

若是已忽略 FOR LOGIN,則新的數據庫用戶將被映射到同名的SQL Server登陸名。數據庫

默認架構將是服務器爲此數據庫用戶解析對象名時將搜索的第一個架構。 除非另外指定,不然默認架構將是此數據庫用戶建立的對象所屬的架構。windows

若是用戶具備默認架構,則將使用默認架構。 若是用戶不具備默認架構,但該用戶是具備默認架構的組的成員,則將使用該組的默認架構。 若是用戶不具備默認架構並且是多個組的成員,則該用戶的默認架構將是具備最低principle_id的Windows組的架構和一個顯式設置的默認架構。(不可能將可用的默認架構之一顯式選做首選架構。)若是不能爲用戶肯定默認架構,則將使用 dbo 架構。安全




WITHOUT LOGIN子句可建立不映射到SQL Server登陸名的用戶。它能夠做爲guest鏈接到其餘數據庫。能夠將權限分配給這一沒有登陸名的用戶,當安全上下文更改成沒有登陸名的用戶時,原始用戶將收到無登陸名用戶的權限。 dom

只有映射到Windows主體的用戶才能包含反斜槓字符 ()。函數

不能使用CREATE USER建立guest用戶,由於每一個數據庫中均已存在guest用戶。可經過授予guest用戶CONNECT權限來啓用該用戶,以下所示:工具

能夠在 sys.database_principals 目錄視圖中查看有關數據庫用戶的信息。加密


















--use database_name;
--create user user_name for login login_name with default_schema=architecture_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off };
--create user user_name without login with default_schema=architecrure_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off };
--create user user_name for login login_name with default_schema=architecture_name,allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off };
--create user user_name for asymmetric key asym_key_name;
--create user user_name for certificate certificate_name;
--use database_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_backupoperator] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_datareader] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_datawriter] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_ddladmin] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatareader] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatawriter] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_owner] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[db_securityadmin] to user_name;
--alter authorization on schema::[guest] to user_name;
--use database_name;
--alter role [db_accessadmin] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_backupoperator] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_datareader] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_datawriter] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_ddladmin] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_denydatareader] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_denydatawriter] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_owner] add member user_name;
--alter role [db_securityadmin] add member user_name;
----use database_name;
--grant backup log to user_name;
--grant backup database to user_name;
--grant insert to user_name;
--grant view definition to user_name;
--grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
--grant view any column master key definition to user_name;
--grant view database state to user_name;
--grant unmask to user_name;
--grant create xml schema collection to user_name;
--grant create table to user_name;
--grant create assembly to user_name;
--GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
--grant create symmetric key to user_name;
--grant create asymmetric key to user_name;
--grant create service to user_name;
--grant create rule to user_name;
--grant create procedure to user_name;
--grant create function to user_name;
--grant create schema to user_name;
--grant create role to user_name;
--grant create type to user_name;
--grant create route to user_name;
--grant create default to user_name;
--grant create fulltext catalog to user_name;
--grant create view to user_name;
--grant create database dll event notification to user_name;
--grant create synonym to user_name;
--grant create message type to user_name;
--grant create remote service binding to user_name;
--grant create contract to user_name;
--grant create certificate to user_name;
--grant subscribe query notifications to user_name;
--grant alter to user_name;
--grant alter any external data source to user_name;
--grant alter any external file format to user_name;
--grant alter any mask to user_name;
--grant alter any security policy to user_name;
--grant alter any assembly to user_name;
--grant alter any symmetric key to user_name;
--grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
--grant alter any service to user_name;
--grant alter any schema to user_name;
--grant alter any role to user_name;
--grant alter any route to user_name;
--grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
--grant alter any dataspace to user_name;
--grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
--grant alter any database audit to user_name;
--grant alter any database event notification to user_name;
--grant alter any message type to user_name;
--grant alter any application role to user_name;
--grant alter any user to user_name;
--grant alter any remote service binding to user_name;
--grant alter any contract to user_name;
--grant alter any certificate to user_name;
--grant update to user_name;
--grant checkpoint to user_name;
--grant take ownership to user_name;
--grant control to user_name;
--grant create aggregate to user_name;
--grant connect to user_name;
--grant connect replication to user_name;
--grant delete to user_name;
--grant authenticate to user_name;
--grant showplan to user_name;
--grant select to user_name;
--grant references to user_name;
--grant execute to user_name;
----use database_name;
--grant backup log to user_name with grant option;
--grant backup database to user_name with grant option;
--grant insert to user_name with grant option;
--grant view definition to user_name with grant option;
--grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name with grant option;
--grant view any column master key definition to user_name with grant option;
--grant view database state to user_name with grant option;
--grant unmask to user_name with grant option;
--grant create xml schema collection to user_name with grant option;
--grant create table to user_name with grant option;
--grant create assembly to user_name with grant option;
--GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name with grant option;
--grant create symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
--grant create asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
--grant create service to user_name with grant option;
--grant create rule to user_name with grant option;
--grant create procedure to user_name with grant option;
--grant create function to user_name with grant option;
--grant create schema to user_name with grant option;
--grant create role to user_name with grant option;
--grant create type to user_name with grant option;
--grant create route to user_name with grant option;
--grant create default to user_name with grant option;
--grant create fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
--grant create view to user_name with grant option;
--grant create database dll event notification to user_name with grant option;
--grant create synonym to user_name with grant option;
--grant create message type to user_name with grant option;
--grant create remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
--grant create contract to user_name with grant option;
--grant create certificate to user_name with grant option;
--grant subscribe query notifications to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any external data source to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any external file format to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any mask to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any security policy to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any assembly to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any service to user_name;
--grant alter any schema to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any role to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any route to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any dataspace to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any database audit to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any database event notification to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any message type to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any application role to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any user to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any contract to user_name with grant option;
--grant alter any certificate to user_name with grant option;
--grant update to user_name with grant option;
--grant checkpoint to user_name with grant option;
--grant take ownership to user_name with grant option;
--grant control to user_name with grant option;
--grant create aggregate to user_name with grant option;
--grant connect to user_name with grant option;
--grant connect replication to user_name with grant option;
--grant delete to user_name with grant option;
--grant authenticate to user_name with grant option;
--grant showplan to user_name with grant option;
--grant select to user_name with grant option;
--grant references to user_name with grant option;
--grant execute to user_name with grant option;
--use database_name;
--deny backup log to user_name;
--deny backup database to user_name;
--deny insert to user_name;
--deny view definition to user_name;
--deny view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
--deny view any column master key definition to user_name;
--deny view database state to user_name;
--deny unmask to user_name;
--deny create xml schema collection to user_name;
--deny create table to user_name;
--deny create assembly to user_name;
--deny CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
--deny create symmetric key to user_name;
--deny create asymmetric key to user_name;
--deny create service to user_name;
--deny create rule to user_name;
--deny create procedure to user_name;
--deny create function to user_name;
--deny create schema to user_name;
--deny create role to user_name;
--deny create type to user_name;
--deny create route to user_name;
--deny create default to user_name;
--deny create fulltext catalog to user_name;
--deny create view to user_name;
--deny create database dll event notification to user_name;
--deny create synonym to user_name;
--deny create message type to user_name;
--deny create remote service binding to user_name;
--deny create contract to user_name;
--deny create certificate to user_name;
--deny subscribe query notifications to user_name;
--deny alter to user_name;
--deny alter any external data source to user_name;
--deny alter any external file format to user_name;
--deny alter any mask to user_name;
--deny alter any security policy to user_name;
--deny alter any assembly to user_name;
--deny alter any symmetric key to user_name;
--deny alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
--deny alter any service to user_name;
--deny alter any schema to user_name;
--deny alter any role to user_name;
--deny alter any route to user_name;
--deny alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
--deny alter any dataspace to user_name;
--deny alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
--deny alter any database audit to user_name;
--deny alter any database event notification to user_name;
--deny alter any message type to user_name;
--deny alter any application role to user_name;
--deny alter any user to user_name;
--deny alter any remote service binding to user_name;
--deny alter any contract to user_name;
--deny alter any certificate to user_name;
--deny update to user_name;
--deny checkpoint to user_name;
--deny take ownership to user_name;
--deny control to user_name;
--deny create aggregate to user_name;
--deny connect to user_name;
--deny connect replication to user_name;
--deny delete to user_name;
--deny authenticate to user_name;
--deny showplan to user_name;
--deny select to user_name;
--deny references to user_name;
--deny execute to user_name;
----use database_name
--exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty   @name=N'description_name', @value=N'description_value', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'user_name';


--指定在此數據庫中用於識別該用戶的名稱。user_name 爲 sysname。
--它的長度最可能是 128 個字符。在建立基於Windows主體的用戶時,除非指定其餘用戶名,不然Windows主體名稱將成爲用戶名。
--能夠是基於Windows主體(用戶或組)的登陸名,也能夠是使用SQL Server身份驗證的登陸名。
--當此SQL Server登陸名進入數據庫時,它將獲取正在建立的這個數據庫用戶的名稱和ID。
--在建立從 Windows 主體映射的登陸名時,請使用格式 [<domainName><loginName>]。
--若是CREATE USER語句是SQL批處理中惟一的語句,則Windows Azure SQL Databas 將支持WITH LOGIN子句。
--若是CREATE USER語句不是SQL批處理中惟一的語句或在動態SQL中執行,則不支持 WITH LOGIN 子句。
--with default_schema=architecture_name;
--allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off }
--適用範圍:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 到SQL Server 201七、SQL Database。
--而無需對數據進行解密。默認爲 OFF。
--without login
--asymmetric KEY asym_key_name
--適用範圍:SQL Server 2008到SQL Server 201七、SQL Database。
--certificate certificate_name
--適用範圍:SQL Server 2008到SQL Server 201七、SQL Database。


use [testss];
if exists(select * from sys.database_principals where name='tests')
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to db_accessadmin;
alter role [db_accessadmin] drop member tests;
drop user tests;
create user tests
for login tests
with default_schema=dbo,allow_encrypted_value_modifications=on;
use testss;
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to tests;
use testss;
alter role [db_accessadmin] add member tests;
use testss;
grant backup log to tests;
--use database_name
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'tests_description', @value=N'用戶自定義用戶描述', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'tests';


