title: librdkafka 安裝與使用
copyright: true
date: 2019-05-20 08:53:02
categories: 消息隊列
git clone https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka.git ./librdkafka cd ./librdkafka ./configure # Or, to automatically install dependencies using the system's package manager: # ./configure --install-deps # Or, build dependencies from source: # ./configure --install-deps --source-deps-only make sudo make install
librdkafka 中自帶 examples,cpp 目錄下是 C++ 版本的包括兩個 cpp 文件:consumer.cpp 和 producer.cpp,即生產者和消費者。修改其中 brokers
變量和 topic_str
consumer.cpp 文件的第58~63行修改以下(只修改了59行和61行,爲看起來直觀一些多粘了幾行):github
//broker 列表,能夠用逗號隔開,只寫其中一個也能夠,這是線下測試環境 std::string brokers = ",,"; std::string errstr; std::string topic_str="test_mq"; std::vector<std::string> topics; topics.push_back(topic_str);
producer.cpp 文件的第31~34行修改以下(只修改了32行和34行,爲看起來直觀一些多粘了幾行):shell
//broker 列表,能夠用逗號隔開,只寫其中一個也能夠,這是線下測試環境 std::string brokers = ",,"; std::string errstr; std::string topic_str="test_mq";
編譯 consumer.cpp 和 producer.cpp測試
$ cd ~/librdkafka/examples/cpp $ g++ -o consumer consumer.cpp -lrdkafka++ -lrdkafka -lstdc++ -lbaas_c_style_interface -I~/librdkafka/include -L~/librdkafka/lib $ g++ -o producer producer.cpp -lrdkafka++ -lrdkafka -lstdc++ -lbaas_c_style_interface -I~/librdkafka/include -L~/librdkafka/lib
運行 producer 和 consumer (控制檯交互式的程序,須要開兩個窗口)ui
$ cd ~/librdkafka/examples/cpp $ ./producer % Created producer rdkafka#producer-1 hello world % Produced message (11 bytes) $ ./consumer % Created consumer rdkafka#consumer-1 Read msg at offset 7 hello world