關於新版本cuckoo hook位置變更的思考



WriteFile asm source code from OD(kernel32.dll)code


7C810E17 > $  6A 18         push 0x18                                ;  WriteFileorm

7C810E19   .  68 B00E817C   push kernel32.7C810EB0it

7C810E1E   .  E8 B316FFFF   call kernel32.7C8024D6asm

7C810E23   .  8B5D 14       mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x14]table

7C810E26   .  33C9          xor ecx,ecxast

7C810E28   .  3BD9          cmp ebx,ecxtest

7C810E2A   .  74 02         je short kernel32.7C810E2E監控

7C810E2C   .  890B          mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],ecxfile

7C810E2E   >  64:A1 1800000>mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0x18]

7C810E34   .  8B40 30       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x30]

7C810E37   .  8B7D 08       mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8]

7C810E3A   .  83FF F4       cmp edi,-0xC                             ;  Switch (cases FFFFFFF4..FFFFFFF6)

7C810E3D   .  0F84 C3D00100 je kernel32.7C82DF06

7C810E43   .  83FF F5       cmp edi,-0xB

7C810E46   .  0F84 AFD00100 je kernel32.7C82DEFB

7C810E4C   .  83FF F6       cmp edi,-0xA

7C810E4F   .  0F84 ADBC0200 je kernel32.7C83CB02

7C810E55   >  8BC7          mov eax,edi                              ;  Default case of switch 7C810E3A

7C810E57   .  25 03000010   and eax,0x10000003

7C810E5C   .  83F8 03       cmp eax,0x3

7C810E5F   .  0F84 FCBD0000 je kernel32.7C81CC61

7C810E65   .  8B75 18       mov esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x18]

7C810E68   .  51            push ecx

7C810E69   .  3BF1          cmp esi,ecx

7C810E6B   .  0F85 ABD90100 jnz kernel32.7C82E81C

7C810E71   .  51            push ecx

7C810E72   .  FF75 10       push dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x10]

7C810E75   .  FF75 0C       push dword ptr ss:[ebp+0xC]

7C810E78   .  8D45 E0       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x20]

7C810E7B   .  50            push eax

7C810E7C   .  51            push ecx

7C810E7D   .  51            push ecx

7C810E7E   .  51            push ecx

7C810E7F   .  57            push edi

7C810E80   .  FF15 BC11807C call dword ptr ds:[<&ntdll.NtWriteFile>] ;  ntdll.ZwWriteFile  //here is static address, it's a fn table in kernel32.dll

7C810E86   .  3D 03010000   cmp eax,0x103

7C810E8B   .  0F84 A7BC0200 je kernel32.7C83CB38

7C810E91   >  85C0          test eax,eax

7C810E93   .  0F8C 49D00100 jl kernel32.7C82DEE2

7C810E99   .  8B45 E4       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x1C]

7C810E9C   .  8903          mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],eax

7C810E9E   >  33C0          xor eax,eax

7C810EA0   .  40            inc eax

7C810EA1   >  E8 6B16FFFF   call kernel32.7C802511

7C810EA6   .  C2 1400       retn 0x14




ZwWriteFile source code(ntdll.dll):


7C92DF60 >  B8 12010000     mov eax,0x112                            ; ZwWriteFile

7C92DF65    BA 0003FE7F     mov edx,0x7FFE0300

7C92DF6A    FF12            call dword ptr ds:[edx]                  ; ntdll.KiFastSystemCall

7C92DF6C    C2 2400         retn 0x24



fn table(kernel32.dll):

7C80119C > .  B0D9927C      dd ntdll.ZwReadFile

7C8011A0 > .  50CF927C      dd ntdll.ZwAllocateVirtualMemory

7C8011A4 > .  D0DE927C      dd ntdll.ZwUnlockFile

7C8011A8 > .  80D4927C      dd ntdll.ZwLockFile

7C8011AC > .  8F4F937C      dd ntdll.RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString

7C8011B0 > .  1A4F937C      dd ntdll.RtlAppendUnicodeToString

7C8011B4 > .  B94E937C      dd ntdll.RtlCopyUnicodeString

7C8011B8 > .  70D3927C      dd ntdll.ZwFreeVirtualMemory

7C8011BC > .  60DF927C      dd ntdll.ZwWriteFile                     ;  NtWriteFile

7C8011C0 > .  1234937C      dd ntdll.RtlCreateUnicodeString

7C8011C4 > .  F94F937C      dd ntdll.RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath

7C8011C8 > .  B949937C      dd ntdll.RtlGetLongestNtPathLength

7C8011CC > .  80D2927C      dd ntdll.ZwDuplicateObject

7C8011D0 > .  40D8927C      dd ntdll.ZwQueryKey

7C8011D4 > .  50D2927C      dd ntdll.ZwDeleteValueKey

7C8011D8 > .  B635937C      dd ntdll.RtlEqualString

7C8011DC > .  FFEA937C      dd ntdll.CsrFreeCaptureBuffer

7C8011E0 > .  EE06947C      dd ntdll.CsrCaptureMessageString

7C8011E4 > .  58EB937C      dd ntdll.CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer

7C8011E8 > .  1D28927C      dd ntdll.strncpy

7C8011EC > .  903B957C      dd ntdll.RtlCharToInteger

7C8011F0 > .  C003937C      dd ntdll.RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar



能夠看到ZwWritefile是沒有好的inlinehook的位置的,直接就進了ntdll.KiFastSystemCall 經過中斷跳入ring0,真要hook則,必須在跳回的時候作修復,可能會所以致使hook後程序不穩定。

因此改fntable即方便又穩定,old fn ptr跳回便可調用原來的。壞處是,若是惡意代碼直接調用zwxxx,可能會漏掉。hook時必須根據狀況單獨處理。

