在VS下使用JsonCpp把中文賦值給Json::Value後toStyledString()打印,中文字已經變成\u開始的字符,並且仍是不許確的unicode碼,在Linux環境下沒有這個問題。中文亂碼顯示以下: "VehicleBrand" : "\u5927\u4f17"java
static JSONCPP_STRING valueToQuotedStringN(const char* value, unsigned length) { if (value == NULL) return ""; if (!isAnyCharRequiredQuoting(value, length)) return JSONCPP_STRING("\"") + value + "\""; // We have to walk value and escape any special characters. // Appending to JSONCPP_STRING is not efficient, but this should be rare. // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.) JSONCPP_STRING::size_type maxsize = length * 2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL JSONCPP_STRING result; result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs result += "\""; char const* end = value + length; for (const char* c = value; c != end; ++c) { switch (*c) { case '\"': result += "\\\""; break; case '\\': result += "\\\\"; break; case '\b': result += "\\b"; break; case '\f': result += "\\f"; break; case '\n': result += "\\n"; break; case '\r': result += "\\r"; break; case '\t': result += "\\t"; break; // case '/': // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it. // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.) // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </ // sequence. // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this // sequence from occurring. default: { /* unsigned int cp = utf8ToCodepoint(c, end); // don't escape non-control characters // (short escape sequence are applied above) if (cp < 0x80 && cp >= 0x20) result += static_cast<char>(cp); else if (cp < 0x10000) { // codepoint is in Basic Multilingual Plane result += "\\u"; result += toHex16Bit(cp); } else { // codepoint is not in Basic Multilingual Plane // convert to surrogate pair first cp -= 0x10000; result += "\\u"; result += toHex16Bit((cp >> 10) + 0xD800); result += "\\u"; result += toHex16Bit((cp & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } */ result += *c; } break; } } result += "\""; return result; }