? 顯示全部可用鍵列表的幫助對話框 h 向左滾動 j 向下滾動 k 向上滑動 l 向右滾動 gg 滾動到頁面頂部 G 滾動到頁面的底部 d 向下滾動半頁 u 向上滾動半頁 f 在當前標籤中打開一個連接 F 在新標籤中打開連接 r 從新載入 gs 查看源代碼 i 進入插入模式 - 全部的命令將被忽略,直到你按Esc退出 yy 將當前的網址複製到剪貼板 yf 將連接網址複製到剪貼板 gf 定位焦點到下一級框架 gF 定位焦點到頂部框架
o 打開網址,書籤或歷史記錄條目 O 在新標籤中打開網址,書籤,歷史記錄 b 打開書籤 B 在新標籤中打開書籤
/ 進入查找模式。 鍵入您的搜索查詢,而後按Enter鍵搜索,或按Esc鍵取消 n 循環前進到下一個匹配 N 向後循環到先前的匹配
H 上一個歷史(後退) L 下一個歷史(前進)
J, gT 跳到左邊選項卡 K, gt 跳到右邊選項卡 g0 跳到第一個選項卡 g$ 跳到最後一個選項卡 ^ 訪問先前訪問的選項卡 t 建立選項卡 yt 重複當前選項卡 x 關閉當前選項卡 X 恢復 x 命令關閉的選項卡 T 搜索你打開的選項卡 W 將當前選項卡移至新窗口 <a-p> 固定/取消當前選項卡(alt+p)
ma, mA 設置當地標記「a」(全球標記「A」) `a, `A 跳轉到本地標記「a」(全局標記「A」) `` 跳回到前一跳以前的位置。 也就是在以前的gg,g,n,N,或者a以前
]], [[ 下一頁,上一頁(可配置翻頁標記) <a-f> 在新標籤頁中打開某連接 gi 聚焦到輸入框 gu 進入地址欄URL中的上一級 gU 進入地址欄URL中的最頂級 ge 編輯當前的URL gE 編輯當前URL並在新標籤中打開 zH 向左滾動 zL 一路向右滾動 v 進入視覺模式; 使用p/P搜索,使用y複製 V 進入視線模式
將快速連續打開5個選項卡。 <Esc>
(或<c - [>
有一些先進的命令,這裏沒有記錄; 請參閱幫助對話框(輸入」?」)獲取完整列表。
Navigating the current page: ? show the help dialog for a list of all available keys h scroll left j scroll down k scroll up l scroll right gg scroll to top of the page G scroll to bottom of the page d scroll down half a page u scroll up half a page f open a link in the current tab F open a link in a new tab r reload gs view source i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit Esc to exit yy copy the current url to the clipboard yf copy a link url to the clipboard gf cycle forward to the next frame gF focus the main/top frame Navigating to new pages: o Open URL, bookmark, or history entry O Open URL, bookmark, history entry in a new tab b Open bookmark B Open bookmark in a new tab Using find: / enter find mode -- type your search query and hit enter to search, or Esc to cancel n cycle forward to the next find match N cycle backward to the previous find match For advanced usage, see [regular expressions](https://github.com/philc/vimium/wiki/Find-Mode) on the wiki. Navigating your history: H go back in history L go forward in history Manipulating tabs: J, gT go one tab left K, gt go one tab right g0 go to the first tab g$ go to the last tab ^ visit the previously-visited tab t create tab yt duplicate current tab x close current tab X restore closed tab (i.e. unwind the 'x' command) T search through your open tabs W move current tab to new window <a-p> pin/unpin current tab Using marks: ma, mA set local mark "a" (global mark "A") `a, `A jump to local mark "a" (global mark "A") `` jump back to the position before the previous jump -- that is, before the previous gg, G, n, N, / or `a Additional advanced browsing commands: ]], [[ Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>' ('previous' or '<') - helpful for browsing paginated sites <a-f> open multiple links in a new tab gi focus the first (or n-th) text input box on the page gu go up one level in the URL hierarchy gU go up to root of the URL hierarchy ge edit the current URL gE edit the current URL and open in a new tab zH scroll all the way left zL scroll all the way right v enter visual mode; use p/P to paste-and-go, use y to yank V enter visual line mode Vimium supports command repetition so, for example, hitting `5t` will open 5 tabs in rapid succession. `<Esc>` (or `<c-[>`) will clear any partial commands in the queue and will also exit insert and find modes. There are some advanced commands which aren't documented here; refer to the help dialog (type `?`) for a full list.