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$('#table').bootstrapTable('destroy').bootstrapTable({ url: 'data/' + 'adm-user' + '.json', method: 'POST', uniqueId: 'id', // 綁定ID,不顯示 striped: false, //是否顯示行間隔色 cache: false, //是否使用緩存,默認爲true,因此通常狀況下須要設置一下這個屬性(*) sortable: true, //是否啓用排序 sortOrder: "asc", //排序方式 sidePagination: "client", //分頁方式:client客戶端分頁,server服務端分頁(*) undefinedText: '--', //singleSelect: true, // 單選checkbox,默認爲複選 showRefresh : true, // 顯示刷新按鈕 showColumns : true, // 選擇顯示的列 toolbar: '#item_info_toolbar', // 搜索框位置 search: true, // 搜索開啓, strictSearch: true, clickToSelect: true, // 點擊選中行 pagination: true, //是否顯示分頁 pageNumber:1, //初始化加載第一頁,默認第一頁,並記錄 pageSize:5,//每頁顯示的數量 pageList: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100],//設置每頁顯示的數量 paginationPreText:"上一頁", paginationNextText:"下一頁", paginationLoop:false, //showToggle: true, //是否顯示詳細視圖和列表視圖的切換按鈕 //cardView: false, //是否顯示詳細視圖 //detailView: false, //是否顯示父子表 //showPaginationSwitch: true, //獲得查詢的參數 queryParams : function (params) { //這裏的鍵的名字和控制器的變量名必須一直,這邊改動,控制器也須要改爲同樣的 var temp = { rows: params.limit, //頁面大小 page: (params.offset / params.limit) + 1, //頁碼 sort: params.sort, //排序列名 sortOrder: params.order //排位命令(desc,asc) }; return temp; }, columns: [ { checkbox: true },{ field: 'username', title:'用戶名', valign: 'middle', width: '16%', sortable: true },{ field: 'fullname', title:'姓名', width: '16%' },{ field: 'status', title:'密碼認證', width: '16%' },{ field: 'availableSpace', title:'智能卡認證', valign: 'middle', width: '16%' },{ field: 'totalSpace', title:'我的空間配額', width: '16%' },{ field: 'storageServer', title:'私密空間配額', formatter: operateFormatter } ], onLoadSuccess: function () { alert('表格加載成功!'); }, onLoadError: function () { showTips("數據加載失敗!"); }, onDblClickRow: function (row, $element) { var id = row.ID; //EditViewById(id, 'view'); }, rowStyle: function (row, index) { //設置行的特殊樣式 //這裏有5個取值顏色['active', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger']; var strclass = ""; if (index == 1) { strclass = "warning"; console.log(row); } return { classes: strclass } } }); function getSelectValue(){ var a = $table.bootstrapTable('getSelections');//獲取選中行的數據 if(a.length > 0){ console.log(a); } } function operateFormatter (value, row, index) { var result = '<button class="btn btn-action" title="激活USBKEY認證" onclick=""><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i></button>' return result; } </script>
adm-user: css
"id": 2018100701, "username": "user1", "fullname": "用戶1", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100702, "username": "user2", "fullname": "用戶2", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100703, "username": "user3", "fullname": "用戶3", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100704, "username": "user4", "fullname": "用戶4", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100705, "username": "user5", "fullname": "用戶5", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100706, "username": "user6", "fullname": "用戶6", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100707, "username": "user7", "fullname": "用戶7", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100708, "username": "user8", "fullname": "用戶8", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100709, "username": "user9", "fullname": "用戶9", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100710, "username": "user10", "fullname": "用戶10", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" }, { "id": 2018100711, "username": "user11", "fullname": "用戶11", "status": "啓用", "availableSpace": "10GB", "totalSpace": "20GB", "storageServer" : "nas1" } ]
2、 利用bootstrapTable來設置要隱藏和顯示的列:html
$(function () { //初始化table LoadingDataListOrderRealItems(); //隱藏列 $('#tableOrderRealItems').bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'ShopName'); $('#tableOrderRealItems').bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'GoodsId'); $('#tableOrderRealItems').bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'OrderItemId'); $('#tableOrderRealItems').bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'ShopName'); $('#tableOrderRealItems').bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SellerName'); });
3、 也能夠直接使用hidden屬性來設置:java
columns: [
field: 'OrderId', title: '#', align: 'center', }, { field: 'OrderItemId', title: 'OrderItemId', align: 'left', hidden:true, }, { field: 'GoodsId', title: 'GoodsId', align: 'left', hidden:true, }, { field: 'OrderCode', title: '訂單編號', align: 'left', } ]
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"id": 0, "name": "Item 0", "price": "$0", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Item 1", "price": "$1", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Item 2", "price": "$2", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Item 3", "price": "$3", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Item 4", "price": "$4", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Item 5", "price": "$5", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 6, "name": "Item 6", "price": "$6", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 7, "name": "Item 7", "price": "$7", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 8, "name": "Item 8", "price": "$8", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 9, "name": "Item 9", "price": "$9", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 10, "name": "Item 10", "price": "$10", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 11, "name": "Item 11", "price": "$11", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 12, "name": "Item 12", "price": "$12", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 13, "name": "Item 13", "price": "$13", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 14, "name": "Item 14", "price": "$14", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 15, "name": "Item 15", "price": "$15", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 16, "name": "Item 16", "price": "$16", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20", "column3": "C 30", "column4": "C 40" }, { "id": 17, "name": "Item 17", "price": "$17", "column1": "C 10", "column2": "C 20",