A factless fact table is a fact table that does not have any measures. It is essentially an intersection of dimensions. On the surface, a factless fact table does not make sense, since a fact table is, after all, about facts. However, there are situations where having this kind of relationship makes sense in data warehousing.html
For example, think about a record of student attendance in classes. In this case, the fact table would consist of 3 dimensions: the student dimension, the time dimension, and the class dimension. This factless fact table would look like the following:less
The only measure that you can possibly attach to each combination is "1" to show the presence of that particular combination. However, adding a fact that always shows 1 is redundant because we can simply use the COUNT function in SQL to answer the same questions.flex
Factless fact tables offer the most flexibility in data warehouse design. For example, one can easily answer the following questions with this factless fact table:this
How many students attended a particular class on a particular day?spa
How many classes on average does a student attend on a given day?翻譯
Without using a factless fact table, we will need two separate fact tables to answer the above two questions. With the above factless fact table, it becomes the only fact table that's needed.orm
如下內容轉自 http://www.cnblogs.com/lijun4017/archive/2010/08/04/1792293.html blog
在維度建模的數據倉庫中,有一種事實表叫Factless Fact Table,中文通常翻譯爲「非事實型事實表」。在事實表中,一般會保存十個左右的維度外鍵和多個度量事實,度量事實是事實表的關鍵所在。在非事實型事實表中沒有這些度量事實,只有多個維度外鍵。非事實型事實表一般用來跟蹤一些事件或者說明某些活動的範圍。下面舉例來進行說明。
如下內容轉自 http://www.cnblogs.com/lijun4017/archive/2010/08/04/1792440.html
對於一個大型的B2C企業來講,會有上千萬的客戶。對於這種大型的客戶表,須要跟蹤客戶的變化狀況,咱們能夠採用TYPE 2的緩慢變化維策略來進行應對。例如,一個大的客戶表,咱們儘可能減少TYPE 2生成的記錄數,創建了四個微型維度,分別是客戶信用屬性、客戶參數、市場傾向和客戶詳細地址。這樣在交易粒度事實表中咱們會保留客戶相關信息的五個外鍵,這些外鍵關聯到客戶不一樣的信息。
這時,咱們能夠考慮創建非事實型事實表來解決這個問題。咱們能夠創建一個事實表,其中只有客戶維度和其對應微型維度的外鍵,當客戶有TYPE 2變化時或者產生新的微型維度記錄時,咱們能夠在這個事實表中插入一條記錄。在這個事實表中還能夠加入生效日期和失效日期,能夠加一列用來標識是當前客戶信息記錄,能夠加變化緣由列