kubernetes-ipfs 能夠在全功能的kubernetes部署上運行,也能夠在 minikube 上運行。git
設置 minikube到初始狀態。github
在minikube上建立 go-ipfs 和 grafana deployments。web
go run main.go tests/simple-add-and-cat.yml
go application 返回 0
當知足指望結果時, 1
下面的步驟說明如何訪問在本地機器上的Grafana web UI。ide
運行 init.sh
腳本以前, 確保 grafana-core
deployment 在 prometheus-manifests.yml
- name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED value: "false" - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED value: "true" - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE value: Admin
這容許你訪問Grafana interface,而不須要其餘的受權操做。ui
而後, 運行 init.sh
以後, 你須要告訴Kubernetes 轉發 local ports 到 Grafana interface的port。能夠:this
獲得包含 grafana-core deployment的pod。命令以下:
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring | grep grafana-core | awk '{print $1}' grafana-core-2701824778-j52cq
告訴 kubectl
轉發全部本地 local port 3000 到port 3000,這是在上面操做發現的 grafana-core pod。這裏 3000 是grafana的內部端口,以下:
kubectl port-forward --namespace=monitoring grafana-core-2701824778-j52cq 3000:3000
到這裏, 你已經能夠訪問 Grafana's web UI,在瀏覽器輸入 localhost:3000
The tests are specified in a .yml file for each test.
Each step contains a few flags that specify how they will be run, and a cmd
which is the command to run on the node
Specify that a line number of stdout should be equal to a line you have used save_to on. On success, adds a success count, on fail, adds a failure count.