涉及文件: l1-files.lisp l1-init.lisp 做者: FreeBlues 2013-08-19less
require 使用場景, 使用 quicklisp 安裝好一個模塊後,該模塊實際上並未被自動加載到 lisp 映像中, 因此每次使用該模塊以前, 須要執行 (require 模塊名) 來加載該模塊.函數
provide 使用場景, 自定義模塊時, 須要在該模塊代碼最後一行執行 (provide 模塊名) 來保證該模塊被加載一次後就把模塊名導入到 *module* 列表中.ui
require 用來加載一個模塊到 lisp 映像, 若是它已經被加載過, 則保持原樣, 不會從新加載(看起來跟 load 函數相似, 不過 load 須要輸入文件路徑和文件名, 而 require 則只要提供模塊名就能夠了). 能夠指定加載路徑, HyperSpec 中有以下幾種形式:this
Examples: ;;; This illustrates a nonportable use of REQUIRE, because it ;;; depends on the implementation-dependent file-loading mechanism. (require "CALCULUS") ;;; This use of REQUIRE is nonportable because of the literal ;;; physical pathname. (require "CALCULUS" "/usr/lib/lisp/calculus") ;;; One form of portable usage involves supplying a logical pathname, ;;; with appropriate translations defined elsewhere. (require "CALCULUS" "lib:calculus") ;;; Another form of portable usage involves using a variable or ;;; table lookup function to determine the pathname, which again ;;; must be initialized elsewhere. (require "CALCULUS" *calculus-module-pathname*)
其實, 也能夠這麼寫:atom
(require :CALCULUS)
provide 原來把一個 module 名字加入到 *module* 列表中, 若是已經存在則不加.debug
Emacs 中查看函數源代碼方法: 在 REPL 中輸入 (require ), 而後把光標停在 require 上, 按下 M-. 就能夠打開 require 對應的源代碼.rest
(defun provide (module) "Adds a new module name to *MODULES* indicating that it has been loaded. Module-name is a string designator" (pushnew (string module) *modules* :test #'string=) module) (defparameter *loading-modules* () "Internal. Prevents circularity") (defparameter *module-provider-functions* '(module-provide-search-path) "A list of functions called by REQUIRE to satisfy an unmet dependency. Each function receives a module name as a single argument; if the function knows how to load that module, it should do so, add the module's name as a string to *MODULES* (perhaps by calling PROVIDE) and return non-NIL." ) (defun module-provide-search-path (module) ;; (format *debug-io* "trying module-provide-search-path~%") (let* ((module-name (string module)) (pathname (find-module-pathnames module-name))) (when pathname (if (consp pathname) (dolist (path pathname) (load path)) (load pathname)) (provide module)))) (defun require (module &optional pathname) "Loads a module, unless it already has been loaded. PATHNAMES, if supplied, is a designator for a list of pathnames to be loaded if the module needs to be. If PATHNAMES is not supplied, functions from the list *MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTIONS* are called in order with MODULE-NAME as an argument, until one of them returns non-NIL. User code is responsible for calling PROVIDE to indicate a successful load of the module." (let* ((str (string module)) (original-modules (copy-list *modules*))) (unless (or (member str *modules* :test #'string=) (member str *loading-modules* :test #'string=)) ;; The check of (and binding of) *LOADING-MODULES* is a ;; traditional defense against circularity. (Another ;; defense is not having circularity, of course.) The ;; effect is that if something's in the process of being ;; REQUIREd and it's REQUIREd again (transitively), ;; the inner REQUIRE is a no-op. (let ((*loading-modules* (cons str *loading-modules*))) (if pathname (dolist (path (if (atom pathname) (list pathname) pathname)) (load path)) (unless (some (lambda (p) (funcall p module)) *module-provider-functions*) (error "Module ~A was not provided by any function on ~S." module '*module-provider-functions*))))) (values module (set-difference *modules* original-modules)))) (defun find-module-pathnames (module) "Returns the file or list of files making up the module" (let ((mod-path (make-pathname :name (string-downcase module) :defaults nil)) path) (dolist (path-cand *module-search-path* nil) (let ((mod-cand (merge-pathnames mod-path path-cand))) (if (wild-pathname-p path-cand) (let* ((untyped-p (member (pathname-type mod-cand) '(nil :unspecific))) (matches (if untyped-p (or (directory (merge-pathnames mod-cand *.lisp-pathname*)) (directory (merge-pathnames mod-cand *.fasl-pathname*))) (directory mod-cand)))) (when (and matches (null (cdr matches))) (return (if untyped-p (make-pathname :type nil :defaults (car matches)) (car matches))))) (when (setq path (find-load-file (merge-pathnames mod-path path-cand))) (return path))))))) (defun wild-pathname-p (pathname &optional field-key) "Predicate for determining whether pathname contains any wildcards." (flet ((wild-p (name) (or (eq name :wild) (eq name :wild-inferiors) (and (stringp name) (%path-mem "*" name))))) (case field-key ((nil) (or (some #'wild-p (pathname-directory pathname)) (wild-p (pathname-name pathname)) (wild-p (pathname-type pathname)) (wild-p (pathname-version pathname)))) (:host nil) (:device nil) (:directory (some #'wild-p (pathname-directory pathname))) (:name (wild-p (pathname-name pathname))) (:type (wild-p (pathname-type pathname))) (:version (wild-p (pathname-version pathname))) (t (wild-pathname-p pathname (require-type field-key '(member nil :host :device :directory :name :type :version)))))))
本函數功能是把一個 module 名字加入到 *module* 中, 用來指示該 module 已經被加載, 最後返回(provide module) 中的參數 module.code
(pushnew (string module) *modules* :test #'string=)
本函數代碼中一個重要的輔助函數是 pushnew, 該函數和 push 相似, 是把一個對象和一個位置的對應保存在一個相似棧的列表中, 若是該對象已經在列表中, 就不會執行, 後面這個 :test 用來選擇用於比較的函數.
參考: 函數 pushnew 的代碼: (defmacro pushnew (value place &rest keys &environment env) "Takes an object and a location holding a list. If the object is already in the list, does nothing; otherwise, conses the object onto the list. Returns the modified list. If there is a :TEST keyword, this is used for the comparison." (if (not (consp place)) `(setq ,place (adjoin ,value ,place ,@keys)) (let ((valvar (gensym))) (multiple-value-bind (dummies vals store-var setter getter) (get-setf-method place env) `(let* ((,valvar ,value) ,@(mapcar #'list dummies vals) (,(car store-var) (adjoin ,valvar ,getter ,@keys))) ,@dummies ,(car store-var) ,setter)))))
本函數中的重要變量 *module* 是專門爲 provide 和 require 函數準備的一個空列表, 用來保存那些已經被加載到 lisp 映像中的 module 名字(大小寫敏感), 它的源代碼在 l1-init.lisp 中, 具體 內容以下:
(defvar *modules* nil "This is a list of module names that have been loaded into Lisp so far. The names are case sensitive strings. It is used by PROVIDE and REQUIRE.")
(defun require (module &optional pathname) …)
輸入參數爲 module 和 可選的路徑名.
(let* ((str (string module)) (original-modules (copy-list *modules*)))
首先, 設置兩個詞法變量 str 和 original-modules, str 是把參數 module 轉換爲字符串形式, original-modules 則是把列表 *module* 的內容複製保存.
(unless (or (member str *modules* :test #'string=) (member str *loading-modules* :test #'string=))
接着, 是一個預防性判斷, 要求只有當輸入的參數名 module 不在 *modules* 和 *loading-modules* 兩個列表中時, 才繼續進行下一步, 不然說明該 module 已經被加載, 就不須要加載了.
(let ((*loading-modules* (cons str *loading-modules*)))
若是通過上述判斷, module 不在 *modules* 和 *loading-modules* 兩個列表中, 就把 module 加入 *loading-modules* 中, 並將其值賦予詞法變量 *loading-modules* (注意, 這個 *loading-modules* 的做用範圍僅僅侷限於這個 let 後面的區域).
(if pathname (dolist (path (if (atom pathname) (list pathname) pathname)) (load path)) (unless (some (lambda (p) (funcall p module)) *module-provider-functions*) (error "Module ~A was not provided by any function on ~S." module '*module-provider-functions*)))))
若是輸入了 pathname 參數, 那麼根據這個參數去構造一個 path, 最後用 load 來加載; 若是沒有輸入 pathname 參數, 則利用 *module-provider-functions* 中的函數來調用 module, 若是出錯則返回錯誤信息.
(values module (set-difference *modules* original-modules))))
最後這條語句做爲整個 require 函數最後的返回值, 它使用 values 來返回多個值, 第一個值是 module 參數, 第二個值是一個列表, 比較了加載完 module 以後的 *modules* 和加載以前的 original-modules 列表的差別.
函數 set-difference 的具體表現能夠看看下面這段示例:
CL-USER> (defparameter *list1* '(1 2 3 4)) *LIST1* CL-USER> *list1* (1 2 3 4) CL-USER> (defparameter *list2* '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) *LIST2* CL-USER> *list2* (1 2 3 4 5 6) CL-USER> (set-difference *list1* *list2*) NIL CL-USER> *list2* (1 2 3 4 5 6) CL-USER> *list1* (1 2 3 4) CL-USER> (set-difference *list2* *list1*) (6 5) CL-USER> *list1* (1 2 3 4) CL-USER> *list2* (1 2 3 4 5 6)
其餘輔助函數, 如 module-provide-search-path, find-module-pathnames 和 wild-pathname-p 主要處理搜索路徑相關的一些工做, 可自行分析.