public class ThreadGroupTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //主線程對應的線程組 printGroupInfo(Thread.currentThread());//線程組爲main父線程組爲system //新建線程,系統默認的線程組 Thread appThread = new Thread(()->{},"appThread"); printGroupInfo(appThread);//線程組爲main父線程組爲system //自定義線程組 ThreadGroup factoryGroup=new ThreadGroup("factory"); Thread workerThread=new Thread(factoryGroup,()->{},"worker"); printGroupInfo(workerThread);//線程組爲factory,父線程組爲main //設置父線程組 ThreadGroup deviceGroup=new ThreadGroup(factoryGroup,"device"); Thread pcThread=new Thread(deviceGroup,()->{},"pc"); printGroupInfo(pcThread);//線程組爲device,父線程組爲factory } static void printGroupInfo(Thread t) { ThreadGroup group = t.getThreadGroup(); System.out.println("thread " + t.getName() + " group name is "+ group.getName() + " max priority is " + group.getMaxPriority() + " thread count is " + group.activeCount() + " parent group is "+ (group.getParent()==null?null:group.getParent().getName())); ThreadGroup parent=group; do { ThreadGroup current = parent; parent = parent.getParent(); if (parent == null) { break; } System.out.println(current.getName() +" Group's parent group name is "+parent.getName()); } while (true); System.out.println("--------------------------"); } }
public int activeCount(); // 得到當前線程組中線程數目, 包括可運行和不可運行的 public int activeGroupCount(); //得到當前線程組中活動的子線程組的數目 public int enumerate(Thread list[]); //列舉當前線程組中的線程 public int enumerate(ThreadGroup list[]); //列舉當前線程組中的子線程組 public final int getMaxPriority(); //得到當前線程組中最大優先級 public final String getName(); //得到當前線程組的名字 public final ThreadGroup getParent(); //得到當前線程組的父線程組 public boolean parentOf(ThreadGroup g); //判斷當前線程組是否爲指定線程的父線程 public boolean isDaemon(); //判斷當前線程組中是否有監護線程 public void list(); //列出當前線程組中全部線程和子線程名
public final void resume(); //使被掛起的當前組內的線程恢復到可運行狀態 public final void setDaemon (boolean daemon); //指定一個線程爲當前線程組的監護線程 public final void setMaxPriority(int pri); //設置當前線程組容許的最大優先級 public final void stop();//終止當前線程組中全部線程 public final void suspend(); //掛起當前線程組中全部線程 public String toStrinng(); //將當前線程組轉換爲String類的對象
public class ThreadGroupDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // 建立5個線程,併入group裏面進行管理 ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("threadGroupTest1"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Thread thread = new Thread(threadGroup,()->{ System.out.println("Thread Start " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { int value = (int)new Random((new Date()).getTime()).nextDouble()*100; System.out.printf("Thread %s doTask: %d\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(),value); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(value); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.printf("Thread %s: Interrupted\n", Thread.currentThread().getName()); return; } System.out.println("Thread end " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); }); thread.start(); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } //group信息 System.out.printf("Number of Threads: %d\n", threadGroup.activeCount()); System.out.printf("Information about the Thread Group\n"); threadGroup.list(); //複製group的thread信息 Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadGroup.activeCount()]; threadGroup.enumerate(threads); for (int i = 0; i < threadGroup.activeCount(); i++) { System.out.printf("Thread %s: %s\n", threads[i].getName(),threads[i].getState()); } //等待結束 while (threadGroup.activeCount() > 9) { try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //中斷group中的線程 threadGroup.interrupt(); } }