最近開始閱讀網絡庫libevent的源碼,閱讀源碼以前,大體看了張亮寫的幾篇博文(libevent源碼深度剖析 http://blog.csdn.net/sparkliang/article/details/4957667 ),對libevent網絡庫有了整體上的認識,而後開始源碼的閱讀。數組
struct epollop { struct epoll_event *events; //epoll_event數組 int nevents; //事件數量 int epfd; //epollfd };
static void *epoll_init(struct event_base *); static int epoll_dispatch(struct event_base *, struct timeval *); static void epoll_dealloc(struct event_base *);
const struct eventop epollops = {
1, /* need reinit */
(1) 先看 epoll_init 函數,主要是epoll的初始化操做,建立一個epoll文件描述符,初始化event數組大小,最後設置了關於信號監聽處理方面的初始化工做(這個後面單獨講解)。socket
static void * epoll_init(struct event_base *base) { int epfd; struct epollop *epollop; /* Initialize the kernel queue. (The size field is ignored since * 2.6.8.) */ if ((epfd = epoll_create(32000)) == -1) { if (errno != ENOSYS) event_warn("epoll_create"); return (NULL); } //設置使用execl執行的程序裏,此描述符被關閉,子進程中不關 evutil_make_socket_closeonexec(epfd); if (!(epollop = mm_calloc(1, sizeof(struct epollop)))) { close(epfd); return (NULL); } epollop->epfd = epfd; /* Initialize fields */ epollop->events = mm_calloc(INITIAL_NEVENT, sizeof(struct epoll_event)); if (epollop->events == NULL) { mm_free(epollop); close(epfd); return (NULL); } epollop->nevents = INITIAL_NEVENT; //使用changelist if ((base->flags & EVENT_BASE_FLAG_EPOLL_USE_CHANGELIST) != 0 || ((base->flags & EVENT_BASE_FLAG_IGNORE_ENV) == 0 && evutil_getenv("EVENT_EPOLL_USE_CHANGELIST") != NULL)) base->evsel = &epollops_changelist; //對於信號的初始化 evsig_init(base); return (epollop); }
static int epoll_nochangelist_add(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *p) { struct event_change ch; ch.fd = fd; ch.old_events = old; ch.read_change = ch.write_change = 0; //判斷讀寫事件是否須要修改 if (events & EV_WRITE) ch.write_change = EV_CHANGE_ADD | (events & EV_ET); //EV_ET是邊緣觸發 if (events & EV_READ) ch.read_change = EV_CHANGE_ADD | (events & EV_ET); //nochangelist方法中,直接調用epoll_apply_one_change,底層是系統調用epoll_ctl的封裝 return epoll_apply_one_change(base, base->evbase, &ch); }
struct event_change { /** The fd or signal whose events are to be changed */ evutil_socket_t fd; /* The events that were enabled on the fd before any of these changes were made. May include EV_READ or EV_WRITE. */ short old_events; /* The changes that we want to make in reading and writing on this fd. * If this is a signal, then read_change has EV_CHANGE_SIGNAL set, * and write_change is unused. */ ev_uint8_t read_change; ev_uint8_t write_change; };
static int epoll_apply_one_change(struct event_base *base, struct epollop *epollop, const struct event_change *ch) { struct epoll_event epev; int op, events = 0; if (1) { /* The logic here is a little tricky. If we had no events set on the fd before, we need to set op="ADD" and set events=the events we want to add. If we had any events set on the fd before, and we want any events to remain on the fd, we need to say op="MOD" and set events=the events we want to remain. But if we want to delete the last event, we say op="DEL" and set events=the remaining events. What fun! */ /* TODO: Turn this into a switch or a table lookup. */ if ((ch->read_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD) || (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD)) { /* If we are adding anything at all, we'll want to do * either an ADD or a MOD. */ events = 0; op = EPOLL_CTL_ADD; //讀監聽 if (ch->read_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD) { events |= EPOLLIN; } else if (ch->read_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) { ; } else if (ch->old_events & EV_READ) { events |= EPOLLIN; } //寫監聽 if (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD) { events |= EPOLLOUT; } else if (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) { ; } else if (ch->old_events & EV_WRITE) { events |= EPOLLOUT; } //是否邊緣觸發 if ((ch->read_change|ch->write_change) & EV_ET) events |= EPOLLET; if (ch->old_events) { /* If MOD fails, we retry as an ADD, and if * ADD fails we will retry as a MOD. So the * only hard part here is to guess which one * will work. As a heuristic, we'll try * MOD first if we think there were old * events and ADD if we think there were none. * * We can be wrong about the MOD if the file * has in fact been closed and re-opened. * * We can be wrong about the ADD if the * the fd has been re-created with a dup() * of the same file that it was before. */ op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD; } } else if ((ch->read_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) || (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL)) { /* If we're deleting anything, we'll want to do a MOD * or a DEL. */ op = EPOLL_CTL_DEL; if (ch->read_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) { if (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) { events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT; } else if (ch->old_events & EV_WRITE) { events = EPOLLOUT; op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD; } else { events = EPOLLIN; } } else if (ch->write_change & EV_CHANGE_DEL) { if (ch->old_events & EV_READ) { events = EPOLLIN; op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD; } else { events = EPOLLOUT; } } } if (!events) return 0; memset(&epev, 0, sizeof(epev)); epev.data.fd = ch->fd; epev.events = events; if (epoll_ctl(epollop->epfd, op, ch->fd, &epev) == -1) { if (op == EPOLL_CTL_MOD && errno == ENOENT) { /* If a MOD operation fails with ENOENT, the * fd was probably closed and re-opened. We * should retry the operation as an ADD. */ if (epoll_ctl(epollop->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ch->fd, &epev) == -1) { event_warn("Epoll MOD(%d) on %d retried as ADD; that failed too", (int)epev.events, ch->fd); return -1; } else { event_debug(("Epoll MOD(%d) on %d retried as ADD; succeeded.", (int)epev.events, ch->fd)); } } else if (op == EPOLL_CTL_ADD && errno == EEXIST) { /* If an ADD operation fails with EEXIST, * either the operation was redundant (as with a * precautionary add), or we ran into a fun * kernel bug where using dup*() to duplicate the * same file into the same fd gives you the same epitem * rather than a fresh one. For the second case, * we must retry with MOD. */ if (epoll_ctl(epollop->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, ch->fd, &epev) == -1) { event_warn("Epoll ADD(%d) on %d retried as MOD; that failed too", (int)epev.events, ch->fd); return -1; } else { event_debug(("Epoll ADD(%d) on %d retried as MOD; succeeded.", (int)epev.events, ch->fd)); } } else if (op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL && (errno == ENOENT || errno == EBADF || errno == EPERM)) { /* If a delete fails with one of these errors, * that's fine too: we closed the fd before we * got around to calling epoll_dispatch. */ event_debug(("Epoll DEL(%d) on fd %d gave %s: DEL was unnecessary.", (int)epev.events, ch->fd, strerror(errno))); } else { event_warn("Epoll %s(%d) on fd %d failed. Old events were %d; read change was %d (%s); write change was %d (%s)", epoll_op_to_string(op), (int)epev.events, ch->fd, ch->old_events, ch->read_change, change_to_string(ch->read_change), ch->write_change, change_to_string(ch->write_change)); return -1; } } else { event_debug(("Epoll %s(%d) on fd %d okay. [old events were %d; read change was %d; write change was %d]", epoll_op_to_string(op), (int)epev.events, (int)ch->fd, ch->old_events, ch->read_change, ch->write_change)); } } return 0; }
static int epoll_nochangelist_del(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *p) { struct event_change ch; ch.fd = fd; ch.old_events = old; ch.read_change = ch.write_change = 0; if (events & EV_WRITE) ch.write_change = EV_CHANGE_DEL; if (events & EV_READ) ch.read_change = EV_CHANGE_DEL; return epoll_apply_one_change(base, base->evbase, &ch); }
static int epoll_dispatch(struct event_base *base, struct timeval *tv) { struct epollop *epollop = base->evbase; struct epoll_event *events = epollop->events; int i, res; long timeout = -1; // if (tv != NULL) { timeout = evutil_tv_to_msec(tv); //轉換成毫秒,後面設置epoll_wait的超時時間 if (timeout < 0 || timeout > MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC) { /* Linux kernels can wait forever if the timeout is * too big; see comment on MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC. */ timeout = MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC; } } //註冊event_base中添加的每個監聽事件(針對changelist) epoll_apply_changes(base); //清空changelist(針對changelist) event_changelist_remove_all(&base->changelist, base); EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock); res = epoll_wait(epollop->epfd, events, epollop->nevents, timeout); EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { event_warn("epoll_wait"); return (-1); } return (0); } event_debug(("%s: epoll_wait reports %d", __func__, res)); EVUTIL_ASSERT(res <= epollop->nevents); for (i = 0; i < res; i++) { int what = events[i].events; short ev = 0; //EPOLLHUP是文件描述符被掛斷 EPOLLERR是文件描述符出現錯誤 if (what & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLERR)) { ev = EV_READ | EV_WRITE; } else { if (what & EPOLLIN) ev |= EV_READ; if (what & EPOLLOUT) ev |= EV_WRITE; } if (!ev) continue; //將事件加入激活隊列中 evmap_io_active(base, events[i].data.fd, ev | EV_ET); } //epollop中註冊監聽的事件都觸發,代表須要增長epollop中可以容納的事件大小 if (res == epollop->nevents && epollop->nevents < MAX_NEVENT) { /* We used all of the event space this time. We should be ready for more events next time. */ int new_nevents = epollop->nevents * 2; struct epoll_event *new_events; new_events = mm_realloc(epollop->events, new_nevents * sizeof(struct epoll_event)); if (new_events) { epollop->events = new_events; epollop->nevents = new_nevents; } } return (0); }
static void epoll_dealloc(struct event_base *base) { struct epollop *epollop = base->evbase; evsig_dealloc(base); if (epollop->events) mm_free(epollop->events); if (epollop->epfd >= 0) close(epollop->epfd); memset(epollop, 0, sizeof(struct epollop)); mm_free(epollop); }
struct event_changelist { struct event_change *changes; //event_change數組首地址 int n_changes; //event_change數組中event_change個數 int changes_size; //分配的event_change數組容量 };
int event_changelist_add(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *p) { //獲取反應堆中的changelist struct event_changelist *changelist = &base->changelist; struct event_changelist_fdinfo *fdinfo = p; struct event_change *change; event_changelist_check(base); //從changelist中查找是否存在fd的event_change,若是有,返回,若是沒有構造一個加到event_changelist中,並返回 change = event_changelist_get_or_construct(changelist, fd, old, fdinfo); if (!change) return -1; /* An add replaces any previous delete, but doesn't result in a no-op, * since the delete might fail (because the fd had been closed since * the last add, for instance. */ //添加操做能夠替代以前的刪除,但不會致使在此文件描述符fd上的不操做,由於此前的刪除操做可能失敗, //注意這裏是替代,也就是說,本來該fd上如果刪除,這裏直接修改成添加 if (events & (EV_READ|EV_SIGNAL)) { change->read_change = EV_CHANGE_ADD | (events & (EV_ET|EV_PERSIST|EV_SIGNAL)); } if (events & EV_WRITE) { change->write_change = EV_CHANGE_ADD | (events & (EV_ET|EV_PERSIST|EV_SIGNAL)); } event_changelist_check(base); return (0);
static struct event_change * event_changelist_get_or_construct(struct event_changelist *changelist, evutil_socket_t fd, short old_events, struct event_changelist_fdinfo *fdinfo) { struct event_change *change; //不存在,增長 if (fdinfo->idxplus1 == 0) { int idx; EVUTIL_ASSERT(changelist->n_changes <= changelist->changes_size); //容量不夠,擴容 if (changelist->n_changes == changelist->changes_size) { if (event_changelist_grow(changelist) < 0) return NULL; } idx = changelist->n_changes++; change = &changelist->changes[idx]; fdinfo->idxplus1 = idx + 1; //idxplus1爲list的下標+1 memset(change, 0, sizeof(struct event_change)); change->fd = fd; change->old_events = old_events; } else { //存在,直接返回change指針 change = &changelist->changes[fdinfo->idxplus1 - 1]; EVUTIL_ASSERT(change->fd == fd); } return change; } 相似的,event_changelist_del函數也很好理解,與event_changelist_add不一樣的是,del操做能夠抵消此前在該fd上的add操做 int event_changelist_del(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *p) { struct event_changelist *changelist = &base->changelist; struct event_changelist_fdinfo *fdinfo = p; struct event_change *change; event_changelist_check(base); change = event_changelist_get_or_construct(changelist, fd, old, fdinfo); event_changelist_check(base); if (!change) return -1; /* A delete removes any previous add, rather than replacing it: on those platforms where "add, delete, dispatch" is not the same as "no-op, dispatch", we want the no-op behavior. As well as checking the current operation we should also check the original set of events to make sure were not ignoring the case where the add operation is present on an event that was already set. If we have a no-op item, we could remove it it from the list entirely, but really there's not much point: skipping the no-op change when we do the dispatch later is far cheaper than rejuggling the array now. As this stands, it also lets through deletions of events that are not currently set. */ //對於已經設置過添加監聽的fd,刪除操做抵消添加操做變爲不操做 if (events & (EV_READ|EV_SIGNAL)) { if (!(change->old_events & (EV_READ | EV_SIGNAL)) && (change->read_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD)) change->read_change = 0; else change->read_change = EV_CHANGE_DEL; } if (events & EV_WRITE) { if (!(change->old_events & EV_WRITE) && (change->write_change & EV_CHANGE_ADD)) change->write_change = 0; else change->write_change = EV_CHANGE_DEL; } event_changelist_check(base); return (0); }