項目 | 內容 |
本做業屬於北航軟件工程課程 | 博客園班級博客 |
做業要求請點擊連接查看 | 我的項目做業 |
班級:006 | Sample |
GitHub地址 | IntersectProject |
我在這門課程的目標是 | 得到成爲一名軟件工程師的能力 |
這個做業在哪一個具體方面幫助我實現目標 | 總結過去、規劃將來 |
PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 預估耗時(分鐘) | 實際耗時(分鐘) |
Planning | 計劃 | 90 | 83 |
· Estimate | · 估計這個任務須要多少時間 | 90 | 83 |
Development | 開發 | 830 | 1320 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括學習新技術) | 30 | 60 |
· Design Spec | · 生成設計文檔 | 60 | 40 |
· Design Review | · 設計複審 (和同事審覈設計文檔) | 60 | 60 |
· Coding Standard | · 代碼規範 (爲目前的開發制定合適的規範) | 20 | 20 |
· Design | · 具體設計 | 60 | 120 |
· Coding | · 具體編碼 | 240 | 480 |
· Code Review | · 代碼複審 | 0 | 0 |
· Test | · 測試(自我測試,修改代碼,提交修改) | 360 | 540 |
Reporting | 報告 | 180 | 240 |
· Test Report | · 測試報告 | 30 | 180 |
· Size Measurement | · 計算工做量 | 30 | 30 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 過後總結, 並提出過程改進計劃 | 120 | 30 |
合計 | 1100 | 1560 |
1000 <= N <= 500000
0 <= h <= 5000000
以後看到了交點個數0 <= h <= 5000000
的限制,感受也許最壞複雜度\(O(n^2)\)的算法並非不可能解的,由於若是有N = 500000
條直線不存在三線共點和平行的話,確實會有\(N(N-1)/2\)個交點,可是之因此交點個數有限制 h <= 5000000
map<double, set<CLine>>
的 _circles
這個map<CPoint, set<CShape>>
test_input: 構造了4個測試數據,測試輸入函數inputShapes的功能,下面爲其中一個測試樣例,解釋見註釋:數據結構
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod4) { // paralile 數據爲兩組平行線 // 4 // L 0 0 0 1 // L 0 0 1 1 // L 1 0 1 2 // L 1 0 2 1 //直線通常方程ABC答案集 vector<CLine> ans; ans.push_back(CLine(1, -1, 0)); ans.push_back(CLine(1, -1, -1)); ans.push_back(CLine(1, 0, 0)); ans.push_back(CLine(2, 0, -2)); //直線斜率答案集 vector<CSlope> ans_slope; ans_slope.push_back(CSlope(1.0)); ans_slope.push_back(CSlope(true)); ifstream fin("../test/test4.txt");//讀測試輸入文件 if (!fin) {//確認讀入正確 Assert::AreEqual(132, 0); } //測試開始 CIntersect ins; ins.inputShapes(fin); //獲取測試目標數據結構 map<CSlope, set<CLine> > k2lines = ins.getK2Lines(); //對比答案 Assert::AreEqual((int)k2lines.size(), 2); int i = 0; int j = 0; for (map<CSlope, set<CLine> >::iterator mit = k2lines.begin(); mit != k2lines.end(); ++mit, ++i) { Assert::AreEqual(true, mit->first == ans_slope[i]); Assert::AreEqual((int)(mit->second.size()), 2); set<CLine> lines = mit->second; for (set<CLine>::iterator sit = lines.begin(); sit != lines.end(); ++sit, ++j) { Assert::AreEqual(true, ans[j] == *sit); } } }
test_line_intersect: 構造4個測試樣例,測試兩線交點函數calcShapeInsPoint
test_cnt_intersect: 構造11個測試樣例,測試總數函數cntTotalInsPoint
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod9) { // 相切測試,含內切、外切、直線兩圓三線切於一點 // 6 // C 0 0 10 // C 4 3 5 // C - 5 0 5 // L 2 14 14 - 2 // L 0 0 0 1 // L - 10 0 - 10 1 ifstream fin("../test/test9.txt"); if (!fin) { Assert::AreEqual(132, 0); } CIntersect ins; ins.inputShapes(fin); int cnt = ins.cntTotalInsPoint(); Assert::AreEqual(9, cnt); // 總數爲9 }
可見性能瓶頸在map<CPoint, set<CShape>>
其次,這個set是不須要查找的,只須要添加,以及總體copy,因此不須要用set,能夠改爲vector。set在插入前是須要遍歷紅黑樹的,耗時耗內存。因而原來的map<CPoint, set<CShape>>
改爲了map<CPoint, vector<int>>
相似的,這個map<CSlope, set<CLine>>
也能夠改爲map<CSlope, vector<CLine>>
#define EPS 1e-6 double x; double y; if (abs(x-y) < EPS) { cout << "x == y" << endl; }
在本需求中,涉及到若干浮點數相關類須要重載 <
bool CPoint::operator < (const CPoint & rhs) const { // 要求僅當 _x < rhs._x - EPS 或 _x < rhs._x + EPS && _y < rhs._y - EPS 時返回true if (_x < rhs._x - EPS || _x < rhs._x + EPS && _y < rhs._y - EPS) { return true; } return false; }
// calculate all intersect points of s1 and s2 // return the points as vector // need: s1, s2 should be CLine or CCircle. // special need: if s1, s2 are CLine. They cannot be parallel. std::vector<CPoint> CIntersect::calcShapeInsPoint(const CShape& s1, const CShape& s2) const { if (s1.type() == "Line" && s2.type() == "Line") { // 直線交點公式,輸入要求兩線不平行 double x = (s2.C()*s1.B() - s1.C()*s2.B()) / (s1.A()*s2.B() - s2.A()*s1.B()); double y = (s2.C()*s1.A() - s1.C()*s2.A()) / (s1.B()*s2.A() - s2.B()*s1.A()); vector<CPoint> ret; ret.push_back(CPoint(x, y)); return ret; } else { if (s1.type() == "Circle" && s2.type() == "Line") { return calcInsCircLine(s1, s2); } else if (s1.type() == "Line" && s2.type() == "Circle") { return calcInsCircLine(s2, s1); } else { // 兩個圓的交點轉化爲一個圓與公共弦直線的交點 CLine line(s1.D() - s2.D(), s1.E() - s2.E(), s1.F() - s2.F()); return calcInsCircLine(s1, line); } } } // calculate Intersections of one circ and one line // need: para1 is CCirc, para2 is CLine // return a vector of intersections. size can be 0,1,2. std::vector<CPoint> calcInsCircLine(const CShape& circ, const CShape& line) { if (line.k().isInf()) { // 斜率無窮,略 ... } else if (abs(line.k().val() - 0.0) < EPS) { //斜率爲0,略 ... } else { vector<CPoint> ret; double k = line.k().val(); double x0 = circ.x0(); double y0 = circ.y0(); double b1 = line.b().val(); double d_2 = (k * x0 - y0 + b1) * (k * x0 - y0 + b1) / (1 + k * k); double d = sqrt(d_2); // 圓心到直線距離 double n; // 半弦長 if (d - circ.r() > EPS) { // not intersect return ret; } else if (circ.r() - d < EPS){ // tangent n = 0.0; } else { // intersect n = sqrt(circ.r() * circ.r() - d_2); } double b2 = x0 / k + y0; double xc = (b2 - b1) / (k + 1 / k); // 弦中點x座標 double yc = (k * b2 + b1 / k) / (k + 1 / k); // 弦中點y座標 // 交點座標 double x1 = xc + n / sqrt(1 + k * k); double x2 = xc - n / sqrt(1 + k * k); double y1 = yc + n * k / sqrt(1 + k * k); double y2 = yc - n * k / sqrt(1 + k * k); ret.push_back(CPoint(x1, y1)); ret.push_back(CPoint(x2, y2)); return ret; } }
// the main pipeline: loop the inputs and fill in _insp2shapes or _insPoints // return the total count of intersect points // need: _k2lines and _circles have been filled int CIntersect::cntTotalInsPoint() { // lines first vector<CLine> over; for (auto mit = _k2lines.begin(); mit != _k2lines.end(); ++mit) { // 遍歷平行組 vector<CLine>& s = mit->second; for (auto sit = s.begin(); sit != s.end(); ++sit) { //遍歷組內直線 // trick: If the cross point already exists, // we can cut calculation with other lines crossing this point. set<int> can_skip_id; // use this to record which line do not need calculate. for (auto oit = over.begin(); oit != over.end(); ++oit) { // 遍歷over集 if (can_skip_id.find(oit->id()) == can_skip_id.end()) { // cannot skip CPoint point = calcShapeInsPoint(*sit, *oit)[0]; // must intersect // 能保證不平行 if (_insp2shapesId.find(point) == _insp2shapesId.end()) { // 全新交點 _insp2shapesId[point].push_back(sit->id()); _insp2shapesId[point].push_back(oit->id()); } else { // cross point already exists 交點已存在 vector<int>& sl = _insp2shapesId[point]; can_skip_id.insert(sl.begin(), sl.end()); // 下次遇到能夠跳過不算 _insp2shapesId[point].push_back(sit->id()); } } } } over.insert(over.end(), s.begin(), s.end());// 整個平行組加入over集 } // 後面算圓略 ... }
std::vector<CPoint> calcInsCircLine(const CShape& circ, const CShape& line)