CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE up_mid_91100073(V_p_gybh int, -- 員工編號 V_p_gymm varchar2, -- 員工密碼 V_p_czzd varchar2, -- 操做站點 V_p_gnbh int, -- 功能編號 V_p_kzcs varchar2, -- 擴展參數 v_hcsjbh int, v_hcsjlx int, v_ygbhs varchar2, v_tdwbhs varchar2,--分支機構 v_ksrq int, v_jsrq int, RC1 OUT jz_oraoledb.m_refcur, RC2 OUT jz_oraoledb.m_refcur) AS v_count int; p_tdwbhs varchar2(8000); nb_sqlerrm varchar2(2000); BEGIN p_tdwbhs := v_tdwbhs; select count(*) into v_count from t_Yg a, t_dw b where a.dwbh = b.dwbh and a.ygbh = v_p_gybh and lxdh3 = 4; if v_count > 0 then begin select dwbh into p_tdwbhs from t_Yg where ygbh = v_p_gybh; exception when others then p_tdwbhs := ''; end; end if; execute immediate 'truncate table TMP_YYHF_CG_1'; execute immediate 'truncate table TMP_TJJGHZ_4'; --2融客戶回訪 insert into TMP_YYHF_CG_1 (YYB, XKHS, ZT, FLAG) select dwbh, count(distinct khbh), zt, max(clzt) from (select e.jgid dwbh, a.khbh, case when (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) and a.zhhcjg in (57, 58) then 1--完成問卷 when (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) and a.zhhcjg = 72 then 2 --無人接聽 when (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) and a.zhhcjg in (59, 75, 63, 65, 73) then 4 -- 客戶拒絕接聽我司電話 when (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) and a.zhhcjg in (61,84) then 3--無效電話 else 0 ---沒回訪 end zt, case when (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) then 2 else 0 end as clzt from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.shbz='R' and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh -- and (a.clzt = 2 or -- (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1 )) and (v_hcsjbh=-1 or a.hcsjbh=v_hcsjbh) and (charindex(',' || to_char(a.zxygbh) || ',', ',' || to_char(v_ygbhs) || ',') > 0 or v_ygbhs is null) and (charindex(',' || to_char(e.jgid) || ',', ',' || to_char(p_tdwbhs) || ',') > 0 or p_tdwbhs is null)) --where --zt=1 group by dwbh, zt; commit; insert into TMP_TJJGHZ_4 select dwbh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 from t_dw where lxdh3 = 4 and (charindex(',' || to_char(dwbh) || ',', ',' || to_char(p_tdwbhs) || ',') > 0 or p_tdwbhs is null); --融資融券客戶開戶數 merge into TMP_TJJGHZ_4 b using (select count(*) xkhs, jgid from t_kh m where khrq between v_ksrq and v_jsrq and khzt = 0 and khlx = 3 group by jgid) a on (a.jgid = b.yyb) when matched then update set RZRQKHS = a.xkhs; commit; --融資融券開戶回訪任務數 merge into TMP_TJJGHZ_4 m using (select yyb, sum(xkhs) ykhs from TMP_YYHF_CG_1 group by yyb) a on (a.yyb = m.yyb) when matched then update set m.RZRQHFZS = a.ykhs; ---融資融券開戶回訪任務未完成回訪數 merge into TMP_TJJGHZ_4 m using (select yyb, sum(xkhs) xkhwzhfs from TMP_YYHF_CG_1 where flag=0 group by yyb) a on (a.yyb = m.yyb) when matched then update set m.RZRQHFWWCS = a.xkhwzhfs; --融資融券開戶回訪任務已完成回訪數 --融資融券回訪有效數 --融資融券不完整回訪數 --融資融券回訪無效電話數 merge into TMP_TJJGHZ_4 m using (select yyb, sum(xkhs) as RZRQHFWCS,sum(case when zt in(1,2) then xkhs else 0 end) RZRQYXS, sum(case when zt =4 then xkhs else 0 end) RZRQBWZS, sum(case when zt =3 then xkhs else 0 end) RZRQWXDHS from TMP_YYHF_CG_1 where flag =2 group by yyb) a on (a.yyb = m.yyb) when matched then update set m.RZRQYXS = a.RZRQYXS,m.RZRQBWZS=a.RZRQBWZS,m.RZRQHFWCS=a.RZRQHFWCS,m.RZRQWXDHS=a.RZRQWXDHS; commit; OPEN RC1 FOR SELECT 0 AS errorcode, '查詢成功!' AS errormsg FROM DUAL; OPEN RC2 FOR select a.*, (b.dwmc || '(' || to_char(b.dwbh) || ')') as dwmc, (case when a.RZRQKHS = 0 then '0.00%' else to_char(round((a.RZRQHFZS) / (a.RZRQKHS), 2) * 100) || '%' end) rzrqhfblx, (case when a.RZRQHFZS = 0 then '0.00%' else to_char(round((a.RZRQYXS) / a.RZRQHFZS, 2) * 100) || '%' end) rzrqhfyxblx from TMP_TJJGHZ_4 a, t_dw b where a.yyb = b.dwbh order by b.dwbh; exception when others then nb_sqlerrm := sqlerrm; OPEN RC1 FOR SELECT -9110 AS errorcode, '查詢yyb失敗!' || nb_sqlerrm AS errormsg FROM DUAL; END up_mid_91100073;
create or replace procedure up_mid_91100029( -- V_p_gybh int, -- 員工編號 V_p_gymm varchar2, -- 員工密碼 V_p_czzd varchar2, -- 操做站點 V_p_gnbh int, -- 功能編號 V_p_kzcs varchar2, -- 擴展參數 v_qsrq int, jsrq int, v_tjlx int, -- 1 新客戶數 2,新開戶任務數,3--已完成,4未完成,5回訪有效,5不完整數,6無效電話 RC1 OUT jz_oraoledb.m_refcur, RC2 OUT jz_oraoledb.m_refcur) as begin OPEN RC1 FOR SELECT 0 as errorcode, '查詢明細成功!!' as errormsg FROM DUAL; if v_tjlx = 1 then OPEN RC2 FOR select m.khbh, m.khxm, m.jgid dwbh, m.jgmc dwmc, m.khzzh, m.khjl from t_kh m where khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and khzt = 0 and khlx = 3 and rownum < 5; elsif v_tjlx = 2 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63; elsif v_tjlx = 3 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63 and (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1)); elsif v_tjlx = 4 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63 and not (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1)); elsif v_tjlx = 5 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63 and not (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1)); elsif v_tjlx = 6 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63 and not (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1)); elsif v_tjlx = 7 then OPEN RC2 FOR select e.khbh, e.khxm, e.jgid dwbh, e.jgmc dwmc, e.khzzh, e.khjl, r.hcsjbh, x.hcsjmc, f_get_ygxm(a.zxygbh) ygxm from t_hcgl_khmddy a, t_rzrq_hfryk r, t_hcgl_hcsjdy x, t_yg d, t_kh e where a.hcsjbh = r.hcsjbh and khrq between v_qsrq and jsrq and a.khbh = e.khbh and d.ygbh = a.zxygbh and x.hcsjbh = a.hcsjbh and x.hcsjlx = 63 and not (a.clzt = 2 or (a.clzt = 0 and a.kzbs = 1)); end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN OPEN RC1 FOR SELECT -10006 as errorcode, '查詢異常!' as errormsg FROM DUAL; end up_mid_91100029;