int _localZOrder; ///< Local order (relative to its siblings) used to sort the node float _globalZOrder; ///< Global order used to sort the node Vector<Node*> _children; ///< array of children nodes Node *_parent; ///< weak reference to parent node int _tag; ///< a tag. Can be any number you assigned just to identify this node std::string _name; ///<a string label, an user defined string to identify this node int _orderOfArrival; ///< used to preserve sequence while sorting children with the same localZOrder bool _running; ///< is running
/** * Adds a child to the container with z order and tag * * If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately. * * @param child A child node * @param zOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to `setLocalZOrder(int)` * @param tag An integer to identify the node easily. Please refer to `setTag(int)` * * Please use `addChild(Node* child, int localZOrder, const std::string &name)` instead. */ virtual void addChild(Node* child, int localZOrder, int tag); /** * Adds a child to the container with z order and tag * * If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately. * * @param child A child node * @param zOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to `setLocalZOrder(int)` * @param name A string to identify the node easily. Please refer to `setName(int)` * */ virtual void addChild(Node* child, int localZOrder, const std::string &name);
void Node::addChild(Node *child, int localZOrder, int tag) { CCASSERT( child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCASSERT( child->_parent == nullptr, "child already added. It can't be added again"); addChildHelper(child, localZOrder, tag, "", true); } void Node::addChild(Node* child, int localZOrder, const std::string &name) { CCASSERT(child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCASSERT(child->_parent == nullptr, "child already added. It can't be added again"); addChildHelper(child, localZOrder, INVALID_TAG, name, false); }
這兩個函數都調用了一個私有函數 void addChildHelper(Node* child, int localZOrder, int tag, const std::string &name, bool setTag)。下面看該函數的實現。code
void Node::addChildHelper(Node* child, int localZOrder, int tag, const std::string &name, bool setTag) { if (_children.empty()) { this->childrenAlloc(); } this->insertChild(child, localZOrder); if (setTag) child->setTag(tag); else child->setName(name); child->setParent(this); /* 筆者注 * 設置節點到達順序,若是節點樹中不一樣節點有相同的LocalZOrder時, * 到達順序小的節點先畫 */ child->setOrderOfArrival(s_globalOrderOfArrival++); /* 筆者注 * 若是使用了物理引擎,須要爲節點添加物理世界的性質 */ #if CC_USE_PHYSICS // Recursive add children with which have physics body. Scene* scene = this->getScene(); if (scene != nullptr && scene->getPhysicsWorld() != nullptr) { child->updatePhysicsBodyTransform(scene); scene->addChildToPhysicsWorld(child); } #endif if( _running ) { child->onEnter(); // prevent onEnterTransitionDidFinish to be called twice when a node is added in onEnter if (_isTransitionFinished) { child->onEnterTransitionDidFinish(); } } if (_cascadeColorEnabled) { updateCascadeColor(); } if (_cascadeOpacityEnabled) { updateCascadeOpacity(); } }
從實現源碼不難看出,全部的子節點都被保存到 _children 數組中。若是父節點不處於 _running 狀態,那麼子節點在添加時就不會被調用 onEnter和onEnterTransitionDidFinished函數,這會產生什麼影響筆者從此再作補充。orm