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使用GPU訓練時,一次訓練任務不管是模型參數仍是中間結果都須要佔用大量顯存。爲了不每次訓練從新開闢顯存帶來計算以外的開銷,通常框架的作法是在真正的訓練任務開始前,將每一個節點的輸入和輸出,以及模型參數的shape計算出來並全局開闢一次,例如Caffe就是這種作法。隨着深度學習模型的發展和迭代,不只模型訓練的數據shape可能發生變化,就連模型自己在訓練過程當中也可能發生變化,那麼按照固定shape一次開闢顯存的作法就不能知足需求了。爲此,TensorFlow從新設計了較爲靈活的顯存管理機制,它使用了名爲BFC的分配算法,並經過BFC Allocator爲每一個Tensor分配知足需求的顯存。本節咱們將一塊兒窺探BFC Allocator的設計思想。算法
1 Tensor::Tensor(Allocator* a, DataType type, const TensorShape& shape) 2 : shape_(shape), buf_(nullptr) { 3 set_dtype(type); 4 CHECK_NOTNULL(a); 5 if (shape_.num_elements() > 0 || a->ShouldAllocateEmptyTensors()) { 6 CASES(type, buf_ = new Buffer<T>(a, shape.num_elements())); 7 } 8 if (buf_ != nullptr && buf_->data() != nullptr && LogMemory::IsEnabled()) { 9 LogMemory::RecordTensorAllocation("Unknown", LogMemory::UNKNOWN_STEP_ID, 10 *this); 11 } 12 }
1 emplate <typename T> 2 Buffer<T>::Buffer(Allocator* a, int64 n, 3 const AllocationAttributes& allocation_attr) 4 : BufferBase(a, a->Allocate<T>(n, allocation_attr)), elem_(n) {}
若是你對操做系統這門課比較熟悉,那麼應該很容易想到解決辦法:將顯存按照不一樣的大小一次性開闢出來,並組成存儲池,每次調用Allocate函數時從存儲池中獲取,Tensor回收時將顯存從新掛到存儲池中。這樣作確實能夠知足性能需求,可是須要爲此設計一個相對複雜的存儲管理器。BFC Allocator就是TensorFlow中管理GPU顯存的存儲管理器。函數
BFC的全稱是Best-Fit with Coalescing。從TensorFlow源碼註釋中得知,BFC算法並不是TensorFlow徹底原創,而是dlmalloc的一個簡單實現版本。dlmalloc是一款優秀的存儲分配器,它以Doug Lea的名字命名,這個站點包含了dlmalloc的詳細說明,有興趣的同窗能夠去看一看。之因此在TensorFlow中引入一個簡單版本的dlmalloc算法,是由於該算法能夠很是高效的按需分配和回收存儲區,並儘量減小存儲碎片。性能
1. 塊內地址是連續地址
2. 存儲池中的塊要以每一個塊基地址升序排列,並組織成雙向鏈表
3. 高地址塊的size大於低地址塊的size
prev,next:這兩個變量起到指針做用,分別指向前驅和後繼Chunk。由於在BFC Allocator模塊中多個chunk都被放入了vector中,因此這兩個指針實際上就是前驅和後繼的index
若是咱們想查詢某一塊符合條件的空閒Chunk並取出,那麼只能對雙向鏈表作遍歷,顯然這個效率不是很高。爲了加速查詢某塊Chunk的速度,能夠在建立Chunk鏈表時按必定順序排列,並將整個有序鏈表在邏輯上切分紅多個段,爲每一個段記錄所包含的Chunk的範圍,這種結構就是Bin,它至關於一種索引。所以,Bin結構是爲了方便Chunk的查詢而出現的。在BFC Allocator中,每一個段中Chunk的順序是按照size和基地址升序排序的,每一個Bin都設有本身的bin_size,該bin_size表示該段包含的最小Chunk的size。這樣一來,用戶端就能夠根據所須要申請的Memory大小直接找到對應的Bin,而後在該Bin中遍歷尋找適合的Chunk。爲了可以根據bin_size直接定位到Bin,規定bin_size與bin_num的大小關係爲:bin_size=256 * 2bin_num。用戶在申請Memory時,會將實際大小映射到最適合的bin_size上,而後再根據bin_size與bin_num的關係找到對應的Bin,進而在該段中遍歷搜索。
1 // Sort first by size and then use pointer address as a tie breaker. 2 bool operator()(const ChunkHandle ha, 3 const ChunkHandle hb) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { 4 const Chunk* a = allocator_->ChunkFromHandle(ha); 5 const Chunk* b = allocator_->ChunkFromHandle(hb); 6 if (a->size != b->size) { 7 return a->size < b->size; 8 } 9 return a->ptr < b->ptr; 10 }
這兩個類是起到輔助做用。BFC Allocator每次分配存儲區時都以Chunk爲單位,指向Chunk的指針又是ChunkHandle類型(實際爲數組下標),但分配存儲的最終目的是把Chunk中指向存儲區域的頭指針ptr分配給請求方。另外,當系統回收存儲區時,面對的也是存儲區的頭指針,那麼若是不能根據頭指針找到Chunk和Bin信息,回收就不能成功。所以這裏顯然應該設計一系列接口和函數:它可以記錄每次分配的Chunk,而且可以保存分配存儲區的地址ptr與Chunk之間的映射關係。AllocationRegion和RegionManager就是完成這些功能的接口。
這是BFCAllocator的爲用戶分配Chunk的整體流程。由於物理設備上實際的空閒存儲區已經被事先開闢好,並以Chunk的形式組織成了雙向鏈表,那麼BFC Allocator爲用戶分配存儲區時直接從Chunk中獲取便可。當雙向鏈表中找不到合適的Chunk時,不得不向物理設備上申請更多存儲空間,並建立新的Chunk放入到雙向鏈表中,並掛入到B相應的Bin中。下面的流程圖展現了這一過程,該過程涉及到了幾個比較重要的子過程。它們分別是遍歷搜索尋找最佳Chunk指針的FIndChunkPtr過程,當Chunk鏈表中不存在合適的Chunk以致於不得不向物理設備申請新存儲空間的Extend過程,以及分配Chunk時爲緩解碎片問題而出現的SplitChunk過程。
1 void* BFCAllocator::AllocateRawInternal(size_t unused_alignment, 2 size_t num_bytes, 3 bool dump_log_on_failure, 4 uint64 freed_before) { 5 if (num_bytes == 0) { 6 VLOG(2) << "tried to allocate 0 bytes"; 7 return nullptr; 8 } 9 // First, always allocate memory of at least kMinAllocationSize 10 // bytes, and always allocate multiples of kMinAllocationSize bytes 11 // so all memory addresses are nicely byte aligned. 12 size_t rounded_bytes = RoundedBytes(num_bytes); 13 14 // The BFC allocator tries to find the best fit first. 15 BinNum bin_num = BinNumForSize(rounded_bytes); 16 17 mutex_lock l(lock_); 18 void* ptr = FindChunkPtr(bin_num, rounded_bytes, num_bytes, freed_before); 19 if (ptr != nullptr) { 20 return ptr; 21 } 22 23 // Try to extend 24 if (Extend(unused_alignment, rounded_bytes)) { 25 ptr = FindChunkPtr(bin_num, rounded_bytes, num_bytes, freed_before); 26 if (ptr != nullptr) { 27 return ptr; 28 } 29 } 30 31 // We searched all bins for an existing free chunk to use and 32 // couldn't find one. This means we must have run out of memory, 33 // Dump the memory log for analysis. 34 if (dump_log_on_failure) { 35 LOG(WARNING) << "Allocator (" << Name() << ") ran out of memory trying " 36 << "to allocate " << strings::HumanReadableNumBytes(num_bytes) 37 << ". Current allocation summary follows."; 38 DumpMemoryLog(rounded_bytes); 39 LOG(WARNING) << RenderOccupancy(); 40 } 41 return nullptr; 42 }
1 void* BFCAllocator::FindChunkPtr(BinNum bin_num, size_t rounded_bytes, 2 size_t num_bytes, uint64 freed_before) { 3 // First identify the first bin that could satisfy rounded_bytes. 4 for (; bin_num < kNumBins; bin_num++) { 5 // Start searching from the first bin for the smallest chunk that fits 6 // rounded_bytes. 7 Bin* b = BinFromIndex(bin_num); 8 for (auto citer = b->free_chunks.begin(); citer != b->free_chunks.end(); 9 ++citer) { 10 const BFCAllocator::ChunkHandle h = (*citer); 11 BFCAllocator::Chunk* chunk = ChunkFromHandle(h); 12 DCHECK(!chunk->in_use()); 13 if (freed_before > 0 && freed_before < chunk->freed_count) { 14 continue; 15 } 16 if (chunk->size >= rounded_bytes) { 17 // We found an existing chunk that fits us that wasn't in use, so remove 18 // it from the free bin structure prior to using. 19 RemoveFreeChunkIterFromBin(&b->free_chunks, citer); 20 21 // If we can break the size of the chunk into two reasonably large 22 // pieces, do so. In any case don't waste more than 23 // kMaxInternalFragmentation bytes on padding this alloc. 24 const int64 kMaxInternalFragmentation = 128 << 20; // 128mb 25 if (chunk->size >= rounded_bytes * 2 || 26 static_cast<int64>(chunk->size) - rounded_bytes >= 27 kMaxInternalFragmentation) { 28 SplitChunk(h, rounded_bytes); 29 chunk = ChunkFromHandle(h); // Update chunk pointer in case it moved 30 } 31 32 // The requested size of the returned chunk is what the user 33 // has allocated. 34 chunk->requested_size = num_bytes; 35 // Assign a unique id and increment the id counter, marking the 36 // chunk as being in use. 37 chunk->allocation_id = next_allocation_id_++; 38 39 // Update stats. 40 ++stats_.num_allocs; 41 stats_.bytes_in_use += chunk->size; 42 stats_.peak_bytes_in_use = 43 std::max(stats_.peak_bytes_in_use, stats_.bytes_in_use); 44 stats_.largest_alloc_size = 45 std::max<std::size_t>(stats_.largest_alloc_size, chunk->size); 46 47 VLOG(4) << "Returning: " << chunk->ptr; 48 if (VLOG_IS_ON(4)) { 49 LOG(INFO) << "A: " << RenderOccupancy(); 50 } 51 return chunk->ptr; 52 } 53 } 54 } 55 56 return nullptr; 57 }
上圖中沒有展現出SplitChunk發生的位置,其實該過程是在FindChunkPtr中發生。在選取Chunk時,會有必定機率出現請求的size比所選的Chunk總size小不少的狀況。由於每塊Chunk只有in use或free兩種狀態,因此若是空閒的size比請求的size大不少,顯然會形成該Chunk的實際使用率太低,這是一種浪費。BFC Allocator經過調用SplitChunk將Chunk分割成兩部分來緩解這一問題。SplitChunk的功能顧名思義,就是將一塊大的Chunk分割成兩個部分。該過程發生在FindChunkPtr中,咱們須要注意觸發SplitChunk過程的條件,在代碼中咱們能看到這一函數的調用條件以下。
1 // If we can break the size of the chunk into two reasonably large 2 // pieces, do so. In any case don't waste more than 3 // kMaxInternalFragmentation bytes on padding this alloc. 4 const int64 kMaxInternalFragmentation = 128 << 20; // 128mb 5 if (chunk->size >= rounded_bytes * 2 || 6 static_cast<int64>(chunk->size) - rounded_bytes >= 7 kMaxInternalFragmentation) { 8 SplitChunk(h, rounded_bytes); 9 chunk = ChunkFromHandle(h); // Update chunk pointer in case it moved 10 }
1. 當chunk的size是用戶請求的round size兩倍及以上時(用戶請求的size會根據最小分配單元作round近似)
2. 當chunk的size減去用戶請求的round size後依然大於等於最大碎片限定時(128MB)
在執行SplitChunk時,須要調整Chunk的前驅後繼指針,這就是鏈表的基本操做,很是簡單。另外,SplitChunk會產生新的Free Chunk,須要根據它的大小將它插入到對應的Bin中。
1 // Try allocating. 2 size_t bytes = std::min(curr_region_allocation_bytes_, available_bytes); 3 void* mem_addr = sub_allocator_->Alloc(alignment, bytes); 4 if (mem_addr == nullptr && !started_backpedal_) { 5 // Only backpedal once. 6 started_backpedal_ = true; 7 8 static constexpr float kBackpedalFactor = 0.9; 9 10 // Try allocating less memory. 11 while (mem_addr == nullptr) { 12 bytes = RoundedBytes(bytes * kBackpedalFactor); 13 if (bytes < rounded_bytes) break; 14 mem_addr = sub_allocator_->Alloc(alignment, bytes); 15 } 16 }
1 void BFCAllocator::FreeAndMaybeCoalesce(BFCAllocator::ChunkHandle h) { 2 Chunk* c = ChunkFromHandle(h); 3 CHECK(c->in_use() && (c->bin_num == kInvalidBinNum)); 4 5 // Mark the chunk as no longer in use. 6 c->allocation_id = -1; 7 8 // Optionally record the free time. 9 if (timing_counter_) { 10 c->freed_count = timing_counter_->next(); 11 } 12 13 // Updates the stats. 14 stats_.bytes_in_use -= c->size; 15 16 ChunkHandle coalesced_chunk = h; 17 18 // If the next chunk is free, merge it into c and delete it. 19 if (c->next != kInvalidChunkHandle && !ChunkFromHandle(c->next)->in_use()) { 20 // VLOG(8) << "Merging c->next " << ChunkFromHandle(c->next)->ptr 21 // << " with c " << c->ptr; 22 RemoveFreeChunkFromBin(c->next); 23 Merge(h, c->next); 24 } 25 26 // If the previous chunk is free, merge c into it and delete c. 27 if (c->prev != kInvalidChunkHandle && !ChunkFromHandle(c->prev)->in_use()) { 28 // VLOG(8) << "Merging c " << c->ptr << " into c->prev " 29 // << ChunkFromHandle(c->prev)->ptr; 30 31 coalesced_chunk = c->prev; 32 RemoveFreeChunkFromBin(c->prev); 33 Merge(c->prev, h); 34 } 35 36 InsertFreeChunkIntoBin(coalesced_chunk); 37 }
本文總結了TensorFlow中存儲管理器——BFC Allocator。它的設計思路來自於經典來的dlmalloc分配算法,是Best fit coalecing的簡單實現版本。BFC Allocator是爲了應對TensorFlow中頻繁分配釋放存儲空間需求的場景而出現的解決方案,經過事先將存儲空間從物理設備上開闢好,並將這些空閒存儲空間封裝成Chunk,組織成有序雙向鏈表,而後利用Bin這一種索引結構爲Chunk的查詢作加速,最終完成了高效的分配算法。在實際分配時,可能會遇到Chunk鏈表中不存在符合要求的空閒Chunk狀況,這時候就可能須要向物理設備中再次開闢新的存儲空間,這個過程被視爲對Chunk鏈表的擴展,對應的過程是Extend。由於是按Chunk進行分配,勢必可能形成存儲碎片,爲了解決碎片問題,BFC Allocator設計了SplitChunk和Merge函數。BFC Allocator是TensorFlow代碼中比較精簡的一個部分,該部分的代碼難度較低,而且模塊獨立性較強,涉及到的代碼量很是小,可是設計思想和功能卻很是全面,很是適合初學者閱讀和學習。