[root@node2 app]# celery -A tasks shell Python 3.6.5 (default, Oct 23 2019, 12:55:54) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.8.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. In [1]: app Out[1]: <Celery tasks at 0x7ff7dddbdc18> In [2]: add.delay(1,2) Out[2]: <AsyncResult: c5cfd00f-8b11-4408-95e2-241f2f3d5521>
[root@node2 app]# celery -A tasks result c5cfd00f-8b11-4408-95e2-241f2f3d5521 3
[root@node2 app]# celery -A tasks purge WARNING: This will remove all tasks from queue: celery. There is no undo for this operation! (to skip this prompt use the -f option) Are you sure you want to delete all tasks (yes/NO)? yes No messages purged from 1 queue
$ celery -A proj purge -Q celery,foo,bar
$ celery -A proj purge -X celeryredis
celery -A tasks inspect activeshell
celery -A tasks inspect scheduledbash
這些是設置了eta或countdown參數時由工做人員保留的任務 。app
$ celery -A tasks inspect revokedui
celery -A tasks inspect query_task task_idthis
celery -A tasks control enable_events/disable_eventsspa
pip install flower
celery -A tasks flower
或者經過指定Broker URL
$ celery flower --broker=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// or $ celery flower --broker=redis://guest:guest@localhost:6379/0
celery -A tasks events