graph LR A[start_kernel] -->B(rest_init) B --> C(kernel_init) C --> D[try_to_run_init_process]
994 if (execute_command) { 995 ret = run_init_process(execute_command); 996 if (!ret) 997 return 0; 998 panic("Requested init %s failed (error %d).", 999 execute_command, ret); 1000 } 1001 if (!try_to_run_init_process("/sbin/init") || 1002 !try_to_run_init_process("/etc/init") || 1003 !try_to_run_init_process("/bin/init") || 1004 !try_to_run_init_process("/bin/sh")) 1005 return 0; 1006 1007 panic("No working init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. " 1008 "See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance.");
define Package/procd/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin $(1)/etc $(1)/lib/functions $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/{init,procd,askfirst,udevtrigger} $(1)/sbin/ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ $(1)/lib $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/reload_config $(1)/sbin/ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/hotplug*.json $(1)/etc/ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/ $(1)/lib/functions/ endef
56 IF(DISABLE_INIT) 57 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DDISABLE_INIT) 58 ELSE() 59 ADD_EXECUTABLE(init initd/init.c initd/early.c initd/preinit.c initd/mkdev.c watchdog.c 60 utils/utils.c ${SOURCES_ZRAM}) 61 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(init ${LIBS}) 62 INSTALL(TARGETS init 63 RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR} 64 ) 65 66 ADD_EXECUTABLE(udevtrigger plug/udevtrigger.c) 67 INSTALL(TARGETS udevtrigger 68 RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR} 69 ) 70 ENDIF()
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pid_t pid; ulog_open(ULOG_KMSG, LOG_DAEMON, "init"); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa_shutdown, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa_shutdown, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa_shutdown, NULL); early(); cmdline(); watchdog_init(1); pid = fork(); if (!pid) { char *kmod[] = { "/sbin/kmodloader", "/etc/modules-boot.d/", NULL }; if (debug < 3) patch_stdio("/dev/null"); execvp(kmod[0], kmod); ERROR("Failed to start kmodloader\n"); exit(-1); } if (pid <= 0) { ERROR("Failed to start kmodloader instance\n"); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < 1200; i++) { if (waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) break; usleep(10 * 1000); watchdog_ping(); } } uloop_init(); preinit(); uloop_run(); return 0; }
int uloop_init(void) { if (uloop_init_pollfd() < 0) return -1; if (waker_init() < 0) { uloop_done(); return -1; } return 0; } static int uloop_init_pollfd(void) { if (poll_fd >= 0) return 0; poll_fd = epoll_create(32); if (poll_fd < 0) return -1; fcntl(poll_fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(poll_fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); return 0; }
static struct uloop_process preinit_proc; static struct uloop_process plugd_proc; void preinit(void) { char *init[] = { "/bin/sh", "/etc/preinit", NULL }; char *plug[] = { "/sbin/procd", "-h", "/etc/hotplug-preinit.json", NULL }; int fd; LOG("- preinit -\n"); plugd_proc.cb = plugd_proc_cb; = fork(); if (! { execvp(plug[0], plug); ERROR("Failed to start plugd\n"); exit(-1); } if ( <= 0) { ERROR("Failed to start new plugd instance\n"); return; } uloop_process_add(&plugd_proc); setenv("PREINIT", "1", 1); fd = creat("/tmp/.preinit", 0600); if (fd < 0) ERROR("Failed to create sentinel file\n"); else close(fd); preinit_proc.cb = spawn_procd; = fork(); if (! { execvp(init[0], init); ERROR("Failed to start preinit\n"); exit(-1); } if ( <= 0) { ERROR("Failed to start new preinit instance\n"); return; } uloop_process_add(&preinit_proc); DEBUG(4, "Launched preinit instance, pid=%d\n", (int); }
- 首先看procd,由於帶有參數*「-h /etc/hotplug-preinit.json」,因此會執行hotplug_run*函數。
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; char *dbglvl = getenv("DBGLVL"); int ulog_channels = ULOG_KMSG; if (dbglvl) { debug = atoi(dbglvl); unsetenv("DBGLVL"); } while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:s:h:S")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': return hotplug_run(optarg); case 's': ubus_socket = optarg; break; case 'd': debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': ulog_channels = ULOG_STDIO; break; default: return usage(argv[0]); } } ulog_open(ulog_channels, LOG_DAEMON, "procd"); setsid(); uloop_init(); procd_signal(); if (getpid() != 1) procd_connect_ubus(); else procd_state_next(); uloop_run(); uloop_done(); return 0; }
void hotplug(char *rules) { struct sockaddr_nl nls; int nlbufsize = 512 * 1024; rule_file = strdup(rules); memset(&nls,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_nl)); nls.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; nls.nl_pid = getpid(); nls.nl_groups = -1; if ((hotplug_fd.fd = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT)) == -1) { ERROR("Failed to open hotplug socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (bind(hotplug_fd.fd, (void *)&nls, sizeof(struct sockaddr_nl))) { ERROR("Failed to bind hotplug socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (setsockopt(hotplug_fd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUFFORCE, &nlbufsize, sizeof(nlbufsize))) ERROR("Failed to resize receive buffer: %s\n", strerror(errno)); json_script_init(&jctx); queue_proc.cb = queue_proc_cb; uloop_fd_add(&hotplug_fd, ULOOP_READ); } int hotplug_run(char *rules) { uloop_init(); hotplug(rules); uloop_run(); return 0; }
- /etc/preinit腳本大體內容以下,先調用另外的shell腳本,獲取函數定義
. /lib/ . /lib/functions/ . /lib/functions/ # 初始化hook鏈 boot_hook_init preinit_essential boot_hook_init preinit_main boot_hook_init failsafe boot_hook_init initramfs # 依次執行/lib/preinit目錄中的腳本,將函數調用添加到hook鏈中 for pi_source_file in /lib/preinit/*; do . $pi_source_file done # 執行preinit_essential註冊的hook鏈的全部函數 boot_run_hook preinit_essential # 執行preinit_main註冊的hook鏈的全部函數 boot_run_hook preinit_main
boot_hook_init() { local hook="${1}_hook" export -n "PI_STACK_LIST=${PI_STACK_LIST:+$PI_STACK_LIST }$hook" export -n "$hook=" }
boot_hook_add preinit_main do_sysinfo_generic
static void spawn_procd(struct uloop_process *proc, int ret) { char *wdt_fd = watchdog_fd(); char *argv[] = { "/sbin/procd", NULL}; struct stat s; char dbg[2]; if ( > 0) kill(, SIGKILL); if (!stat("/tmp/sysupgrade", &s)) while (true) sleep(1); unsetenv("INITRAMFS"); unsetenv("PREINIT"); unlink("/tmp/.preinit"); DEBUG(2, "Exec to real procd now\n"); if (wdt_fd) setenv("WDTFD", wdt_fd, 1); check_dbglvl(); if (debug > 0) { snprintf(dbg, 2, "%d", debug); setenv("DBGLVL", dbg, 1); } //調用procd execvp(argv[0], argv); }
對應的procd log以下,procd state不斷遷移,包括STATE_EARLY,STATE_UBUS,STATE_INIT等。
[ 3.161338@3] init: Console is alive [ 3.173921@3] init: Ping [ 3.184207@3] init: Ping [ 3.192558@1] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 3.194447@3] init: Ping [ 3.196209@1] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 3.204716@3] init: Ping [ 3.206180@3] init: - preinit - [ 3.208671@3] init: Launched preinit instance, pid=1308 [ 3.302967@3] init: Exec to real procd now [ 3.308865@3] procd: - early - [ 3.524654@2] procd: Finished udevtrigger [ 4.024929@2] procd: Coldplug complete [ 4.028061@2] procd: - ubus - [ 4.029198@2] procd: Create service ubus [ 4.030829@2] procd: Create instance ubus::instance1 [ 4.032109@2] procd: Started instance ubus::instance1[1554] [ 4.098895@2] procd: Connected to ubus, id=459ede6c [ 4.099092@2] procd: - init - [ 4.102474@2] procd: Launched new askconsole action, pid=1555 [ 4.104142@2] procd: Launched new askfirst action, pid=1556
case STATE_INIT: LOG("- init -\n"); procd_inittab(); procd_inittab_run("respawn"); procd_inittab_run("askconsole"); procd_inittab_run("askfirst"); procd_inittab_run("sysinit"); static struct init_handler handlers[] = { { .name = "sysinit", .cb = runrc, }, { .name = "shutdown", .cb = runrc, }, { .name = "askfirst", .cb = askfirst, .multi = 1, }, { .name = "askconsole", .cb = askconsole, .multi = 1, }, { .name = "respawn", .cb = rcrespawn, .multi = 1, } };
void procd_inittab_run(const char *handler) { struct init_action *a; list_for_each_entry(a, &actions, list) { if (!strcmp(a->handler->name, handler)) { if (a->handler->multi) { a->handler->cb(a); continue; } a->handler->cb(a); break; } } }
static void runrc(struct init_action *a) { if (!a->argv[1] || !a->argv[2]) { ERROR("valid format is rcS <S|K> <param>\n"); return; } /* proceed even if no init or shutdown scripts run */ if (rcS(a->argv[1], a->argv[2], rcdone)) { printf("---rcdone---\n"); rcdone(NULL); } else { printf("----rcdone error\n"); } }
int rcS(char *pattern, char *param, void (*q_empty)(struct runqueue *)) { runqueue_init(&q); q.empty_cb = q_empty; q.max_running_tasks = 1; return _rc(&q, "/etc/rc.d", pattern, "*", param); }