To install/update MooseFS from officially supported repository follow the instructions below:app
Add the appropriate key to package manager:
# curl "" > /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-MooseFSurl
Next you need to add the repository entry:
Note: If you want to install moosefs from "current" branch, please replace "stable" with "current" in the following URLs:orm
For EL5 family:server
# curl "" > /etc/yum.repos.d/MooseFS.repo
For EL6 family:rem
# curl "" > /etc/yum.repos.d/MooseFS.repo
For EL7 family:it
# curl "" > /etc/yum.repos.d/MooseFS.repo
After those operations it should be possible to install the packages with following commands:
For Master Server:
# yum install moosefs-master moosefs-cli moosefs-cgi moosefs-cgiserv
For Chunkservers:
# yum install moosefs-chunkserver
For Metaloggers:
# yum install moosefs-metalogger
For Clients:
# yum install moosefs-client
To start process manually:
# mfsmaster start
# mfschunkserver start
For sysv os family - EL5, EL6:
# service moosefs-master start
# service moosefs-chunkserver start
For systemd os family - EL7:
# systemctl start moosefs-master.service
# systemctl start moosefs-chunkserver.service
You can find more details on running the system in MooseFS 2.0.60 User's Manual.
To install 2.0.x the packages from 1.6.x/1.7.x should be uninstalled without removing metadata information. It is strongly advised to backup the metadata before the update.
Once the system is running in version 2.0.x the normal update procedure from package manager should work.