same class: If so return the class label Else find the best feature to split the data split the dataset create a branch node for each split call createBranch and add the result to the branch node return branch node
訓練集:$D={(x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2), ..., (x_m, y_m)}$python
屬性集:$A={a_1, a_2, ..., a_d}$linux
def createDataSet(): dataSet = [[1, 1, 'yes'], [1, 1, 'yes'], [1, 0, 'no'], [0, 1, 'no'], [0, 1, 'no']] feature = ['no surfacing', 'flippers'] return dataSet, feature
$a_{\star} = \arg\max\limits_{a\in{A}} Gain(D, a)$web
劃分數據集的大原則是:將無序的數據變得更加有序。在劃分數據集先後信息發生的變化稱爲信息增益,咱們計算每一個特徵值劃分數據集得到信息增益,得到的信息增益最高的特徵就是最好的劃分特徵。集合信息的度量方式稱爲熵,假定當前樣本集合$D$中第$k$類樣本所佔比例爲 $p_k \ (k=1,2,...,\lvert{y}\rvert)$,則$D$的information entropy是:算法
$Ent(D) = - \sum_{k=1}^{\lvert{y}\rvert}\ p_k log_2^{p_k}$shell
那麼對於$D$的各個結點$D_v$,咱們能夠算出$D_v$的information entropy,再考慮到不一樣的分支結點所包含的樣本數不均勻,給分支賦予權重$\frac{\lvert{D_v}\rvert}{\lvert{D}\rvert}$,這樣獲得information gain:api
$Gain(D,a_{\star}) = Ent(D) - \sum_{v=1}^{V} \frac{\lvert{D_v}\rvert}{\lvert{D}\rvert}Ent(D_v)$數據結構
# 1. 計算信息熵 from math import log def calcShannonEnt(dataSet): numEntries = len(dataSet) labelCounts = {} for featVec in dataSet: currentLabel = featVec[-1] # 讀取當前樣本標籤 if currentLabel not in labelCounts.keys(): # 檢查字典中是否存在該標籤 labelCounts[currentLabel] = 0 labelCounts[currentLabel] += 1 shannonEnt = 0.0 for key in labelCounts: prob = float(labelCounts[key])/numEntries # 計算類別機率 shannonEnt -= prob * log(prob,2) # 計算信息熵 return shannonEnt
# 2. 劃分數據集,參數: 數據集, 劃分屬性, 子節點屬性值 def splitDataSet(dataSet, axis, value): retDataSet = [] for featVec in dataSet: if featVec[axis] == value: reducedFeatVec = featVec[:axis] reducedFeatVec.extend(featVec[axis+1:]) # extend 按元素添加進去 retDataSet.append(reducedFeatVec) # append 按總體添加進去 return retDataSet
# 3. 選擇最好的數據集劃分方式 def chooseBestFeatureToSplit(dataSet): numFeayures = len(dataSet[0]) - 1 baseEntropy = calcShannonEnt(dataSet) # 根結點信息熵 bestInfoGain = 0.0; bestFeature = -1 # 初始化信息增益和最優分裂屬性 for i in range(numFeayures): # 對於每一個屬性,計算信息增益,得到最大信息增益對應的分裂屬性 featList = [example[i] for example in dataSet] # 收集全部樣本在該屬性上的值 uniqueVals = set(featList) # 集合統計共有幾種屬性值 newEntropy = 0.0 for value in uniqueVals: # 對於分裂屬性的每一個取值的可能,劃分子集計算信息熵 subDataSet = splitDataSet(dataSet, i, value) prob = len(subDataSet)/float(len(dataSet)) newEntropy += prob * calcShannonEnt(subDataSet) infoGain = baseEntropy - newEntropy if infoGain > bestInfoGain: bestInfoGain = infoGain bestFeature = i return bestFeature
# 4. 採用多數表決的方法決定葉子節點的類別 import operator def majorityCnt(classList): classCount = {} # 類別以字典形式統計 for vote in classList: if vote not in classCount.keys():classCount[vote] = 0 classCount[vote] += 1 sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # 排序字典 return sortedClassCount[0][0]
# 5. 建立決策樹代碼,輸入數據集和特徵/屬性類型,輸出字典型模型 def createTree(dataSet, features): classList = [example[-1] for example in dataSet] # 得到當前數據全部類別if classList.count(classList[0]) == len(classList): # 若是類別徹底相同則中止劃分,返回該類別 return classList[0] if len(dataSet[0]) == 1: # 若是劃分屬性已經所有用完,中止劃分,返回該節點類別最多的類 return majorityCnt(classList) bestFeatureIndex = chooseBestFeatureToSplit(dataSet) # 選擇最優屬性劃分 bestFeature = features[bestFeatureIndex] myTree = {bestFeature:{}} # 構建模型字典,字典的key是最優屬性,字典的value預約義爲一個字典 featValues = [example[bestFeatureIndex] for example in dataSet] # 收集全部樣本在該屬性上的值 uniqueVals = set(featValues) # 集合統計共有幾種屬性值,對應幾個子集 for value in uniqueVals: subFeatures = features[:] # 爲了避免改變features列表變量,咱們使用新變量代替 del (subFeatures[bestFeatureIndex]) # 刪除已用劃分屬性 myTree[bestFeature][value] = createTree(splitDataSet(dataSet, bestFeatureIndex, value), subFeatures) # 繼續分裂,若是沒法分裂返回類別 return myTree
下一步程序開始建立數,這裏python使用字典類型存儲樹的信息。字典變量存儲了數的全部信息,這對於隨後的繪製數形圖很是重要。由於在python中,函數參數是列表類型時,參數是按照引用形式傳遞的,爲了避免改變原始類別標籤,程序中使用 subFeatures = features[:] 複製了類別標籤。
myData, feature = createDataSet() myTree = createTree(myData, feature) print myTree 輸出: {'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}}
變量myTree包含了不少表明樹結構信息的嵌套字典,從左邊開始,第一個關鍵字 no surfacing 是第一個劃分屬性,該關鍵字值也是另外一個數據字典。後面這個數據字典是根據 no surfacing特徵劃分的數據子集,這些關鍵字表明的是各個分支,關鍵字值多是類標籤,也多是另外一個數據字典。若是值是類標籤,則該節點爲葉子節點;若是值是另外一個數據字典,則該節點是一個判斷節點,這種格式不斷重複構成了整棵樹。
### MATPLOTLIBRC FORMAT # This is a sample matplotlib configuration file - you can find a copy # of it on your system in # site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc. If you edit it # there, please note that it will be overwritten in your next install. # If you want to keep a permanent local copy that will not be # overwritten, place it in the following location: # unix/linux: # $HOME/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc or # $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/matplotlib/matplotlibrc (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set) # other platforms: # $HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc # # See http://matplotlib.org/users/customizing.html#the-matplotlibrc-file for # more details on the paths which are checked for the configuration file. # # This file is best viewed in a editor which supports python mode # syntax highlighting. Blank lines, or lines starting with a comment # symbol, are ignored, as are trailing comments. Other lines must # have the format # key : val # optional comment # # Colors: for the color values below, you can either use - a # matplotlib color string, such as r, k, or b - an rgb tuple, such as # (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) - a hex string, such as ff00ff or #ff00ff - a scalar # grayscale intensity such as 0.75 - a legal html color name, e.g., red, # blue, darkslategray #### CONFIGURATION BEGINS HERE # The default backend; one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo GTK3Agg GTK3Cairo # CocoaAgg MacOSX Qt4Agg Qt5Agg TkAgg WX WXAgg Agg Cairo GDK PS PDF SVG # Template. # You can also deploy your own backend outside of matplotlib by # referring to the module name (which must be in the PYTHONPATH) as # 'module://my_backend'. backend : Qt5Agg # If you are using the Qt4Agg backend, you can choose here # to use the PyQt4 bindings or the newer PySide bindings to # the underlying Qt4 toolkit. backend.qt5 : PyQt5 # Note that this can be overridden by the environment variable # QT_API used by Enthought Tool Suite (ETS); valid values are # "pyqt" and "pyside". The "pyqt" setting has the side effect of # forcing the use of Version 2 API for QString and QVariant. # The port to use for the web server in the WebAgg backend. # webagg.port : 8888 # If webagg.port is unavailable, a number of other random ports will # be tried until one that is available is found. # webagg.port_retries : 50 # When True, open the webbrowser to the plot that is shown # webagg.open_in_browser : True # When True, the figures rendered in the nbagg backend are created with # a transparent background. # nbagg.transparent : True # if you are running pyplot inside a GUI and your backend choice # conflicts, we will automatically try to find a compatible one for # you if backend_fallback is True #backend_fallback: True #interactive : False #toolbar : toolbar2 # None | toolbar2 ("classic" is deprecated) #timezone : UTC # a pytz timezone string, e.g., US/Central or Europe/Paris # Where your matplotlib data lives if you installed to a non-default # location. This is where the matplotlib fonts, bitmaps, etc reside #datapath : /home/jdhunter/mpldata ### LINES # See http://matplotlib.org/api/artist_api.html#module-matplotlib.lines for more # information on line properties. #lines.linewidth : 1.0 # line width in points #lines.linestyle : - # solid line #lines.color : blue # has no affect on plot(); see axes.prop_cycle #lines.marker : None # the default marker #lines.markeredgewidth : 0.5 # the line width around the marker symbol #lines.markersize : 6 # markersize, in points #lines.dash_joinstyle : miter # miter|round|bevel #lines.dash_capstyle : butt # butt|round|projecting #lines.solid_joinstyle : miter # miter|round|bevel #lines.solid_capstyle : projecting # butt|round|projecting #lines.antialiased : True # render lines in antialiased (no jaggies) #markers.fillstyle: full # full|left|right|bottom|top|none ### PATCHES # Patches are graphical objects that fill 2D space, like polygons or # circles. See # http://matplotlib.org/api/artist_api.html#module-matplotlib.patches # information on patch properties #patch.linewidth : 1.0 # edge width in points #patch.facecolor : blue #patch.edgecolor : black #patch.antialiased : True # render patches in antialiased (no jaggies) ### FONT # # font properties used by text.Text. See # http://matplotlib.org/api/font_manager_api.html for more # information on font properties. The 6 font properties used for font # matching are given below with their default values. # # The font.family property has five values: 'serif' (e.g., Times), # 'sans-serif' (e.g., Helvetica), 'cursive' (e.g., Zapf-Chancery), # 'fantasy' (e.g., Western), and 'monospace' (e.g., Courier). Each of # these font families has a default list of font names in decreasing # order of priority associated with them. When text.usetex is False, # font.family may also be one or more concrete font names. # # The font.style property has three values: normal (or roman), italic # or oblique. The oblique style will be used for italic, if it is not # present. # # The font.variant property has two values: normal or small-caps. For # TrueType fonts, which are scalable fonts, small-caps is equivalent # to using a font size of 'smaller', or about 83% of the current font # size. # # The font.weight property has effectively 13 values: normal, bold, # bolder, lighter, 100, 200, 300, ..., 900. Normal is the same as # 400, and bold is 700. bolder and lighter are relative values with # respect to the current weight. # # The font.stretch property has 11 values: ultra-condensed, # extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, normal, semi-expanded, # expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded, wider, and narrower. This # property is not currently implemented. # # The font.size property is the default font size for text, given in pts. # 12pt is the standard value. # font.family : sans-serif #font.style : normal #font.variant : normal #font.weight : medium #font.stretch : normal # note that font.size controls default text sizes. To configure # special text sizes tick labels, axes, labels, title, etc, see the rc # settings for axes and ticks. Special text sizes can be defined # relative to font.size, using the following values: xx-small, x-small, # small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, larger, or smaller #font.size : 12.0 #font.serif : Bitstream Vera Serif, New Century Schoolbook, Century Schoolbook L, Utopia, ITC Bookman, Bookman, Nimbus Roman No9 L, Times New Roman, Times, Palatino, Charter, serif font.sans-serif : SimHei, Bitstream Vera Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, Lucid, Arial, Helvetica, Avant Garde, sans-serif #font.cursive : Apple Chancery, Textile, Zapf Chancery, Sand, Script MT, Felipa, cursive #font.fantasy : Comic Sans MS, Chicago, Charcoal, Impact, Western, Humor Sans, fantasy #font.monospace : Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Andale Mono, Nimbus Mono L, Courier New, Courier, Fixed, Terminal, monospace ### TEXT # text properties used by text.Text. See # http://matplotlib.org/api/artist_api.html#module-matplotlib.text for more # information on text properties #text.color : black ### LaTeX customizations. See http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/UsingTex #text.usetex : False # use latex for all text handling. The following fonts # are supported through the usual rc parameter settings: # new century schoolbook, bookman, times, palatino, # zapf chancery, charter, serif, sans-serif, helvetica, # avant garde, courier, monospace, computer modern roman, # computer modern sans serif, computer modern typewriter # If another font is desired which can loaded using the # LaTeX \usepackage command, please inquire at the # matplotlib mailing list #text.latex.unicode : False # use "ucs" and "inputenc" LaTeX packages for handling # unicode strings. #text.latex.preamble : # IMPROPER USE OF THIS FEATURE WILL LEAD TO LATEX FAILURES # AND IS THEREFORE UNSUPPORTED. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR HELP # IF THIS FEATURE DOES NOT DO WHAT YOU EXPECT IT TO. # preamble is a comma separated list of LaTeX statements # that are included in the LaTeX document preamble. # An example: # text.latex.preamble : \usepackage{bm},\usepackage{euler} # The following packages are always loaded with usetex, so # beware of package collisions: color, geometry, graphicx, # type1cm, textcomp. Adobe Postscript (PSSNFS) font packages # may also be loaded, depending on your font settings #text.dvipnghack : None # some versions of dvipng don't handle alpha # channel properly. Use True to correct # and flush ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache # before testing and False to force # correction off. None will try and # guess based on your dvipng version #text.hinting : auto # May be one of the following: # 'none': Perform no hinting # 'auto': Use freetype's autohinter # 'native': Use the hinting information in the # font file, if available, and if your # freetype library supports it # 'either': Use the native hinting information, # or the autohinter if none is available. # For backward compatibility, this value may also be # True === 'auto' or False === 'none'. #text.hinting_factor : 8 # Specifies the amount of softness for hinting in the # horizontal direction. A value of 1 will hint to full # pixels. A value of 2 will hint to half pixels etc. #text.antialiased : True # If True (default), the text will be antialiased. # This only affects the Agg backend. # The following settings allow you to select the fonts in math mode. # They map from a TeX font name to a fontconfig font pattern. # These settings are only used if mathtext.fontset is 'custom'. # Note that this "custom" mode is unsupported and may go away in the # future. #mathtext.cal : cursive #mathtext.rm : serif #mathtext.tt : monospace #mathtext.it : serif:italic #mathtext.bf : serif:bold #mathtext.sf : sans #mathtext.fontset : cm # Should be 'cm' (Computer Modern), 'stix', # 'stixsans' or 'custom' #mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern # fonts when a symbol can not be found in one of # the custom math fonts. #mathtext.default : it # The default font to use for math. # Can be any of the LaTeX font names, including # the special name "regular" for the same font # used in regular text. ### AXES # default face and edge color, default tick sizes, # default fontsizes for ticklabels, and so on. See # http://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html#module-matplotlib.axes #axes.hold : True # whether to clear the axes by default on #axes.facecolor : white # axes background color #axes.edgecolor : black # axes edge color #axes.linewidth : 1.0 # edge linewidth #axes.grid : False # display grid or not #axes.titlesize : large # fontsize of the axes title #axes.labelsize : medium # fontsize of the x any y labels #axes.labelpad : 5.0 # space between label and axis #axes.labelweight : normal # weight of the x and y labels #axes.labelcolor : black #axes.axisbelow : False # whether axis gridlines and ticks are below # the axes elements (lines, text, etc) #axes.formatter.limits : -7, 7 # use scientific notation if log10 # of the axis range is smaller than the # first or larger than the second #axes.formatter.use_locale : False # When True, format tick labels # according to the user's locale. # For example, use ',' as a decimal # separator in the fr_FR locale. #axes.formatter.use_mathtext : False # When True, use mathtext for scientific # notation. #axes.formatter.useoffset : True # If True, the tick label formatter # will default to labeling ticks relative # to an offset when the data range is very # small compared to the minimum absolute # value of the data. #axes.unicode_minus : True # use unicode for the minus symbol # rather than hyphen. See # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plus_and_minus_signs#Character_codes #axes.prop_cycle : cycler('color', 'bgrcmyk') # color cycle for plot lines # as list of string colorspecs: # single letter, long name, or # web-style hex #axes.xmargin : 0 # x margin. See `axes.Axes.margins` #axes.ymargin : 0 # y margin See `axes.Axes.margins` #polaraxes.grid : True # display grid on polar axes #axes3d.grid : True # display grid on 3d axes ### TICKS # see http://matplotlib.org/api/axis_api.html#matplotlib.axis.Tick #xtick.major.size : 4 # major tick size in points #xtick.minor.size : 2 # minor tick size in points #xtick.major.width : 0.5 # major tick width in points #xtick.minor.width : 0.5 # minor tick width in points #xtick.major.pad : 4 # distance to major tick label in points #xtick.minor.pad : 4 # distance to the minor tick label in points #xtick.color : k # color of the tick labels #xtick.labelsize : medium # fontsize of the tick labels #xtick.direction : in # direction: in, out, or inout #ytick.major.size : 4 # major tick size in points #ytick.minor.size : 2 # minor tick size in points #ytick.major.width : 0.5 # major tick width in points #ytick.minor.width : 0.5 # minor tick width in points #ytick.major.pad : 4 # distance to major tick label in points #ytick.minor.pad : 4 # distance to the minor tick label in points #ytick.color : k # color of the tick labels #ytick.labelsize : medium # fontsize of the tick labels #ytick.direction : in # direction: in, out, or inout ### GRIDS #grid.color : black # grid color #grid.linestyle : : # dotted #grid.linewidth : 0.5 # in points #grid.alpha : 1.0 # transparency, between 0.0 and 1.0 ### Legend #legend.fancybox : False # if True, use a rounded box for the # legend, else a rectangle #legend.isaxes : True #legend.numpoints : 2 # the number of points in the legend line #legend.fontsize : large #legend.borderpad : 0.5 # border whitespace in fontsize units #legend.markerscale : 1.0 # the relative size of legend markers vs. original # the following dimensions are in axes coords #legend.labelspacing : 0.5 # the vertical space between the legend entries in fraction of fontsize #legend.handlelength : 2. # the length of the legend lines in fraction of fontsize #legend.handleheight : 0.7 # the height of the legend handle in fraction of fontsize #legend.handletextpad : 0.8 # the space between the legend line and legend text in fraction of fontsize #legend.borderaxespad : 0.5 # the border between the axes and legend edge in fraction of fontsize #legend.columnspacing : 2. # the border between the axes and legend edge in fraction of fontsize #legend.shadow : False #legend.frameon : True # whether or not to draw a frame around legend #legend.framealpha : None # opacity of of legend frame #legend.scatterpoints : 3 # number of scatter points ### FIGURE # See http://matplotlib.org/api/figure_api.html#matplotlib.figure.Figure #figure.titlesize : medium # size of the figure title #figure.titleweight : normal # weight of the figure title #figure.figsize : 8, 6 # figure size in inches #figure.dpi : 80 # figure dots per inch #figure.facecolor : 0.75 # figure facecolor; 0.75 is scalar gray #figure.edgecolor : white # figure edgecolor #figure.autolayout : False # When True, automatically adjust subplot # parameters to make the plot fit the figure #figure.max_open_warning : 20 # The maximum number of figures to open through # the pyplot interface before emitting a warning. # If less than one this feature is disabled. # The figure subplot parameters. All dimensions are a fraction of the # figure width or height #figure.subplot.left : 0.125 # the left side of the subplots of the figure #figure.subplot.right : 0.9 # the right side of the subplots of the figure #figure.subplot.bottom : 0.1 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure #figure.subplot.top : 0.9 # the top of the subplots of the figure #figure.subplot.wspace : 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots #figure.subplot.hspace : 0.2 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots ### IMAGES #image.aspect : equal # equal | auto | a number #image.interpolation : bilinear # see help(imshow) for options #image.cmap : jet # gray | jet etc... #image.lut : 256 # the size of the colormap lookup table #image.origin : upper # lower | upper #image.resample : False #image.composite_image : True # When True, all the images on a set of axes are # combined into a single composite image before # saving a figure as a vector graphics file, # such as a PDF. ### CONTOUR PLOTS #contour.negative_linestyle : dashed # dashed | solid #contour.corner_mask : True # True | False | legacy ### ERRORBAR PLOTS #errorbar.capsize : 3 # length of end cap on error bars in pixels ### Agg rendering ### Warning: experimental, 2008/10/10 #agg.path.chunksize : 0 # 0 to disable; values in the range # 10000 to 100000 can improve speed slightly # and prevent an Agg rendering failure # when plotting very large data sets, # especially if they are very gappy. # It may cause minor artifacts, though. # A value of 20000 is probably a good # starting point. ### SAVING FIGURES #path.simplify : True # When True, simplify paths by removing "invisible" # points to reduce file size and increase rendering # speed #path.simplify_threshold : 0.1 # The threshold of similarity below which # vertices will be removed in the simplification # process #path.snap : True # When True, rectilinear axis-aligned paths will be snapped to # the nearest pixel when certain criteria are met. When False, # paths will never be snapped. #path.sketch : None # May be none, or a 3-tuple of the form (scale, length, # randomness). # *scale* is the amplitude of the wiggle # perpendicular to the line (in pixels). *length* # is the length of the wiggle along the line (in # pixels). *randomness* is the factor by which # the length is randomly scaled. # the default savefig params can be different from the display params # e.g., you may want a higher resolution, or to make the figure # background white #savefig.dpi : 100 # figure dots per inch #savefig.facecolor : white # figure facecolor when saving #savefig.edgecolor : white # figure edgecolor when saving #savefig.format : png # png, ps, pdf, svg #savefig.bbox : standard # 'tight' or 'standard'. # 'tight' is incompatible with pipe-based animation # backends but will workd with temporary file based ones: # e.g. setting animation.writer to ffmpeg will not work, # use ffmpeg_file instead #savefig.pad_inches : 0.1 # Padding to be used when bbox is set to 'tight' #savefig.jpeg_quality: 95 # when a jpeg is saved, the default quality parameter. #savefig.directory : ~ # default directory in savefig dialog box, # leave empty to always use current working directory #savefig.transparent : False # setting that controls whether figures are saved with a # transparent background by default # tk backend params #tk.window_focus : False # Maintain shell focus for TkAgg # ps backend params #ps.papersize : letter # auto, letter, legal, ledger, A0-A10, B0-B10 #ps.useafm : False # use of afm fonts, results in small files #ps.usedistiller : False # can be: None, ghostscript or xpdf # Experimental: may produce smaller files. # xpdf intended for production of publication quality files, # but requires ghostscript, xpdf and ps2eps #ps.distiller.res : 6000 # dpi #ps.fonttype : 3 # Output Type 3 (Type3) or Type 42 (TrueType) # pdf backend params #pdf.compression : 6 # integer from 0 to 9 # 0 disables compression (good for debugging) #pdf.fonttype : 3 # Output Type 3 (Type3) or Type 42 (TrueType) # svg backend params #svg.image_inline : True # write raster image data directly into the svg file #svg.image_noscale : False # suppress scaling of raster data embedded in SVG #svg.fonttype : 'path' # How to handle SVG fonts: # 'none': Assume fonts are installed on the machine where the SVG will be viewed. # 'path': Embed characters as paths -- supported by most SVG renderers # 'svgfont': Embed characters as SVG fonts -- supported only by Chrome, # Opera and Safari # docstring params #docstring.hardcopy = False # set this when you want to generate hardcopy docstring # Set the verbose flags. This controls how much information # matplotlib gives you at runtime and where it goes. The verbosity # levels are: silent, helpful, debug, debug-annoying. Any level is # inclusive of all the levels below it. If your setting is "debug", # you'll get all the debug and helpful messages. When submitting # problems to the mailing-list, please set verbose to "helpful" or "debug" # and paste the output into your report. # # The "fileo" gives the destination for any calls to verbose.report. # These objects can a filename, or a filehandle like sys.stdout. # # You can override the rc default verbosity from the command line by # giving the flags --verbose-LEVEL where LEVEL is one of the legal # levels, e.g., --verbose-helpful. # # You can access the verbose instance in your code # from matplotlib import verbose. #verbose.level : silent # one of silent, helpful, debug, debug-annoying #verbose.fileo : sys.stdout # a log filename, sys.stdout or sys.stderr # Event keys to interact with figures/plots via keyboard. # Customize these settings according to your needs. # Leave the field(s) empty if you don't need a key-map. (i.e., fullscreen : '') #keymap.fullscreen : f # toggling #keymap.home : h, r, home # home or reset mnemonic #keymap.back : left, c, backspace # forward / backward keys to enable #keymap.forward : right, v # left handed quick navigation #keymap.pan : p # pan mnemonic #keymap.zoom : o # zoom mnemonic #keymap.save : s # saving current figure #keymap.quit : ctrl+w, cmd+w # close the current figure #keymap.grid : g # switching on/off a grid in current axes #keymap.yscale : l # toggle scaling of y-axes ('log'/'linear') #keymap.xscale : L, k # toggle scaling of x-axes ('log'/'linear') #keymap.all_axes : a # enable all axes # Control location of examples data files #examples.directory : '' # directory to look in for custom installation ###ANIMATION settings #animation.html : 'none' # How to display the animation as HTML in # the IPython notebook. 'html5' uses # HTML5 video tag. #animation.writer : ffmpeg # MovieWriter 'backend' to use #animation.codec : mpeg4 # Codec to use for writing movie #animation.bitrate: -1 # Controls size/quality tradeoff for movie. # -1 implies let utility auto-determine #animation.frame_format: 'png' # Controls frame format used by temp files #animation.ffmpeg_path: 'ffmpeg' # Path to ffmpeg binary. Without full path # $PATH is searched #animation.ffmpeg_args: '' # Additional arguments to pass to ffmpeg #animation.avconv_path: 'avconv' # Path to avconv binary. Without full path # $PATH is searched #animation.avconv_args: '' # Additional arguments to pass to avconv #animation.mencoder_path: 'mencoder' # Path to mencoder binary. Without full path # $PATH is searched #animation.mencoder_args: '' # Additional arguments to pass to mencoder #animation.convert_path: 'convert' # Path to ImageMagick's convert binary. # On Windows use the full path since convert # is also the name of a system tool.
# coding:utf-8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt decisionNode = dict(boxstyle="sawtooth", fc='0.8') # 決策節點描述 leafNode = dict(boxstyle='round4', fc='0.8') # 葉子節點描述 arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="<-") # 箭頭描述 # 繪製節點四個參數: 節點描述,節點中心座標, 父節點中心座標, 節點類型 def plotNode(nodeTxt, centerPt, parentPt, nodeType): createPlot.ax1.annotate(nodeTxt, xy=parentPt, xycoords='axes fraction',xytext=centerPt, textcoords='axes fraction', va="center", ha="center", bbox=nodeType, arrowprops=arrow_args) def createPlot(): fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white') # 建立一個新圖像 fig.clf() # 清空繪圖區 createPlot.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False) plotNode(u'決策節點', (0.5, 0.1), (0.1, 0.5), decisionNode) plotNode(u'葉節點', (0.8, 0.1), (0.3, 0.8), leafNode) plt.show() createPlot()
# 2.1. 統計葉子節點數 def getNumLeafs(myTree): numLeafs = 0 firstStr = myTree.keys()[0] secondDict = myTree[firstStr] # 若是子節value是字典型則該節點是決策節點,不然是葉子節點 for key in secondDict.keys(): if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict': numLeafs += getNumLeafs(secondDict[key]) else: numLeafs += 1 return numLeafs # 2.2. 統計數的深度 def getTreeDepth(myTree): maxDepth = 0 firstStr = myTree.keys()[0] secondDict = myTree[firstStr] # 若是子節value是字典型則該節點是決策節點,不然是葉子節點 for key in secondDict.keys(): if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict': thisDepth = 1 + getTreeDepth(secondDict[key]) else: thisDepth = 1 if thisDepth > maxDepth: maxDepth = thisDepth return maxDepth
def retrieveTree(i): listOfTree = [{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}}, {'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: {'head': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}, 1: 'no'}}}} ] return listOfTree[i] myTree = retrieveTree(1) print getNumLeafs(myTree) # 輸出4 print getTreeDepth(myTree) # 輸出3
# 4. 繪製一棵樹 def plotTree(myTree, parentPt, nodeTxt): numLeafs = getNumLeafs(myTree) getTreeDepth(myTree) firstStr = myTree.keys()[0] cntrPt = (plotTree.xOff + (1.0 + float(numLeafs))/2.0/plotTree.totalW, plotTree.yOff) plotMidText(cntrPt, parentPt, nodeTxt) plotNode(firstStr, cntrPt, parentPt, decisionNode) secondDict = myTree[firstStr] plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff - 1.0/plotTree.totalD for key in secondDict.keys(): if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict': plotTree(secondDict[key],cntrPt,str(key)) else: plotTree.xOff = plotTree.xOff + 1.0/plotTree.totalW plotNode(secondDict[key], (plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, leafNode) plotMidText((plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, str(key)) plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff + 1.0/plotTree.totalD # 5. 建立畫板 def createPlot(inTree): fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white') fig.clf() axprops = dict(xticks=[], yticks=[]) createPlot.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False, **axprops) plotTree.totalW = float(getNumLeafs(inTree)) # 設置繪圖板寬度 plotTree.totalD = float(getTreeDepth(inTree)) # 設置繪圖板高度 plotTree.xOff = -0.5/plotTree.totalW; plotTree.yOff = 1.0; plotTree(inTree, (0.5,1.0), '') plt.show()
myTree = retrieveTree(0)
# 6. 使用決策樹的分類函數 def classify(inputTree, featLabels, testVec): firstStr = inputTree.keys()[0] # 得到父節點分裂屬性 secondDict = inputTree[firstStr] # 得到子集 featIndex = featLabels.index(firstStr) # 分裂屬性在屬性列表中序號 # 對於每一個子節點,若是是葉子節點返回分類結果,若是是決策節點,遞歸調用分類器 for key in secondDict.keys(): if testVec[featIndex] == key: if type(secondDict[key]).__name__=='dict': classLabel = classify(secondDict[key], featLabels, testVec) else: classLabel = secondDict[key] return classLabel myData, feature = createDataSet() # 得到訓練樣本 print feature myTree = createTree(myData, feature) # 得到決策樹模型模型 print myTree predict = classify(myTree, feature, [1, 0]) # 預測 print predict
# 7.1 保存模型 def storeTree(inputTree, filename): import pickle fw = open(filename, 'w') # 打開或新建文本文件 pickle.dump(inputTree, fw) # 保存 fw.close() # 7.2 加載模型 def grabTree(filename): import pickle fr = open(filename) return pickle.load(fr)
Example: using decision trees to predict contact lens type 1. Collect: Text file provided. 2. Prepare: Parse tab-delimited lines. 3. Analyze: Quickly review data visually to make sure it was parsed properly. The final tree will be plotted with createPlot(). 4. Train: Use createTree() from section 3.1. 5. Test: Write a function to descend the tree for a given instance. 6. Use: Persist the tree data structure so it can be recalled without building the tree; then use it in any application.
# 8. 使用決策樹預測隱形眼鏡類型 import treePlotter fr = open('lenses.txt') lenses = [inst.strip().split('\t') for inst in fr.readlines()] lensesFeatures = ['age', 'prescript', 'astigmatic', 'tearRate'] lensesTree = createTree(lenses, lensesFeatures) treePlotter.createPlot(lensesTree)