大端換小端 16位:spa
import struct import sys # main body if sys.argv.__len__() > 1: # 參數獲取 src_file = sys.argv[1] else: # 文本輸入 src_file = input("Source Bin Path: ") dst_file = src_file[0:(src_file.__len__()-2)] dst_i_file = dst_file dst_file += "_le.bin" dst_i_file += ".i" print("Source file: {0}\nTarget File: {1}\n\t{2}".format(src_file, dst_file, dst_i_file)) sf = open(src_file, "rb") df = open(dst_file, "wb") dif = open(dst_i_file, "w") buf_tmp = [b'0' for x in range(0, 2)] contents = sf.read() buf_size = contents.__len__() extra_size = (buf_size % 2) if extra_size > 0: buf_size += (2 - extra_size) contents = contents + b'0000' for i in range(0, buf_size, 2): buf_tmp[1] = contents[i] buf_tmp[0] = contents[i+1] if (i > 0) and ((i % 16) == 0): dif.write("\n") for j in range(0, 2): dif.write(str.format("0x%02x," % buf_tmp[j])) # pack into bytes flow tmp_bytes = struct.pack("2B", buf_tmp[0], buf_tmp[1]) df.write(tmp_bytes) dif.close() sf.close() df.close() print("Convert Completed!")
大端換小端 32位code
import struct import sys # main body if sys.argv.__len__() > 1: # 參數獲取 src_file = sys.argv[1] else: # 文本輸入 src_file = input("Source Bin Path: ") dst_file = src_file[0:(src_file.__len__()-4)] dst_i_file = dst_file dst_file += "_le.bin" dst_i_file += ".i" print("Source file: {0}\nTarget File: {1}\n\t{2}".format(src_file, dst_file, dst_i_file)) sf = open(src_file, "rb") df = open(dst_file, "wb") dif = open(dst_i_file, "w") buf_tmp = [b'0' for x in range(0, 4)] contents = sf.read() buf_size = contents.__len__() extra_size = (buf_size % 4) if extra_size > 0: buf_size += (4 - extra_size) contents = contents + b'0000' for i in range(0, buf_size, 4): buf_tmp[3] = contents[i] buf_tmp[2] = contents[i+1] buf_tmp[1] = contents[i+2] buf_tmp[0] = contents[i+3] if (i > 0) and ((i % 16) == 0): dif.write("\n") for j in range(0, 4): dif.write(str.format("0x%02x," % buf_tmp[j])) # pack into bytes flow tmp_bytes = struct.pack("4B", buf_tmp[0], buf_tmp[1], buf_tmp[2], buf_tmp[3]) df.write(tmp_bytes) dif.close() sf.close() df.close() print("Convert Completed!")