enum class Type { Invalid, Boolean, Character, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String };
union InnerValue { bool booleanValue; char characterValue; int8_t int8Value; int16_t int16Value; int32_t int32Value; int64_t int64Value; float floatValue; double doubleValue; };
#include <vector> class Values : public std::vector<Value> { public: Values() = default; Values(std::initializer_list<Value> list) : std::vector<Value>(list) { } Value& operator[](size_t index) { return std::vector<Value>::operator[](index); } const Value& operator[](size_t index) const { return std::vector<Value>::operator[](index); } };
#ifdef WIN32 #define NOEXCEPT #else #define NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif class TypeMismatchException : public std::exception { public: TypeMismatchException(const std::string& message) : _message(message){} const char* what() const NOEXCEPT override { return _message.c_str(); } private: std::string _message; };
Values list = {5, "hello"}; for (Value value : list) { std::cout << value << " "; }
class ByteArray : public std::vector<char> { public: ByteArray() = default; ByteArray(int32_t size) : std::vector<char>(size) { } ByteArray(const char *buffer, int32_t size) : std::vector<char>(buffer, buffer + size) { } ByteArray(const std::string &str) : std::vector<char>(str.size()) { memcpy(data(), str.c_str(), str.size()); } std::string ToStdString() const { std::string result(this->cbegin(), this->cend()); return result; } ByteArray &Concat(const ByteArray &buffer2) { size_t oldSize = size(); size_t newSize = oldSize + buffer2.size(); resize(newSize); memcpy(this->data() + oldSize, buffer2.data(), buffer2.size()); return *this; } ByteArray operator+(const ByteArray &buffer2) const { ByteArray buffer1(this->size() + buffer2.size()); memcpy(buffer1.data(), this->data(), this->size()); memcpy(buffer1.data() + this->size(), buffer2.data(), buffer2.size()); return buffer1; } };
#pragma once #include "ByteArray.h" #include <stdint.h> class IODevice { public: enum class SeekMode { Set, Forward, Backward }; }; class ByteArrayWriter : public IODevice { public: ByteArrayWriter() { } template <class T> int32_t Write(const T* buffer, int32_t size) { int32_t nWriteSize = sizeof(T) * size; ByteArray buffer2((const char *)buffer, nWriteSize); _bytes.Concat(buffer2); return nWriteSize; } template <class T> int32_t Write(const T& value) { return Write((T *)&value, 1); } int32_t Write(const ByteArray& byteArray) { _bytes.Concat(byteArray); return byteArray.size(); } ByteArray ToByteArray() const{ return _bytes; } int32_t Tell() const{ return _bytes.size(); } private: ByteArray _bytes; }; class ByteArrayReader : public IODevice { public: ByteArrayReader(const ByteArray& byteArray): _bytes(byteArray), _pos(0) { } template <class T> int32_t Read(T *buff, int32_t count) { int nSizeToRead = sizeof(T) * count; if(_pos >= _bytes.size()) { return 0; } else if (_bytes.size() - _pos < nSizeToRead) { nSizeToRead = _bytes.size() - _pos; } memcpy(buff, _bytes.data() + _pos, nSizeToRead); _pos += nSizeToRead; return nSizeToRead; } template <class T> T Read() { T t; int32_t nSize = Read(&t, 1); return t; } ByteArray Read(int32_t size) { int nSizeToRead = size; if(_pos >= _bytes.size()) { return 0; } else if (_bytes.size() - _pos < nSizeToRead) { nSizeToRead = _bytes.size() - _pos; } ByteArray byteArray(_bytes.data() + _pos, nSizeToRead); _pos += nSizeToRead; return byteArray; } int32_t Tell() const { return _pos; } void Seek(SeekMode mode, int32_t size) { if(mode == SeekMode::Set) { _pos = size; } else if(mode == SeekMode::Forward) { _pos += size; } else if(mode == SeekMode::Backward) { _pos -= size; } } private: ByteArray _bytes; int32_t _pos; };
std::map<Value::Type, int32_t> CodeToTypeMap; std::map<int32_t, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>> WriterMap; CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::Int32, 5 }); CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::String, 9 }); WriterMap.insert({ 5, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable) }); WriterMap.insert({ 9, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new StringWriteable) });
class IWriteble { public: virtual int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) = 0; virtual int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) = 0; }; class Int32Writeable : public IWriteble { public: Int32Writeable(){} int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) override { int32_t nValue = value.GetInt32Value(); return Writer.Write<int32_t>(nValue); } int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) override { int32_t nValue = Reader.Read<int32_t>(); value.SetInt32Value(nValue); return sizeof(int32_t); } }; class StringWriteable : public IWriteble { public: StringWriteable(){} int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) override { std::string stringValue = value.GetStringValue(); Writer.Write(stringValue.size()); Writer.Write(stringValue.c_str(), stringValue.size()); return sizeof(int32_t) + stringValue.size(); } int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) override { // 對於string類型,前4個字節爲字符串的長度,後面爲字符串的內容 int32_t nSize = Reader.Read<int32_t>(); ByteArray byteArray = Reader.Read(nSize); value.SetStringValue(byteArray.ToStdString()); return sizeof(int32_t) + byteArray.size(); // 注意這個位置不該該直接寫nSize } };
class DataPachage { public: DataPachage() { CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::Int32, 5 }); CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::String, 9 }); WriterMap.insert({ 5, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable) }); WriterMap.insert({ 9, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new StringWriteable) }); } ByteArray Serialize(const Values& values) { ByteArrayWriter Writer; for (Value value : values) { Value::Type type = value.GetValueType(); int32_t code = CodeToTypeMap[type]; std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> pInt32Writer = std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable()); pInt32Writer->Write(Writer, code); std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> Writeable = WriterMap[code]; Writeable->Write(Writer, value); } return Writer.ToByteArray(); } Values DeSerialize(const ByteArray& byteArray) { Values values; int32_t i = 0; ByteArrayReader Reader(byteArray); int32_t pos = 0; while (( pos = Reader.Tell()) < byteArray.size()) { std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> pInt32Writer = std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable()); Value value; pInt32Writer->Read(Reader, value); std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> Writeable = WriterMap[value.GetInt32Value()]; Writeable->Read(Reader, value); values.push_back(value); } return values; } private: std::map<Value::Type, int32_t> CodeToTypeMap; std::map<int32_t, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>> WriterMap; };
#include "stdio.h" #include "Serialize.h" int main() { Values list = {5, "hello"}; std::cout << "序列化前Values值:" << std::endl; for (Value value : list) { std::cout << value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; DataPachage data; ByteArray bytes = data.Serialize(list); Values list1 = data.DeSerialize(bytes); std::cout << "反序列化獲得Values值:" << std::endl; for (Value value : list1) { std::cout << value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }
#pragma once #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <stdint.h> class ByteArray : public std::vector<char> { public: ByteArray() = default; ByteArray(int32_t size) : std::vector<char>(size) { } ByteArray(const char *buffer, int32_t size) : std::vector<char>(buffer, buffer + size) { } ByteArray(const std::string &str) : std::vector<char>(str.size()) { memcpy(data(), str.c_str(), str.size()); } std::string ToStdString() const { std::string result(this->cbegin(), this->cend()); return result; } ByteArray &Concat(const ByteArray &buffer2) { size_t oldSize = size(); size_t newSize = oldSize + buffer2.size(); resize(newSize); memcpy(this->data() + oldSize, buffer2.data(), buffer2.size()); return *this; } ByteArray operator+(const ByteArray &buffer2) const { ByteArray buffer1(this->size() + buffer2.size()); memcpy(buffer1.data(), this->data(), this->size()); memcpy(buffer1.data() + this->size(), buffer2.data(), buffer2.size()); return buffer1; } };
#pragma once #include "ByteArray.h" #include <stdint.h> class IODevice { public: enum class SeekMode { Set, Forward, Backward }; }; class ByteArrayWriter : public IODevice { public: ByteArrayWriter() { } template <class T> int32_t Write(const T* buffer, int32_t size) { int32_t nWriteSize = sizeof(T) * size; ByteArray buffer2((const char *)buffer, nWriteSize); _bytes.Concat(buffer2); return nWriteSize; } template <class T> int32_t Write(const T& value) { return Write((T *)&value, 1); } int32_t Write(const ByteArray& byteArray) { _bytes.Concat(byteArray); return byteArray.size(); } ByteArray ToByteArray() const{ return _bytes; } int32_t Tell() const{ return _bytes.size(); } private: ByteArray _bytes; }; class ByteArrayReader : public IODevice { public: ByteArrayReader(const ByteArray& byteArray): _bytes(byteArray), _pos(0) { } template <class T> int32_t Read(T *buff, int32_t count) { int nSizeToRead = sizeof(T) * count; if(_pos >= _bytes.size()) { return 0; } else if (_bytes.size() - _pos < nSizeToRead) { nSizeToRead = _bytes.size() - _pos; } memcpy(buff, _bytes.data() + _pos, nSizeToRead); _pos += nSizeToRead; return nSizeToRead; } template <class T> T Read() { T t; int32_t nSize = Read(&t, 1); return t; } ByteArray Read(int32_t size) { int nSizeToRead = size; if(_pos >= _bytes.size()) { return 0; } else if (_bytes.size() - _pos < nSizeToRead) { nSizeToRead = _bytes.size() - _pos; } ByteArray byteArray(_bytes.data() + _pos, nSizeToRead); _pos += nSizeToRead; return byteArray; } int32_t Tell() const { return _pos; } void Seek(SeekMode mode, int32_t size) { if(mode == SeekMode::Set) { _pos = size; } else if(mode == SeekMode::Forward) { _pos += size; } else if(mode == SeekMode::Backward) { _pos -= size; } } private: ByteArray _bytes; int32_t _pos; };
#pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include <exception> #include <string> #include <iostream> #ifdef WIN32 #define NOEXCEPT #else #define NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif class TypeMismatchException : public std::exception { public: TypeMismatchException(const std::string& message) : _message(message){} const char* what() const NOEXCEPT override { return _message.c_str(); } private: std::string _message; }; class Value { public: enum class Type { Invalid, Boolean, Character, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String }; union InnerValue { bool booleanValue; char characterValue; int8_t int8Value; int16_t int16Value; int32_t int32Value; int64_t int64Value; float floatValue; double doubleValue; }; Value() : _type(Type::Invalid) { } Value(bool value) : _type(Type::Boolean) { _value.booleanValue = value; } Value(char value) : _type(Type::Character) { _value.characterValue = value; } Value(int8_t value) : _type(Type::Int8) { _value.int8Value = value; } Value(int16_t value) : _type(Type::Int16) { _value.int16Value = value; } Value(int32_t value) : _type(Type::Int32) { _value.int32Value = value; } Value(int64_t value) : _type(Type::Int64) { _value.int64Value = value; } Value(float value) : _type(Type::Float) { _value.floatValue = value; } Value(double value) : _type(Type::Double) { _value.doubleValue = value; } Value(const std::string& value) : _type(Type::String) { _stringValue = value; } Value(const char* value) : Value(std::string(value)) { } bool ToBoolean() const { if ( _type != Type::Boolean ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not boolean"); } } int8_t ToInt8() const { if ( _type != Type::Int8 ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not int8"); } return _value.int8Value; } int16_t ToInt16() const { if ( _type != Type::Int16 ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not int16"); } return _value.int16Value; } int32_t ToInt32() const { if ( _type != Type::Int32 ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not int32"); } return _value.int32Value; } int64_t ToInt64() const { if ( _type != Type::Int64 ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not int64"); } return _value.int64Value; } char ToCharacter() const { if ( _type != Type::Character ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not character"); } return _value.characterValue; } const std::string& ToString() const { if ( _type != Type::String ) { throw TypeMismatchException("The type of value is not string"); } return _stringValue; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& value) { if (value._type == Type::String) { os << "value:" << value._stringValue; } else if (value._type == Type::Int32) { os << "value:" << value._value.int32Value; } else if (value._type == Type::Double) { os << "value:" << value._value.doubleValue; } return os; } // 如下以int32和string爲例進行測試 void SetInt32Value(int32_t value) { _type = Type::Int32; _value.int32Value = value; } void SetStringValue(std::string value) { _type = Type::String; _stringValue = value; } int32_t GetInt32Value() const {return _value.int32Value;} std::string GetStringValue() const {return _stringValue;} Type GetValueType() const {return _type;} private: Type _type; InnerValue _value; std::string _stringValue; }; #include <vector> class Values : public std::vector<Value> { public: Values() = default; Values(std::initializer_list<Value> list) : std::vector<Value>(list) { } Value& operator[](size_t index) { return std::vector<Value>::operator[](index); } const Value& operator[](size_t index) const { return std::vector<Value>::operator[](index); } };
#pragma once #include "IODevice.h" #include "Values.h" class IWriteble { public: virtual int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) = 0; virtual int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) = 0; }; class Int32Writeable : public IWriteble { public: Int32Writeable(){} int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) override { int32_t nValue = value.GetInt32Value(); return Writer.Write<int32_t>(nValue); } int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) override { int32_t nValue = Reader.Read<int32_t>(); value.SetInt32Value(nValue); return sizeof(int32_t); } }; class StringWriteable : public IWriteble { public: StringWriteable(){} int32_t Write(ByteArrayWriter& Writer, const Value& value) override { std::string stringValue = value.GetStringValue(); Writer.Write(stringValue.size()); Writer.Write(stringValue.c_str(), stringValue.size()); return sizeof(int32_t) + stringValue.size(); } int32_t Read(ByteArrayReader& Reader, Value& value) override { // 對於string類型,前4個字節爲字符串的長度,後面爲字符串的內容 int32_t nSize = Reader.Read<int32_t>(); ByteArray byteArray = Reader.Read(nSize); value.SetStringValue(byteArray.ToStdString()); return sizeof(int32_t) + byteArray.size(); // 注意這個位置不該該直接寫nSize } }; #include <map> #include <memory> /*std::map<Value::Type, int32_t> CodeToTypeMap = { {Value::Type::Int32, 5}, {Value::Type::String, 9} }; // 根據數據類型獲得對應的IWriteble std::map<int32_t, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>> WriterMap = { {5, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable)}, {9, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new StringWriteable)} };*/ //static std::map<int32_t, IWriteble*> WriterMap = //{ // {5, new Int32Writeable()}, // {9, new StringWriteable()} //}; class DataPachage { public: DataPachage() { CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::Int32, 5 }); CodeToTypeMap.insert({ Value::Type::String, 9 }); WriterMap.insert({ 5, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable) }); WriterMap.insert({ 9, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new StringWriteable) }); } ByteArray Serialize(const Values& values) { ByteArrayWriter Writer; for (Value value : values) { Value::Type type = value.GetValueType(); int32_t code = CodeToTypeMap[type]; std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> pInt32Writer = std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable()); pInt32Writer->Write(Writer, code); std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> Writeable = WriterMap[code]; Writeable->Write(Writer, value); } return Writer.ToByteArray(); } Values DeSerialize(const ByteArray& byteArray) { Values values; int32_t i = 0; ByteArrayReader Reader(byteArray); int32_t pos = 0; while (( pos = Reader.Tell()) < byteArray.size()) { std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> pInt32Writer = std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>(new Int32Writeable()); Value value; pInt32Writer->Read(Reader, value); std::shared_ptr<IWriteble> Writeable = WriterMap[value.GetInt32Value()]; Writeable->Read(Reader, value); values.push_back(value); } return values; } private: std::map<Value::Type, int32_t> CodeToTypeMap; std::map<int32_t, std::shared_ptr<IWriteble>> WriterMap; };
#include "stdio.h" #include "Serialize.h" int main() { Values list = {5, "hello"}; std::cout << "序列化前Values值:" << std::endl; for (Value value : list) { std::cout << value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; DataPachage data; ByteArray bytes = data.Serialize(list); Values list1 = data.DeSerialize(bytes); std::cout << "反序列化獲得Values值:" << std::endl; for (Value value : list1) { std::cout << value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }