<!-- 插入 --> <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.yujin.domain.Role"> INSERT INTO t_roles(name,description) VALUES(#{name},#{description}) </insert>
public interface RoleDao { void insert(Role role); }
<!-- Map傳遞參數 --> <select id="getByMap" parameterType="map" resultType="com.yujin.domain.Role"> SELECT id,name,description FROM t_roles r WHERE r.id=#{id} </select>
public interface RoleDao { List<Role> getByMap(Map<String,Object> maps); }
<select id="selectByTerm" parameterType="Map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select * FROM order_detail <where> <if test="status!=null and status!='' "> and status=#{status} </if> <if test="isActivity!=null and isActivity!='' "> and is_activity=#{isActivity} </if> <if test="userId!=null and userId!='' "> and user_id=#{userId} </if> <if test="shopId!=null and shopId!='' "> and shop_id=#{shopId} </if> <if test="orderId!=null and orderId!='' "> and order_id=#{orderId} </if> <if test="goodsId!=null and goodsId!='' "> and goods_id=#{goodsId} </if> <if test="goodsProvalueId!=null and goodsProvalueId!='' "> and goods_provalue_id=#{goodsProvalueId} </if> <if test="test!=null and test!='' "> and #{test} </if> ORDER BY buy_date DESC </where> <if test="start!=null and end!=null"> limit #{start},#{end} </if> </select>
package com.xtxq.dao.order; import com.xtxq.domain.order.OrderDetail; import java.util.Map; public interface OrderDetailMapper { * @param map * @return */ List<OrderDetail> selectByTerm(Map<String, Object> map); }