Linux下MySQL Error 1130 不能遠程訪問(轉)

LinuxMySQL Error 1130 不能遠程訪問mysql

內容簡介:遠程鏈接MySQL時老是報出erro 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '211.87.***.***' (111),昨天查了好幾個小時才找到解決方案,以下:……sql

最近作Linux項目用到MySQL數據庫,但是遠程鏈接MySQL時老是報出erro 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '211.87.***.***' (111),昨天查了好幾個小時才找到解決方案,以下:數據庫


1.sudo gedit /etc/


找到bind-address =


修改成bind-address =


2.sudo /etc/init.d/ mysql restartserver


在這種狀況下若是再嘗試遠程鏈接,則會報出ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '211.87.***.***'is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server提示信息,不能遠程鏈接數據庫。it


在MySQL host上按以下命令操做date


mysql -u root -p //進入mysql控制檯select


mysql>use mysql;


mysql>update user set host = '%' where user = 'root'; //這個命令執行錯誤時可略過


mysql>flush privileges;


mysql>select host, user from user; //檢查‘%’ 是否插入到數據庫中


