Transactions are often composed of multiple statements. Atomicity guarantees that each transaction is treated as a single "unit", which either succeeds completely, or fails completely: if any of the statements constituting a transaction fails to complete, the entire transaction fails and the database is left unchanged. An atomic system must guarantee atomicity in each and every situation, including power failures, errors and crashes.編程
Consistency ensures that a transaction can only bring the database from one valid state to another, maintaining database invariants: any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules, including constraints, cascades, triggers, and any combination thereof. This prevents database corruption by an illegal transaction, but does not guarantee that a transaction is correct.併發
:數據庫容許多個併發事務同時對其數據進行讀寫和修改的能力,隔離性能夠防止多個事務併發執行時因爲交叉執行而致使數據的不一致。事務隔離分爲不一樣級別,包括讀未提交(Read uncommitted)、讀提交(read committed)、可重複讀(repeatable read)和串行化(Serializable)。app
Transactions are often executed concurrently (e.g., reading and writing to multiple tables at the same time). Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed sequentially. Isolation is the main goal of concurrency control; depending on the method used, the effects of an incomplete transaction might not even be visible to other transactions.less
Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure (e.g., power outage or crash). This usually means that completed transactions (or their effects) are recorded in non-volatile memory.
The following examples further illustrate the ACID properties. In these examples, the database table has two columns, A and B. An integrity constraint requires that the value in A and the value in B must sum to 100. The following SQL code creates a table as described above:
Atomicity failure
Say our Logical transaction consists of transferring funds from account A to account B. This Logical transaction may be composed of several Physical transactions consisting of first removing the amount from account A as a first Physical transaction and then, as a second transaction, depositing said amount in account B. We would not want to see the amount removed from account A before we are sure it has been transferred into account B. Then, unless and until both transactions have happened and the amount has been transferred to account B, the transfer has not, to the effects of the database, occurred.
Consistency failure
Consistency is a very general term, which demands that the data must meet all validation rules. In the previous example, the validation is a requirement that A + B = 100. All validation rules must be checked to ensure consistency. Assume that a transaction attempts to subtract 10 from A without altering B. Because consistency is checked after each transaction, it is known that A + B = 100 before the transaction begins. If the transaction removes 10 from A successfully, atomicity will be achieved. However, a validation check will show that A + B = 90, which is inconsistent with the rules of the database. The entire transaction must be cancelled and the affected rows rolled back to their pre-transaction state. If there had been other constraints, triggers, or cascades, every single change operation would have been checked in the same way as above before the transaction was committed. Similar issues may arise with other constraints. We may have required the data types of both A,B to be integers. If we were then to enter, say, the value 13.5 for A, the transaction will be cancelled, or the system may give rise to an alert in the form of a trigger (if/when the trigger has been written to this effect). Another example would be with integrity constraints, which would not allow us to delete a row in one table whose Primary key is referred to by at least one foreign key in other tables.
Isolation failure
To demonstrate isolation, we assume two transactions execute at the same time, each attempting to modify the same data. One of the two must wait until the other completes in order to maintain isolation.
Consider two transactions. T1 transfers 10 from A to B. T2 transfers 10 from B to A. Combined, there are four actions:
T1 subtracts 10 from A. T1 adds 10 to B. T2 subtracts 10 from B. T2 adds 10 to A.If these operations are performed in order, isolation is maintained, although T2 must wait. Consider what happens if T1 fails halfway through. The database eliminates T1's effects, and T2 sees only valid data.
By interleaving the transactions, the actual order of actions might be:
T1 subtracts 10 from A. T2 subtracts 10 from B. T2 adds 10 to A. T1 adds 10 to B.Again, consider what happens if T1 fails while modifying B (step 4). By the time T1 fails, T2 has already modified A; it cannot be restored to the value it had before T1 without leaving an invalid database. This is known as a write-write failure,[citation needed] because two transactions attempted to write to the same data field. In a typical system, the problem would be resolved by reverting to the last known good state, canceling the failed transaction T1, and restarting the interrupted transaction T2 from the good state.
Durability failure
Consider a transaction that transfers 10 from A to B. First it removes 10 from A, then it adds 10 to B. At this point, the user is told the transaction was a success, however the changes are still queued in the
disk buffer
waiting to be committed to disk. Power fails and the changes are lost. The user assumes (understandably) that the changes persist.
所謂事務超時,就是指一個事務所容許執行的最長時間,若是超過該時間限制但事務尚未完成,則自動回滾事務。在 TransactionDefinition 中以 int 的值來表示超時時間,其單位是秒。默認設置爲底層事務系統的超時值,若是底層數據庫事務系統沒有設置超時值,那麼就是none,沒有超時限制。
package org.springframework.transaction; import java.sql.Connection; public interface TransactionDefinition { int PROPAGATION_REQUIRED = 0; int PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS = 1; int PROPAGATION_MANDATORY = 2; int PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW = 3; int PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4; int PROPAGATION_NEVER = 5; int PROPAGATION_NESTED = 6; int ISOLATION_DEFAULT = -1; int ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; int ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; int ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ = Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; int ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; int TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = -1; int getPropagationBehavior(); int getIsolationLevel(); int getTimeout(); boolean isReadOnly(); String getName(); }
隔離級別是指若干個併發的事務之間的隔離程度。TransactionDefinition 接口中定義了五個表示隔離級別的常量:
屬性 | 類型 | 描述 |
value | String | 可選的限定描述符,指定使用的事務管理器 |
propagation | enum: Propagation | 可選的事務傳播行爲設置 |
isolation | enum: Isolation | 可選的事務隔離級別設置 |
readOnly | boolean | 讀寫或只讀事務,默認讀寫 |
timeout | int (in seconds granularity) | 事務超時時間設置 |
rollbackFor | Class對象數組,必須繼承自Throwable | 致使事務回滾的異常類數組 |
rollbackForClassName | 類名數組,必須繼承自Throwable | 致使事務回滾的異常類名字數組 |
noRollbackFor | Class對象數組,必須繼承自Throwable | 不會致使事務回滾的異常類數組 |
noRollbackForClassName | 類名數組,必須繼承自Throwable | 不會致使事務回滾的異常類名字數組 |
@Transactional 能夠做用於接口、接口方法、類以及類方法上。看成用於類上時,該類的全部 public 方法將都具備該類型的事務屬性,同時,咱們也能夠在方法級別使用該標註來覆蓋類級別的定義。
雖然 @Transactional 註解能夠做用於接口、接口方法、類以及類方法上,可是 Spring 建議不要在接口或者接口方法上使用該註解,由於這隻有在使用基於接口的代理時它纔會生效。另外, @Transactional 註解應該只被應用到 public 方法上,這是由 Spring AOP 的本質決定的。若是你在 protected、private 或者默承認見性的方法上使用 @Transactional 註解,這將被忽略,也不會拋出任何異常。
ANSI/ISO SQL 92標準涉及三種不一樣的一個事務讀取另一個事務可能修改的數據的「讀現象」。
下面的例子中,兩個事務,事務1執行語句1。接着,事務2執行語句2而且提交,最後事務1再執行語句1. 查詢使用以下的數據表。
id | name | age |
1 | Joe | 20 |
2 | Jill | 25 |
髒讀和不可重複讀(non-repeatable reads)相似。事務2沒有提交形成事務1的語句1兩次執行獲得不一樣的結果集。在未提交讀隔離級別惟一禁止的是更新混亂,即早期的更新可能出如今後來更新以前的結果集中。
事務 1 | 事務 2 |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT age FROM users WHERE id = 1; /* will read 20 */ |
/* Query 2 */ UPDATE users SET age = 21 WHERE id = 1; /* No commit here */ |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT age FROM users WHERE id = 1; /* will read 21 */ |
ROLLBACK; /* lock-based DIRTY READ */ |
Non-repeatable reads are when your transaction reads committed UPDATES from another transaction. The same row now has different values than it did when your transaction began.
在基於鎖的併發控制中「不可重複讀」現象發生在當執行SELECT(SQL)) 操做時沒有得到讀鎖或者SELECT(SQL))操做執行完後立刻釋放了讀鎖; 多版本併發控制中當沒有要求一個提交衝突的事務回滾也會發生「不可重複讀」現象。
事務 1 | 事務 2 |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1; |
/* Query 2 */ UPDATE users SET age = 21 WHERE id = 1; COMMIT; /* in multiversion concurrency control, or lock-based READ COMMITTED */ |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1; COMMIT; /* lock-based REPEATABLE READ */ |
有兩種策略能夠避免不可重複讀。一個是要求事務2延遲到事務1提交或者回滾以後再執行。這種方式實現了T1, T2 的串行化調度。串行化調度能夠支持可重複讀。
另外一種策略是多版本併發控制。爲了獲得更好的併發性能,容許事務2先提交。但由於事務1在事務2以前開始,事務1必須在其開始執行時間點的數據庫的快照上面操做。當事務1最終提交時候,數據庫會檢查其結果是否等價於T1, T2串行調度。若是等價,則容許事務1提交,若是不等價,事務1須要回滾並拋出個串行化失敗的錯誤。
Phantom reads are similar but when reading from committed INSERTS and/or DELETES from another transaction. There are new rows or rows that have disappeared since you began the transaction.
在事務執行過程當中,當兩個徹底相同的查詢語句執行獲得不一樣的結果集。這種現象稱爲「幻影讀(phantom read)」
當事務沒有獲取範圍鎖的狀況下執行SELECT ... WHERE操做可能會發生「幻影讀」。
「幻影讀」是不可重複讀的一種特殊場景:當事務1兩次執行SELECT ... WHERE檢索必定範圍內數據的操做中間,事務2在這個表中建立了(如INSERT)了一行新數據,這條新數據正好知足事務1的「WHERE」子句。
事務 1 | 事務 2 |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT * FROM users WHERE age BETWEEN 10 AND 30; |
/* Query 2 */ INSERT INTO users VALUES ( 3, 'Bob', 27 ); COMMIT; |
/* Query 1 */ SELECT * FROM users WHERE age BETWEEN 10 AND 30; |
須要指出的是事務1執行了兩遍一樣的查詢語句。若是設了最高的隔離級別,兩次會獲得一樣的結果集,這也正是數據庫在可序列化(SERIALIZABLE)隔離級別上須要知足的。可是在較低的隔離級別上,第二次查詢可能會獲得不一樣的結果集。 在可序列化隔離級別,查詢語句1在age從10到30的記錄上加鎖,事務2只能阻塞直至事務1提交。在可重複讀級別,這個範圍不會被鎖定,容許記錄插入,所以第二次執行語句1的結果中會包括新插入的行。
Isolation level | Lost updates | Dirty reads | Non-repeatable reads | Phantoms |
Read Uncommitted | don't occur | may occur | may occur | may occur |
Read Committed | don't occur | don't occur | may occur | may occur |
Repeatable Read | don't occur | don't occur | don't occur | may occur |
Serializable | don't occur | don't occur | don't occur | don't occur |