Certified Scrum Master CSM 中文資料大全


本課程由中國惟一一位獲CST認證培訓師及LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer雙重認證講師,豐富一線實戰經驗的Scrum教練講授:姜信寶 BoB Jiang。 敏捷變革中心是中國第一家專一於組織敏捷性及領導力的諮詢公司微信

  • 咱們把發展敏捷組織和敏捷領導者視爲咱們的使命
  • 咱們由中國第一批受過美國敏捷聯盟專業認證的敏捷教練所組成
  • 咱們具有豐富的敏捷實踐經驗,也都熱愛分享和服務咱們的客戶


價格:早鳥價:6300元(只限前10人且開課一週前有效);三人同行每人可享6000元;普通7000元;費用包含報名費、考試費,不含差旅住宿費。如需開發票,加收10%手續費。因名額限制,座位保留以付款爲準。上課前完成付款。 說明:敏捷社區志願者有特別折扣,詳情聯繫講師(郵件或微信)app


從2001年提出敏捷宣言至今已有十餘年,敏捷不只僅在國外發展勢頭很強勁,在中國也有愈來愈多的企業開始敏捷轉型。一開始是外企把敏捷帶入中國,目前國有企業、民營企業、私營企業以及初創企業都在或多或少的應用敏捷實踐。愈來愈多的企業和公司認識到敏捷轉型的重要性。敏捷不只僅是一些方法或實踐,更是一種心態的變化,也是一個新的旅程。 在本次課程中,學員不只從實際操做的層面上掌握Scrum的運用技巧,學員還將學會如何避免Scrum實施過程當中的一些常見問題。Scrum很簡單,但要掌握其精髓卻並不是容易,講師結合本身在企業內實施敏捷轉型的實踐經驗和Scrum框架,經過案例與遊戲介紹解釋什麼是Scrum以及爲何Scrum能夠如此高效。課程中經過多個遊戲,和穿插的實例、練習、討論等讓學員親歷Scrum的工做過程、領悟Scrum的內涵、掌握Scrum的精髓。你的工做方式的改變從這裏開始。框架


  • 大型外資企業和互聯網(大型電商)行業的一線敏捷實戰經驗
  • 內容全面深刻,重在實踐操做與應用,囊括了大量的項目經驗
  • 經過互動的學習方式,學員在作中學,課後回到公司能夠當即啓動本身的Scrum實踐轉型
  • 來自Scrum聯盟認證講師,純正的Scrum培訓



  • 學習並理解Scrum的本質:原則、方法與實踐經驗
  • 提高對Scrum,以及敏捷最新軟件開發實踐的理解
  • 經過互動的學習方式,真正掌握如何在公司內進行Scrum轉型
  • 學習並理解Scrum Master的工具箱,爲在團隊內進行的Scrum實踐打下堅實的基礎



  • Certified ScrumMaster證書
  • Scrum聯盟兩年會員資格
  • Scrum實戰培訓手冊1本
  • 對Scrum轉型有幫助的、有啓發性的1G+視頻
  • 團隊敏捷備忘錄1份
  • PMI上能夠申請的14PDU


  • 做爲一名Scrum初學者,我能夠系統地學習Scrum,瞭解Scrum背後的原理以及相關知識,以便爲組織的Scrum轉型打下基礎。
  • 做爲一名管理者,我能夠了解Scrum框架的工做方式,還能夠從Bob那裏學習組織轉型的經驗,以便引導個人組織開展Scrum轉型,收穫更大的價值。
  • 爲一名傳統項目經理,我能夠看到Scrum是如何工做並生效的,以便更好得把Scrum應用到項目中。


  • 模塊1:敏捷與Scrum概述
  • 模塊2:Scrum角色
  • 模塊3:Scrum工件之產品列表及條目
  • 模塊4:敏捷估算與規劃
  • 模塊5:Scrum會議






2.1 開發團隊


2.2 ScrumMaster


2.3 產品負責人





敏捷中的估算怎麼作,須要細化到什麼程度。敏捷宣言中提到"響應變化 高於 遵循計劃",那麼在敏捷中是否還須要計劃。敏捷中的規劃都有哪些,分別是什麼用處,在什麼階段使用。本模塊主要討論這樣的一些主題。






能夠給講師寫郵件 或者加微信 (bob_jiang_xinbao)


招商銀行常營支行 謝學義 6214 8301 8125 4581 對公付款請加我微信單獨聯繫

什麼是CSM(Certified ScrumMaster)



姜信寶 Bob Jiang

  • 中國北方第一位CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)
  • 原京東資深敏捷教練、金牌講師
  • Certified LeSS Practitioner,《Scrum精髓》譯者
  • 敏捷變革中心創始人&合夥人
  • 敏捷一千零一晚上Agile1001的聯合發起人


中國敏捷社區的守望者,從2011年起組織參與了敏捷之旅、ScrumGathering、敏捷中國、MSUP等大會 博客 http://bobjiang.com

敏捷變革中心 CAT(Center for Agile Transformation)

  • 是中國第一家專一於組織敏捷轉型及敏捷領導力發展的諮詢公司。
  • 咱們由中國第一批受過美國敏捷聯盟專業認證的敏捷教練所組成。
  • 咱們具有豐富的敏捷實踐經驗,
  • 也都熱愛分享和服務咱們的客戶。

聯絡方式: bob@bobjiang.com

This course is instructed by BoB Jiang, who is the only CST and LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer in China.

In the 2-day course, you will not only learn the Scrum theory and get CSM certification, but also learn the mechanism behind Scrum, and learn Scrum framework by gamification and experimental learning methods. During 2-day you may also be interested to discuss the Scrum transformation tips and pains with BoB together.

BoB is co-founder of Center for Agile Transformation (CAT), which is the first consulting firm focusing on organization agility and agile leadership in China:

  • Our mission is to develop organization agility and agile leaders
  • We are the first certified agile leaders from Scrum Alliance
  • We have rich agile practical experience and love sharing and servicing our customers


It has been more than 10 years since agile manifesto announced, more and more enterprises are adopting agile/Scrum. Agile is not only the methodology and/or practices, but also mindset shifting, and a totally new journey for an organization. In the 2-day course, the participants could get the basic and practical Scrum application techniques, and also learn how to avoid some common problems. Scrum is simple, but not easy. BoB will teach the essence of Scrum through experimental learning, so you will get why Scrum works.

Course highlight

  • Scrum practices and cases from the first line experiment
  • You can kick off your Scrum just after the course by the step by step guide

Learning Objectives

  • Understand Scrum principles, values, and framework
  • Promote Scrum knowledge and the understanding of core Scrum
  • Learn Scrum and scaling Scrum in your organization

Major Benefit

  • Certified ScrumMaster
  • 2-year Membership of Scrum Alliance
  • 1 Scrum workbook
  • Team agile memo
  • 16PDU for PMP


Module 1: Agile and Scrum overview Module 2:Scrum Roles Module 3:Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog and DoD Module 4:Agile Estimation and planning Module 5:Scrum Events

Module 1: Agile and Scrum overview Only a few organization could deliver business values continuously, although many of them are doing agile. Why? What is the problem? This course will illustrate Scrum from "Tao, Method, Strategy" - 3 levels to decompose Scrum. The participant will not only know what is agile and Scrum, but also the core of agile and Scrum, and the truly benefits from agile.

Scrum is simple as a minimal reflective framework, but not easy to apply it. In this module, it will cover Scrum values, foundations and overview.

Module 2:Scrum Roles There are 3 roles in Scrum: ScrumMaster, Product Owner, and development team. And why the 3 roles, why not project manager, what's the responsibilities of managers. It will cover above questions in this module.

2.1 Development Team It is self-managing, cross functional team for Development Team in Scrum, which is small team for swarming work together. How to build such team, and how to motivate the team. Let's discover the secret of team in this module.

2.2 ScrumMaster ScrumMaster is a totally new role in Scrum, who is not project manager. In Scrum, ScrumMaster looks idle, nothing to do. But it is illusion, and also misunderstanding. ScrumMaster works as coach, coaching team Scrum transformation; ScrumMaster also works as sheep dog, protecting team from the disturb; ScrumMaster is a facilitator, to make team meeting more focus and easier; ScrumMaster is a change agent, not only help team transformation, but also help organization transformation.

2.3 Product Owner Product Owner is in charge of maximizing values of the product and development team. In Scrum, what tools and how PO could achieve above work, will be covered in this module.

Module 3:Product Backlog and Items Product Backlog is the input for development team, which is the important part for a team. Good product backlog is DEEP. How to create a good product backlog, how to split items, and what should be put into product backlog. It will be covered in this module.

Module 4:Agile Estimation and planning How to estimate in Scrum, and what level of details of items. "Responding to change over following plan" in agile manifesto, so how to do planning in agile. And what kinds of planning in Scrum, and how to use them.

Module 5:Scrum Events Scrum Events includes: Sprint planning, daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospectives and product backlog refinement. Why does it have the 5 events in Scrum, when to have them, and how to do. Let us co-create the Scrum events together.

本文首發於 Bob Jiang的博客 ,轉載請聯繫 Bob Jiang
