上一篇《總體解讀》的延續。。 java
在閱讀IoBuffer源碼以前,咱們先看Mina對IoBuffer的描述:A byte buffer used by MINA applications. This is a replacement for ByteBuffer. 這是一個對ByteBuffer的replacement,一樣是用做緩衝區,作內容的切換和承載的容器,爲何要用從新封裝ByteBuffer,MINA是這麼給出解釋的Two Reasons: 面試
l It doesn't provide useful getters and putters 算法
l It is difficult to write variable-length data due to its fixed capacity apache
用過ByteBuffer的人可能常常會遇到BufferOverflowException這樣的異常,緣由是buffer在初始化allocate以後就不能再自動的改變大小了,若是項目很規整,約定的很好,那可能不太會出意外,怕就怕項目一大,好多東西就亂套了。因此在閱讀IoBuffer源碼的時候,咱們會着重看它和ByteBuffer之間的差別。另一點,就是IoBuffer做爲一個應用框架的工具,必然會提供比原生Buffer更便捷的方法,好比IoBuffer中能夠直接put和get String,能夠直接將內容轉成十六進制等等。 數組
用法很簡單,我卻是想從如何將一個已有的類進行封裝和擴展的角度來看IoBuffer的源碼。在看MINA的源碼以前,咱們有必要稍稍回顧一下ByteBuffer的構成: app
ByteBuffer繼承了Buffer類,這個繼承關係約定了Buffer系列中特定的操做形式(有點兒像指針),limit/position/mark/capacity,以及在遍歷中使用的hasRemaining。而後經過兩個靜態方法來構建出ByteBuffer: 框架
使用Heap空間,堆空間的構造採用申請byte數組: 分佈式
public static ByteBuffer allocate(int capacity) { if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return new HeapByteBuffer(capacity, capacity); }
使用direct memory,這塊內存的開闢就比較麻煩了,好多都是採用了Bit和native的方法: ide
public static ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity) { return new DirectByteBuffer(capacity); }
除了構造以外,剩下的主要是對數據的操做方法,wrap、get和put,下面的圖沒有截全,還有好多方法: 工具
public abstract class IoBuffer implements Comparable<IoBuffer>
/** The allocator used to create new buffers */ private static IoBufferAllocator allocator = new SimpleBufferAllocator(); /** A flag indicating which type of buffer we are using : heap or direct */ private static boolean useDirectBuffer = false;
public IoBuffer allocate(int capacity, boolean direct) { return wrap(allocateNioBuffer(capacity, direct)); } public ByteBuffer allocateNioBuffer(int capacity, boolean direct) { ByteBuffer nioBuffer; if (direct) { nioBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity); } else { nioBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); } return nioBuffer; } public IoBuffer wrap(ByteBuffer nioBuffer) { return new SimpleBuffer(nioBuffer); } public void dispose() { // Do nothing }
private ByteBuffer buf; protected SimpleBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) { super(SimpleBufferAllocator.this, buf.capacity()); this.buf = buf; buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } protected SimpleBuffer(SimpleBuffer parent, ByteBuffer buf) { super(parent); this.buf = buf; }
上圖左邊的路走通了,咱們來走右邊的路,右邊主要看AbstractIoBuffer,他是IoBuffer的具體實現,可是它也是一個抽象類,也要被其餘類繼承,用於擴展。AbstractIoBuffer中,大多類都是final的。並且這裏面主要的實現都是在處理limit/position/mark/capacity這之間的關係。而CachedBufferAllocator主要用於實現IoBuffer中自動擴展AutoExpand和收縮: that caches the buffers which are likely to be reused during auto-expansion of the buffers.
package org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer; /** * IoBuffer * * @author ChenHui * */ public abstract class IoBuffer { private static IoBufferAllocator allocator=new SimpleBufferAllocator(); private static boolean direct; protected IoBuffer() { // do nothing } public static IoBuffer allocate(int capacity) { return allocator.allocate(capacity, direct); } public static IoBuffer wrap(byte[] byteArray, int offset, int length){ //TODO return null; } public abstract IoBuffer get(); public abstract IoBuffer put(byte b); public abstract boolean other(); }而後是他的繼承:
package org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * * @author ChenHui * */ public abstract class AbstractIoBuffer extends IoBuffer{ protected AbstractIoBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer){ //TODO } @Override public IoBuffer get() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public IoBuffer put(byte b) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }allocator:
package org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * * @author ChenHui * */ public interface IoBufferAllocator { IoBuffer allocate(int capacity, boolean direct); IoBuffer wrap(ByteBuffer nioBuffer); ByteBuffer allocateNioBuffer(int capacity, boolean direct); void dispose(); }allocator的實現:
package org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * * @author ChenHui * */ public class SimpleBufferAllocator implements IoBufferAllocator{ @Override public IoBuffer allocate(int capacity, boolean direct) { return wrap(allocateNioBuffer(capacity, direct)); } @Override public IoBuffer wrap(ByteBuffer nioBuffer) { return new SimpleBuffer(nioBuffer); } @Override public ByteBuffer allocateNioBuffer(int capacity, boolean direct) { ByteBuffer nioBuffer; if (direct) { nioBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity); } else { nioBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); } return nioBuffer; } @Override public void dispose() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } private class SimpleBuffer extends AbstractIoBuffer{ @SuppressWarnings("unused") ByteBuffer buffer; protected SimpleBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer){ super(buffer); this.buffer=buffer; } @Override public boolean other() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } /**這裏重寫是爲了打印方便*/ @Override public String toString() { System.out.println(buffer); return super.toString(); } } }最後是測試類和測試結果:
package org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { IoBuffer buffer=IoBuffer.allocate(1024); System.out.println(buffer); } }控制檯輸出:
java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=1024 cap=1024] org.apache.mina.core.rewrite.buffer.SimpleBufferAllocator$SimpleBuffer@1da12fc0-------------------------------------------------------------------
轉個面試題,北京一家作視頻公司的算法題:《一道面試題》, @ppdep 已經有答案了。這題的第二問仍是頗有挑戰的,你們能夠去看看。