DevExtreme Complete Subscription是性能最優的 HTML5,CSS 和 JavaScript 移動、Web開發框架,能夠直接在Visual Studio集成開發環境,構建iOS,Android,Tizen和Windows Phone 8應用程序。DevExtreme包含 PhoneJS 和 ChartJS 兩個原生UI組件,而且提供源代碼。目前,DevExtreme支持VS2010/2012/2013集成開發環境,兼容Android 4+、iOS5+、Windows 八、Window Phone 八、Tizen五大移動平臺,是Visual Studio開發人員開發跨平臺移動產品的首選工具。html

【DevExtreme v17.2.7下載】android
Data Gridexpress
- T618230 - DataGrid - It is necessary to keep the column size with the disabled allowResizing field
- T619902 - DataGrid inside Popup with Form is rendered incorrectly in IE
- T619069 - dxDataGrid - The grid doesn't fully clear the applied filter in some scenarios when resetting the grid's state
UI Widgetsapp
- T619823 - dxSelectBox fails to unwrap its data source observable array in certain cases
- T618791 - dxSelectBox filter is not cleared if an item is selected by the Tab key
- T619679 - dxTagBox does not select initial values when dataSource is slow
- T618843 - dxTextBox - A masked editor value can't be edited on Android 7.0 devices
- T618605 - Gallery - html in the default item template is not rendering
- T620318 - TagBox removes previously selected tags under certain conditions
- T619103 - TextBox - The "(" can be removed even if a mask is set
Data Visualization框架
- T620010 - dxChart - Points are not connected in the Range Area series