K-means 是常見的聚類算法,主要思想是在集合中找到 K 箇中心,以中心爲基礎把集合分爲 k 個部分。html
矢量量化算法能夠看做基於 K-means 算法找出的 K 箇中心點,把中心點周圍的點的值用中心的值取代。python
用 Python 提供的庫很容易能夠將一副圖像進行矢量量化。算法
#!/usr/bin/env python from pylab import imread, imshow, figure, show, subplot from numpy import reshape, uint8, flipud from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans,vq from scipy import misc import Image quantization_layer = 16 img = imread('jet.jpg') print img.shape pixel = img # performing the clustering centroids,_ = kmeans(pixel, quantization_layer) # six colors will be found # quantization qnt,_ = vq(pixel,centroids) centers_idx = qnt clustered = centroids[centers_idx] # display images figure(1) subplot(211) imshow(img) subplot(212) imshow(clustered) show()