srs-librtmp pusher(push h264 raw)

Simple Live System Using SRShtml




int srs_librtmp_connect(srs_rtmp_t rtmp);
int srs_librtmp_push(srs_rtmp_t rtmp, char* h264_raw, off_t file_size, double fps);
int srs_librtmp_close(srs_rtmp_t rtmp);

/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SRS(ossrs) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */
/** gcc srs_h264_raw_publish.c ../../objs/lib/srs_librtmp.a -g -O0 -lstdc++ -o srs_h264_raw_publish */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h>

// for open h264 raw file.
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "srs_librtmp.h"

static off_t file_size; int read_h264_frame(char* data, int size, char** pp, int* pnb_start_code, int fps, char** frame, int* frame_size, int* dts, int* pts) { char* p = *pp; // @remark, for this demo, to publish h264 raw file to SRS, // we search the h264 frame from the buffer which cached the h264 data. // please get h264 raw data from device, it always a encoded frame.
    if (!srs_h264_startswith_annexb(p, size - (p - data), pnb_start_code)) { srs_human_trace("h264 raw data invalid."); return -1; } // @see srs_write_h264_raw_frames // each frame prefixed h.264 annexb header, by N[00] 00 00 01, where N>=0, // for instance, frame = header(00 00 00 01) + payload(67 42 80 29 95 A0 14 01 6E 40)
    *frame = p; p += *pnb_start_code; for (;p < data + size; p++) { if (srs_h264_startswith_annexb(p, size - (p - data), NULL)) { break; } } *pp = p; *frame_size = p - *frame; if (*frame_size <= 0) { srs_human_trace("h264 raw data invalid."); return -1; } // @remark, please get the dts and pts from device, // we assume there is no B frame, and the fps can guess the fps and dts, // while the dts and pts must read from encode lib or device.
    *dts += 1000 / fps; *pts = *dts; return 0; } int srs_librtmp_connect(srs_rtmp_t rtmp) { if (srs_rtmp_handshake(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("simple handshake failed."); return -1; } srs_human_trace("simple handshake success"); if (srs_rtmp_connect_app(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app failed."); return -1; } srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app success"); if (srs_rtmp_publish_stream(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("publish stream failed."); return -1; } srs_human_trace("publish stream success"); return 0; } char* get_data_frame(void) { const char* raw_file = "./720p.h264.raw"; // open file
    int raw_fd = open(raw_file, O_RDONLY); if (raw_fd < 0) { srs_human_trace("open h264 raw file %s failed.", raw_file); return NULL; } file_size = lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (file_size <= 0) { srs_human_trace("h264 raw file %s empty.", raw_file); return NULL; } //srs_human_trace("read entirely h264 raw file, size=%dKB", (int)(file_size / 1024));
    char*h264_raw = (char*)malloc(file_size); if (!h264_raw) { srs_human_trace("alloc raw buffer failed for file %s.", raw_file); return NULL; } lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); ssize_t nb_read = 0; if ((nb_read = read(raw_fd, h264_raw, file_size)) != file_size) { srs_human_trace("buffer %s failed, expect=%dKB, actual=%dKB.", raw_file, (int)(file_size / 1024), (int)(nb_read / 1024)); return NULL; } close(raw_fd); return h264_raw; } int srs_librtmp_push(srs_rtmp_t rtmp, char* h264_raw, off_t file_size, double fps) { int dts = 0; int pts = 0; // @remark, to decode the file.
    char* p = h264_raw; int count = 0; //while(1){
    for (; p < h264_raw + file_size;) { // @remark, read a frame from file buffer.
        char* data = NULL; int size = 0; int nb_start_code = 0; if (read_h264_frame(h264_raw, (int)file_size, &p, &nb_start_code, fps, &data, &size, &dts, &pts) < 0) { srs_human_trace("read a frame from file buffer failed."); return -1; } // send out the h264 packet over RTMP
        int ret = srs_h264_write_raw_frames(rtmp, data, size, dts, pts); if (ret != 0) { if (srs_h264_is_dvbsp_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore drop video error, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_sps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated sps, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_pps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated pps, code=%d", ret); } else { srs_human_trace("send h264 raw data failed. ret=%d", ret); return -1; } } // 5bits, 7.3.1 NAL unit syntax, // H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 44. // 7: SPS, 8: PPS, 5: I Frame, 1: P Frame, 9: AUD, 6: SEI
        u_int8_t nut = (char)data[nb_start_code] & 0x1f; srs_human_trace("sent packet: type=%s, time=%d, size=%d, fps=%.2f, b[%d]=%#x(%s)", srs_human_flv_tag_type2string(SRS_RTMP_TYPE_VIDEO), dts, size, fps, nb_start_code, (char)data[nb_start_code], (nut == 7? "SPS":(nut == 8? "PPS":(nut == 5? "I":(nut == 1? "P":(nut == 9? "AUD":(nut == 6? "SEI":"Unknown"))))))); // @remark, when use encode device, it not need to sleep.
        if (count++ == 9) { usleep(1000 * 1000 * count / fps); count = 0; } } srs_human_trace("h264 raw data completed"); p = h264_raw; //}

    return 0; } int srs_librtmp_close(srs_rtmp_t rtmp) { srs_rtmp_destroy(rtmp); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("publish raw h.264 as rtmp stream to server like FMLE/FFMPEG/Encoder\n"); printf("SRS(ossrs) client librtmp library.\n"); printf("version: %d.%d.%d\n", srs_version_major(), srs_version_minor(), srs_version_revision()); const char* rtmp_url = "rtmp://"; srs_rtmp_t rtmp = srs_rtmp_create(rtmp_url); srs_librtmp_connect(rtmp); double fps = 25; char* h264_raw = get_data_frame(); while(1){ srs_librtmp_push(rtmp,h264_raw,file_size,fps); } srs_librtmp_close(rtmp); free(h264_raw); return 0; }

gcc srs_h264_raw_publish.c -I $(pwd)/srs-librtmp/include ./srs-librtmp/lib/srs_librtmp.a -g -O0 -lstdc++ -o srs_h264_raw_publishapp








For the example file:
The data sequence is:
    // SPS
    // PPS
    // IFrame
    // PFrame
User can send the SPS+PPS, then each frame:
    // SPS+PPS
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('000000016742802995A014016E400000000168CE3880', size, dts, pts)
    // IFrame
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('0000000165B8041014C038008B0D0D3A071......', size, dts, pts)
    // PFrame
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('0000000141E02041F8CDDC562BBDEFAD2F......', size, dts, pts)
User also can send one by one:
    // SPS
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('000000016742802995A014016E4', size, dts, pts)
    // PPS
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('00000000168CE3880', size, dts, pts)
    // IFrame
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('0000000165B8041014C038008B0D0D3A071......', size, dts, pts)
    // PFrame
    srs_h264_write_raw_frames('0000000141E02041F8CDDC562BBDEFAD2F......', size, dts, pts)

咱們設備的數據sps+pps+i是合成一幀的,直接按 (sps+pps+i合成一幀) + p*n 來推送也是可行了,只是報了個pps錯誤,不影響。

/** # Example to use srs-librtmp # see: gcc example.c srs_librtmp.cpp -g -O0 -lstdc++ -o example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "srs_librtmp.h"

static off_t file_size; char* get_data_frame(char* raw_file) { int raw_fd = open(raw_file, O_RDONLY); if (raw_fd < 0) { srs_human_trace("open h264 raw file %s failed.", raw_file); return NULL; } file_size = lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (file_size <= 0) { srs_human_trace("h264 raw file %s empty.", raw_file); return NULL; } //srs_human_trace("read entirely h264 raw file, size=%dKB", (int)(file_size / 1024));
    char*h264_raw = (char*)malloc(file_size); if (!h264_raw) { srs_human_trace("alloc raw buffer failed for file %s.", raw_file); return NULL; } lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); ssize_t nb_read = 0; if ((nb_read = read(raw_fd, h264_raw, file_size)) != file_size) { srs_human_trace("buffer %s failed, expect=%dKB, actual=%dKB.", raw_file, (int)(file_size / 1024), (int)(nb_read / 1024)); return NULL; } close(raw_fd); return h264_raw; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("Example for srs-librtmp\n"); printf("SRS(ossrs) client librtmp library.\n"); printf("version: %d.%d.%d\n", srs_version_major(), srs_version_minor(), srs_version_revision()); // connect rtmp context
    const char* rtmp_url = "rtmp://"; srs_rtmp_t rtmp = srs_rtmp_create(rtmp_url); if (srs_rtmp_handshake(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("simple handshake failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("simple handshake success"); if (srs_rtmp_connect_app(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app success"); if (srs_rtmp_publish_stream(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("publish stream failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("publish stream success"); int n = 0; int dts = 0; int pts = 0; double fps = 25; while(1){ char str[32]; sprintf(str,"./h264_nalu_frame/test%d.264",n); char* h264_raw = get_data_frame(str); if(h264_raw != NULL){ // send out the h264 packet over RTMP
            int ret = srs_h264_write_raw_frames(rtmp, h264_raw, file_size, dts, pts); if (ret != 0) { if (srs_h264_is_dvbsp_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore drop video error, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_sps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated sps, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_pps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated pps, code=%d", ret); } else { srs_human_trace("send h264 raw data failed. ret=%d", ret); goto rtmp_destroy; } } } else break; dts += 1000 / fps; pts = dts; usleep(40 * 1000); free(h264_raw); if(++n > 31) n=0; } rtmp_destroy: srs_rtmp_destroy(rtmp); return 0; }


四、推送多路rtmp流 ,仍是一幀一幀的發送

/** # Example to use srs-librtmp # see: gcc example.c srs_librtmp.cpp -g -O0 -lstdc++ -o example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "srs_librtmp.h" #include "threadpool.h"

#define THREAD 32
#define QUEUE  256

#define THREAD_POOL_EN (0)

static off_t file_size; pthread_mutex_t lock; char* get_data_frame(char* raw_file) { int raw_fd = open(raw_file, O_RDONLY); if (raw_fd < 0) { srs_human_trace("open h264 raw file %s failed.", raw_file); return NULL; } file_size = lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (file_size <= 0) { srs_human_trace("h264 raw file %s empty.", raw_file); return NULL; } //srs_human_trace("read entirely h264 raw file, size=%dKB", (int)(file_size / 1024));
    char*h264_raw = (char*)malloc(file_size); if (!h264_raw) { srs_human_trace("alloc raw buffer failed for file %s.", raw_file); return NULL; } lseek(raw_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); ssize_t nb_read = 0; if ((nb_read = read(raw_fd, h264_raw, file_size)) != file_size) { srs_human_trace("buffer %s failed, expect=%dKB, actual=%dKB.", raw_file, (int)(file_size / 1024), (int)(nb_read / 1024)); return NULL; } close(raw_fd); return h264_raw; } #if THREAD_POOL_EN
void sink_task(void *arg) #else
void* sink_task(void *arg) #endif { int num = *(int*)arg; printf("Example for srs-librtmp\n"); printf("SRS(ossrs) client librtmp library.\n"); printf("version: %d.%d.%d\n", srs_version_major(), srs_version_minor(), srs_version_revision()); int n = 0; int dts = 0; int pts = 0; double fps = 25; // connect rtmp context
    const char* rtmp_url = "rtmp://"; char url[32]={0}; sprintf(url,"%s%d",rtmp_url,num); printf("%s\n",url); srs_rtmp_t rtmp = srs_rtmp_create(url); if (srs_rtmp_handshake(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("simple handshake failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("simple handshake success"); if (srs_rtmp_connect_app(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("connect vhost/app success"); if (srs_rtmp_publish_stream(rtmp) != 0) { srs_human_trace("publish stream failed."); goto rtmp_destroy; } srs_human_trace("publish stream success"); while(1){ char str[32]; sprintf(str,"./h264_nalu_frame/test%d.264",n); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); char* h264_raw = get_data_frame(str); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); if(h264_raw != NULL){ // send out the h264 packet over RTMP
            int ret = srs_h264_write_raw_frames(rtmp, h264_raw, file_size, dts, pts); if (ret != 0) { if (srs_h264_is_dvbsp_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore drop video error, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_sps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated sps, code=%d", ret); } else if (srs_h264_is_duplicated_pps_error(ret)) { srs_human_trace("ignore duplicated pps, code=%d", ret); } else { srs_human_trace("send h264 raw data failed. ret=%d", ret); goto rtmp_destroy; } } } else break; dts += 1000 / fps; pts = dts; usleep(40 * 1000); free(h264_raw); if(++n > 31) n=0; } rtmp_destroy: srs_rtmp_destroy(rtmp); } void source_task(void *arg){ } void* signal_task(void *arg) { threadpool_t *pool; assert((pool = threadpool_create(THREAD, QUEUE, 0)) != NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Pool started with %d threads and "
            "queue size of %d\n", THREAD, QUEUE); pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); #if THREAD_POOL_EN
    if(threadpool_add(pool, &source_task, NULL, 0) == 0) { } int num = 0; if(threadpool_add(pool, &sink_task, &num, 0) == 0) { } int num1 = 1; if(threadpool_add(pool, &sink_task, &num1, 0) == 0) { } int num2 = 2; if(threadpool_add(pool, &sink_task, &num2, 0) == 0) { } #else pthread_t rtmp_id,rtmp_id1,rtmp_id2; int num = 0; int ret = pthread_create(&rtmp_id,NULL,sink_task, &num); if(ret!=0) { printf("Create pthread error!\n"); } int num1 = 1; ret = pthread_create(&rtmp_id1,NULL,sink_task, &num1); if(ret!=0) { printf("Create pthread error!\n"); } int num2 = 2; ret = pthread_create(&rtmp_id2,NULL,sink_task, &num2); if(ret!=0) { printf("Create pthread error!\n"); } #endif

    while(1) { sleep(1); } assert(threadpool_destroy(pool, 0) == 0); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { pthread_t signal_id; int ret = pthread_create(&signal_id,NULL,signal_task, NULL); if(ret!=0) { return -1; } while(1) { sleep(1); } return 0; } 


