我在學習Parallax Mapping的時候無心間找到這篇文章,圖文並茂,而且把Bump Mapping系列中的各類技術由簡單到複雜逐一介紹給了讀者。開心之下就決定把它翻譯成中文,以饗後人。算法
雖然說簡單,可是它也不是從零開始的。本文要求讀者具有了理解最基本的Normal Mapping的知識,理解切空間。Normal Mapping的文章網上大把抓,切空間的話能夠讀這篇文章。app
這一課講如何用GLSL和OpenGL實現各類視差映射技術(一樣的技術亦可用DirectX實現)。主要會涵蓋以下幾種技術:視差映射(Parallax Mapping),帶偏移上限的視差映射(Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting),陡峭視差映射(Steep Parallax Mapping),浮雕視差映射(Relief Parallax Mapping)和視差遮蔽映射(Parallax Occlusion Mapping)。另外本文還會介紹如何實如今視差映射中的自陰影(軟陰影)。下面的幾個圖片展現了幾種視差映射技術和簡單光照或者法線映射的效果對比。性能
視差映射技術的主要任務是修改紋理座標,讓平面看起來像是立體的。主要計算都是在Fragment Shader中進行。看看下面的圖片。水平線0.0表示徹底沒有凹陷的深度,水平線1.0表示凹陷的最大深度。實際的幾何體並沒改變,其實一直都在0.0水平線上。圖中的曲線表明了高度圖中存儲的高度數據。.net
// Basic vertex shader for parallax mapping #version 330 // attributes layout(location = 0) in vec3 i_position; // xyz - position layout(location = 1) in vec3 i_normal; // xyz - normal layout(location = 2) in vec2 i_texcoord0; // xy - texture coords layout(location = 3) in vec4 i_tangent; // xyz - tangent, w - handedness // uniforms uniform mat4 u_model_mat; uniform mat4 u_view_mat; uniform mat4 u_proj_mat; uniform mat3 u_normal_mat; uniform vec3 u_light_position; uniform vec3 u_camera_position; // data for fragment shader out vec2 o_texcoords; out vec3 o_toLightInTangentSpace; out vec3 o_toCameraInTangentSpace; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main(void) { // transform to world space vec4 worldPosition = u_model_mat * vec4(i_position, 1); vec3 worldNormal = normalize(u_normal_mat * i_normal); vec3 worldTangent = normalize(u_normal_mat * i_tangent.xyz); // calculate vectors to the camera and to the light vec3 worldDirectionToLight = normalize(u_light_position - worldPosition.xyz); vec3 worldDirectionToCamera = normalize(u_camera_position - worldPosition.xyz); // calculate bitangent from normal and tangent vec3 worldBitangnent = cross(worldNormal, worldTangent) * i_tangent.w; // transform direction to the light to tangent space o_toLightInTangentSpace = vec3( dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldTangent), dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldBitangnent), dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldNormal) ); // transform direction to the camera to tangent space o_toCameraInTangentSpace= vec3( dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldTangent), dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldBitangnent), dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldNormal) ); // pass texture coordinates to fragment shader o_texcoords = i_texcoord0; // calculate screen space position of the vertex gl_Position = u_proj_mat * u_view_mat * worldPosition; }
// basic fragment shader for Parallax Mapping #version 330 // data from vertex shader in vec2 o_texcoords; in vec3 o_toLightInTangentSpace; in vec3 o_toCameraInTangentSpace; // textures layout(location = 0) uniform sampler2D u_diffuseTexture; layout(location = 1) uniform sampler2D u_heightTexture; layout(location = 2) uniform sampler2D u_normalTexture; // color output to the framebuffer out vec4 resultingColor; //////////////////////////////////////// // scale for size of Parallax Mapping effect uniform float parallaxScale; // ~0.1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implements Parallax Mapping technique // Returns modified texture coordinates, and last used depth vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight) { // ... } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implements self-shadowing technique - hard or soft shadows // Returns shadow factor float parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(in vec3 L, in vec2 initialTexCoord, in float initialHeight) { // ... } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculates lighting by Blinn-Phong model and Normal Mapping // Returns color of the fragment vec4 normalMappingLighting(in vec2 T, in vec3 L, in vec3 V, float shadowMultiplier) { // restore normal from normal map vec3 N = normalize(texture(u_normalTexture, T).xyz * 2 - 1); vec3 D = texture(u_diffuseTexture, T).rgb; // ambient lighting float iamb = 0.2; // diffuse lighting float idiff = clamp(dot(N, L), 0, 1); // specular lighting float ispec = 0; if(dot(N, L) > 0.2) { vec3 R = reflect(-L, N); ispec = pow(dot(R, V), 32) / 1.5; } vec4 resColor; resColor.rgb = D * (ambientLighting + (idiff + ispec) * pow(shadowMultiplier, 4)); resColor.a = 1; return resColor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Entry point for Parallax Mapping shader void main(void) { // normalize vectors after vertex shader vec3 V = normalize(o_toCameraInTangentSpace); vec3 L = normalize(o_toLightInTangentSpace); // get new texture coordinates from Parallax Mapping float parallaxHeight; vec2 T = parallaxMapping(V, o_texcoords, parallaxHeight); // get self-shadowing factor for elements of parallax float shadowMultiplier = parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(L, T, parallaxHeight - 0.05); // calculate lighting resultingColor = normalMappingLighting(T, L, V, shadowMultiplier); }
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight) { // get depth for this fragment float initialHeight = texture(u_heightTexture, o_texcoords).r; // calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping vec2 texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z * initialHeight; // calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping With Offset Limiting texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy * initialHeight; // retunr modified texture coordinates return o_texcoords - texCoordOffset; }
陡峭視差映射的工做方式在下面的圖片上舉例。深度被分割成8個層,每層的高度值是0.125。每層的紋理座標偏移是V.xy/V.z * scale/numLayers。從頂層黃色方塊的位置開始檢查,下面是手動計算步驟:
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight) { // determine number of layers from angle between V and N const float minLayers = 5; const float maxLayers = 15; float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V))); // height of each layer float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers; // depth of current layer float currentLayerHeight = 0; // shift of texture coordinates for each iteration vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers; // current texture coordinates vec2 currentTextureCoords = T; // get first depth from heightmap float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; // while point is above surface while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) { // to the next layer currentLayerHeight += layerHeight; // shift texture coordinates along vector V currentTextureCoords -= dtex; // get new depth from heightmap heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; } // return results parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight; return currentTextureCoords; }
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight) { // determine required number of layers const float minLayers = 10; const float maxLayers = 15; float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V))); // height of each layer float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers; // depth of current layer float currentLayerHeight = 0; // shift of texture coordinates for each iteration vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers; // current texture coordinates vec2 currentTextureCoords = T; // depth from heightmap float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; // while point is above surface while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) { // go to the next layer currentLayerHeight += layerHeight; // shift texture coordinates along V currentTextureCoords -= dtex; // new depth from heightmap heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of Relief Parallax Mapping // decrease shift and height of layer by half vec2 deltaTexCoord = dtex / 2; float deltaHeight = layerHeight / 2; // return to the mid point of previous layer currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord; currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight; // binary search to increase precision of Steep Paralax Mapping const int numSearches = 5; for(int i=0; i<numSearches; i++) { // decrease shift and height of layer by half deltaTexCoord /= 2; deltaHeight /= 2; // new depth from heightmap heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; // shift along or agains vector V if(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) // below the surface { currentTextureCoords -= deltaTexCoord; currentLayerHeight += deltaHeight; } else // above the surface { currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord; currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight; } } // return results parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight; return currentTextureCoords; }
nextHeight = H(T3) - currentLayerHeight
prevHeight = H(T2) - (currentLayerHeight - layerHeight)
weight = nextHeight / (nextHeight - prevHeight)
Tp = T(T2) weight + T(T3) (1.0 - weight)
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight) { // determine optimal number of layers const float minLayers = 10; const float maxLayers = 15; float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V))); // height of each layer float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers; // current depth of the layer float curLayerHeight = 0; // shift of texture coordinates for each layer vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers; // current texture coordinates vec2 currentTextureCoords = T; // depth from heightmap float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; // while point is above the surface while(heightFromTexture > curLayerHeight) { // to the next layer curLayerHeight += layerHeight; // shift of texture coordinates currentTextureCoords -= dtex; // new depth from heightmap heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // previous texture coordinates vec2 prevTCoords = currentTextureCoords + texStep; // heights for linear interpolation float nextH = heightFromTexture - curLayerHeight; float prevH = texture(u_heightTexture, prevTCoords).r - curLayerHeight + layerHeight; // proportions for linear interpolation float weight = nextH / (nextH - prevH); // interpolation of texture coordinates vec2 finalTexCoords = prevTCoords * weight + currentTextureCoords * (1.0-weight); // interpolation of depth values parallaxHeight = curLayerHeight + prevH * weight + nextH * (1.0 - weight); // return result return finalTexCoords; }
你能夠經過和陡峭視差映射很接近的算法來肯定一個點是否處於陰影之中。你要向外搜索,而不是向裏。同時紋理座標的偏移應該從點沿着光的方向,而不是沿着攝像機方向。光源向量L應該在切空間中,跟V同樣,它能夠直接被用做偏移紋理座標。自陰影計算的結果是一個陰影係數 - 在[0,1]之間的值。這個數值能夠在後面用來調節漫反射和鏡面反射的光照強度。
要計算硬邊緣的陰影(硬陰影)你要沿着L找到第一個在表面之下的點。若是點在表面之下則陰影係數是0, 不然就是1。好比,在下面的圖片上,高度值H(TL1)小於層的高度值Ha,因此這個點在表面如下,陰影係數是0。若是光向量直到水平面0.0也沒有找到任何點在表面如下,那咱們的片元就應該是在光照中,陰影係數則爲1。陰影的質量極大程度上受到分層數量、scale參數和光向量L和多邊形的法向量N之間的角度的影響。若是設置不恰當,陰影會出現鋸齒或者更糟。
軟陰影會計算沿着光源向量L的多個值,只有在表面如下的點纔會包含進來。半陰影的係數根據當前層深度和當前點高度圖深度之間的差別來得出。你還得把點到片元的舉例計算在內。因此半陰影係數要被乘以(1.0 - stepIndex/numberOfSteps)。要計算最終的陰影係數,你得選出那個最大的半陰影係數。由此獲得計算軟陰影係數的公式:
設置shadow factor爲0,迭代步數爲4。
沿着L向前步進到Ha。Ha小於H(TL1),因此該點在表面之下。計算半陰影係數爲Ha-H(TL1)。這是第一次檢查,總共的檢查次數爲4,計算距離影響,將半陰影係數乘以(1.0 - 1.0/4.0)。保存這個半陰影係數。
沿着L向前步進到Hb。Hb小於H(TL2),因此該點在表面之下。計算半陰影係數爲Hb-H(TL2)。這事第二次檢查,總共的檢查次數爲4,計算距離影響,將半陰影係數乘以(1.0 - 2.0/4.0)。保存這個半陰影係數。
float parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(in vec3 L, in vec2 initialTexCoord, in float initialHeight) { float shadowMultiplier = 1; const float minLayers = 15; const float maxLayers = 30; // calculate lighting only for surface oriented to the light source if(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), L) > 0) { // calculate initial parameters float numSamplesUnderSurface = 0; shadowMultiplier = 0; float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), L))); float layerHeight = initialHeight / numLayers; vec2 texStep = parallaxScale * L.xy / L.z / numLayers; // current parameters float currentLayerHeight = initialHeight - layerHeight; vec2 currentTextureCoords = initialTexCoord + texStep; float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; int stepIndex = 1; // while point is below depth 0.0 ) while(currentLayerHeight > 0) { // if point is under the surface if(heightFromTexture < currentLayerHeight) { // calculate partial shadowing factor numSamplesUnderSurface += 1; float newShadowMultiplier = (currentLayerHeight - heightFromTexture) * (1.0 - stepIndex / numLayers); shadowMultiplier = max(shadowMultiplier, newShadowMultiplier); } // offset to the next layer stepIndex += 1; currentLayerHeight -= layerHeight; currentTextureCoords += texStep; heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r; } // Shadowing factor should be 1 if there were no points under the surface if(numSamplesUnderSurface < 1) { shadowMultiplier = 1; } else { shadowMultiplier = 1.0 - shadowMultiplier; } } return shadowMultiplier; }