// 獲取全部的節點數量,並經過計算百分比,獲取本次選舉選擇的節點數量 allNodes := int32(g.cache.NodeTree().NumNodes()) // 肯定要查找node數量 numNodesToFind := g.numFeasibleNodesToFind(allNodes)
func (g *genericScheduler) numFeasibleNodesToFind(numAllNodes int32) (numNodes int32) { // 若是當前節點數量小於minFeasibleNodesToFind即小於100臺node // 同理百分好比果大於100就是全量取樣 // 這兩種狀況都直接遍歷整個集羣中全部節點 if numAllNodes < minFeasibleNodesToFind || g.percentageOfNodesToScore >= 100 { return numAllNodes } adaptivePercentage := g.percentageOfNodesToScore if adaptivePercentage <= 0 { adaptivePercentage = schedulerapi.DefaultPercentageOfNodesToScore - numAllNodes/125 if adaptivePercentage < minFeasibleNodesPercentageToFind { adaptivePercentage = minFeasibleNodesPercentageToFind } } // 正常取樣計算:好比numAllNodes爲5000,而adaptivePercentage爲50% // 則numNodes=50000*0.5/100=250 numNodes = numAllNodes * adaptivePercentage / 100 if numNodes < minFeasibleNodesToFind { // 若是小於最少取樣則按照最少取樣進行取樣 return minFeasibleNodesToFind } return numNodes }
經過filtered來進行預選結果的存儲,經過filteredLen來進行原子保護協做多個取樣goroutine, 並經過predicateMetaProducer和當前的snapshot來進行元數據構建ui
filtered = make([]*v1.Node, numNodesToFind) errs := errors.MessageCountMap{} var ( predicateResultLock sync.Mutex filteredLen int32 ) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) // We can use the same metadata producer for all nodes. meta := g.predicateMetaProducer(pod, g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfoMap)
workqueue.ParallelizeUntil(ctx, 16, int(allNodes), checkNode)
func ParallelizeUntil(ctx context.Context, workers, pieces int, doWorkPiece DoWorkPieceFunc) { var stop <-chan struct{} if ctx != nil { stop = ctx.Done() } // 生成指定數量索引,worker經過索引來進行預選成功節點的存儲 toProcess := make(chan int, pieces) for i := 0; i < pieces; i++ { toProcess <- i } close(toProcess) if pieces < workers { workers = pieces } wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(workers) for i := 0; i < workers; i++ { // 啓動多個goroutine go func() { defer utilruntime.HandleCrash() defer wg.Done() for piece := range toProcess { select { case <-stop: return default: //獲取索引,後續會經過該索引來進行結果的存儲 doWorkPiece(piece) } } }() } // 等待退出 wg.Wait() }
checkNode := func(i int) { // 獲取一個節點 nodeName := g.cache.NodeTree().Next() // 取樣核心流程是經過podFitsOnNode來肯定 fits, failedPredicates, status, err := g.podFitsOnNode( pluginContext, pod, meta, g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfoMap[nodeName], g.predicates, // 傳遞預選算法 g.schedulingQueue, g.alwaysCheckAllPredicates, ) if err != nil { predicateResultLock.Lock() errs[err.Error()]++ predicateResultLock.Unlock() return } if fits { // 若是當前以及查找到的數量大於預選的數量,就退出 length := atomic.AddInt32(&filteredLen, 1) if length > numNodesToFind { cancel() atomic.AddInt32(&filteredLen, -1) } else { filtered[length-1] = g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfoMap[nodeName].Node() } } else { // 進行錯誤狀態的保存 predicateResultLock.Lock() if !status.IsSuccess() { filteredNodesStatuses[nodeName] = status } if len(failedPredicates) != 0 { failedPredicateMap[nodeName] = failedPredicates } predicateResultLock.Unlock() } }
func (g *genericScheduler) podFitsOnNode( pluginContext *framework.PluginContext, pod *v1.Pod, meta predicates.PredicateMetadata, info *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo, predicateFuncs map[string]predicates.FitPredicate, queue internalqueue.SchedulingQueue, alwaysCheckAllPredicates bool, ) (bool, []predicates.PredicateFailureReason, *framework.Status, error) { var failedPredicates []predicates.PredicateFailureReason var status *framework.Status // podsAdded主要用於標識當前是否有提議的pod若是沒有提議的pod則就不須要再進行一輪篩選了 podsAdded := false for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { metaToUse := meta nodeInfoToUse := info if i == 0 { // 首先獲取那些提議的pod進行第一輪篩選, 若是第一輪篩選出錯,則不會進行第二輪篩選 podsAdded, metaToUse, nodeInfoToUse = addNominatedPods(pod, meta, info, queue) } else if !podsAdded || len(failedPredicates) != 0 { // 若是 break } for _, predicateKey := range predicates.Ordering() { var ( fit bool reasons []predicates.PredicateFailureReason err error ) //TODO (yastij) : compute average predicate restrictiveness to export it as Prometheus metric if predicate, exist := predicateFuncs[predicateKey]; exist { // 預選算法計算 fit, reasons, err = predicate(pod, metaToUse, nodeInfoToUse) if err != nil { return false, []predicates.PredicateFailureReason{}, nil, err } if !fit { // eCache is available and valid, and predicates result is unfit, record the fail reasons failedPredicates = append(failedPredicates, reasons...) // if alwaysCheckAllPredicates is false, short circuit all predicates when one predicate fails. if !alwaysCheckAllPredicates { klog.V(5).Infoln("since alwaysCheckAllPredicates has not been set, the predicate " + "evaluation is short circuited and there are chances " + "of other predicates failing as well.") break } } } } status = g.framework.RunFilterPlugins(pluginContext, pod, info.Node().Name) if !status.IsSuccess() && !status.IsUnschedulable() { return false, failedPredicates, status, status.AsError() } } return len(failedPredicates) == 0 && status.IsSuccess(), failedPredicates, status, nil }
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