(D:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\WebStorm 10\bin)下,有一個WebStorm.exe.vmoptions文件,文本編輯工具打開 node
第二行-Xms128m 調到256m
第三行-Xms512m 調到800mgit
ASP CoffeeScript 等等web
First the official website is helpful npm
1.run your node program as dev mode服務器
run -> Edit Configurations -> Node Parameters
add your node-dev path to here, just like "D:\node\node_modules\node-dev\bin\node-dev"app
mac: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-devwebstorm
sometimes you need run your apps in harmony modeide
--harmony D:\nodejs\node_modules\node-dev\bin\node-dev
2.remove the idea directory in github
git rm -r one-of-the-directories
git commit -m "Remove duplicated directory"
git push origin master
to remenber this path should not be send.
settings -> version control -> ignored files :add the file or path you want to ignore
if your file or project with out the git ,pleace open:
VCS -> VCS operations popup -> create git repository
and selete the path of your project than you will find it ok!
3.WebStorm Watcher Jade In CMD Specification
1.設置WebStorm Watcher 找到 File-> Settings-> File Watchers 在右邊的面板中點擊 + 圖標 來增長watcher Choose Template -> jade 填寫New Watcher: Name:Jade Client Watcher(任意名字便可) File type:選擇Jade Scope:點擊...添加watcher的適用範圍(這裏咱們須要把它指定到咱們client template的目錄下面,以避免編譯了服務器端的jade template. Program:點擊...選擇咱們安裝的jade的jade.cmd文件 Arguments:設置爲 --client --no-debug $FilePath$ Working directory:設置爲$FileDir$
Out paths to refresh:設置爲$FileNameWithoutExtension$.html ----咱們的webstrom設置完了 2.設置jade編譯成CDM格式 找到jade的安裝目錄 node-> node_modules-> jade-> lib-> jade.js 若是你的jade是安裝在項目中的且你使用的是裏面的jade.cmd,那麼的這裏的路徑也要對應改過來 找到這個函數 exports.compile = function (str, options) 通常在128行 把 @return 改爲{String} 把 if (options.client) return new Function('locals', fn) 註釋掉 添加以下代碼取代他 //return the function string in CMD specification if (options.client) { var out = [],outputString; out.push('define(function(require,exports,module){\n'); out.push(' module.exports=function(locals){\n'); out.push(' '+fn+' \n'); out.push(' }'); out.push('\n});') outputString=out.join(''); return outputString; } ----End