看分區說明 說是 都裝在 /USR下了 也有的說是在那裏編譯就裝在哪裏 那RPM軟件管理器裝的裝在哪裏? 本身下載而後MAKE INSTALL的默認裝在哪裏?html
編譯的時候./configure --prefix=/usr這樣的參數能夠設置目錄node
有具體命令看包安裝到何處了,具體man rpm或者man debspa
以上: linux的應用都安裝到哪裏?.net
refer: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard/ wiki/ 百科unix
linux 是由文件組成的, 各個文件不是獨立存在的, 相互之間存在依賴關係
A hardlink isn't a pointer to a file, it's a directory entry (a file) pointing to the same inode. Even if you change the name of the other file, a hardlink still points to the file. If you replace the other file with a new version (by copying it), a hardlink will not point to the new file. You can only have hardlinks within the same filesystem. With hardlinks you don't have concept of the original files and links, all are equal (think of it as a reference to an object). It's a very low level concept.
On the other hand, a symlink is actually pointing to another path (a file name); it resolves the name of the file each time you access it through the symlink. If you move the file, the symlink will not follow. If you replace the file with another one, keeping the name, the symlink will point to the new file. Symlinks can span filesystems. With symlinks you have very clear distinction between the actual file and symlink, which stores no info beside the path about the file it points to.
refer: what-is-the-difference-between-a-hard-link-and-a-symbolic-link