Developing Vert.x Modules using the Standard Project

This document describes best practice for developing Vert.x applications as one or more Vert.x modules using the standard Vert.x project layout. It's highly recommended that you write any non-trivial Vert.x applications as one or more modules.javascript

If your application is relatively small it might make sense to create it as a single module. If your application is large split it up into a set of modules.html

It's also recommended you read the Vert.x main manual and the Vert.x modules manual so you understand the basics of Vert.x and modules before starting

There should be only one output module per project, so for each module in your application (simple applications may well only have one module) you should create a new project.python

The standard layout has a "Maven-style" directory structure that will probably be already familiar with you.web

If you're a Gradle user you can clone the Gradle Template Project to get you started quickly.json

If you're a Maven user you'll get the same structure if you use the Vert.x Maven Archetype to create your project (without the Gradle files of course!).ruby

If you prefer to use some other build tool (e.g. ant), that's fine - Vert.x is agnostic about build tool, but you'll have to provide your own build script (perhaps someone could contribute one?) for

We'll now explore the standard layout.less

The module


All Vert.x modules contain a mod.json descriptor. This a file containing some JSON which describes the module. Amongst other things it usually contains a main field. This tells Vert.x which verticle to run when the module is deployed.eclipse

The mod.json file is in the src/main/resources directory of the project. Any files in this directory are copied to the root of the module during packaging.

The thing that is run is called a Verticle. A Verticle can be written in any of the languages that Vert.x supports.

If you've created your project using the Vert.x Maven Archetype or Vert.x Gradle Template you'll see we have a simple Java Verticle calledPingVerticle. You can see the source for that in the src/main/java sub tree of the project.

The verticle has a start() method which is called when the verticle is deployed. In the start() method the verticle simply registers a handler on the event bus against address ping-address. The handler will be called when a message is received at that address. When a message is received the verticle simply replies to the ping! with a pong!.

The standard project layout also contains equivalents of the ping verticle written in JavaScript, Groovy (both compiled and script), Ruby and Python. You can edit main in mod.json to tell it to use one of the other versions of the ping verticle.

The tests


The rest of the stuff in the example project is a set of example tests.

Unit tests


Unit tests are tests that run outside the Vert.x container and which work with your module's Java classes directly. They go by convention insrc/test/unit.

You can run unit tests in your IDE as normal by right clicking on the test or on the command line.

Integration tests


We define integration tests here to mean Vert.x tests that are run inside the Vert.x container.

We provide a custom JUnit test runner which auto-magically takes your tests, starts up a Vert.x container, runs your test in it, and then reports the test results back, all as if the tests had been run locally as normal JUnit tests.

You can even write your tests in JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby or Python and still use the familiar JUnit Assert API.

There are example integration tests for each language in the example project. If you are not interested in writing tests in different languages you can safely delete the files you're not interested in.

Java integration tests


The example Java integration tests are in src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration/java

Java integration tests subclass TestVerticle - after all, the test is run inside the Vert.x container as a verticle. Then you just add standard JUnit test methods to it as normal, annotated with @Test.

Please note that the JUnit annotations: @Before@After@BeforeClass@AfterClass, and @Expects are not currently supported.

Vert.x integration tests are asynchronous so they won't necessarily have finished until after the test method completes, therefore to signal that the test has completed you should call the method VertxAssert.testComplete() at the end.

If your test deploys other verticles you can also assert from there and call testComplete from there too.

Please see the example tests for more examples.

JavaScript integration tests


The example Java integration tests are in src/test/resources/integration_tests/javascript

The class in src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration/javascript is just a stub class that tells JUnit where the real JavaScript tests are. You can safely ignore it.

Ruby integration tests


The example Java integration tests are in src/test/resources/integration_tests/ruby

The class in src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration/ruby is just a stub class that tells JUnit where the real Ruby tests are. You can safely ignore it.

Groovy integration tests


The example Java integration tests are in src/test/resources/integration_tests/groovy

The class in src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration/groovy is just a stub class that tells JUnit where the real Groovy tests are. You can safely ignore it.

Python integration tests


The example Java integration tests are in src/test/resources/integration_tests/python

The class in src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration/python is just a stub class that tells JUnit where the real Python tests are. You can safely ignore it.

Run tests in your IDE


To run Vert.x integration tests in your IDE, simply open the folder src/test/java/com/mycompany/integration in your IDE and right click it and chose to run all tests as JUnit tests (how this is done depends on your IDE). Or you can select individual test classes.

You'll need to make sure you don't have a module built using the command line when running tests in the IDE. Execute ./gradlew cleanor mvn clean to make sure or the test run will pick up resources from there instead.

Note that you can change your code or config and re-run the tests and Vert.x will pick up the changes without you having to rebuild at the command line!

You can also run the tests at the command line if you prefer (using mvn integration-tests or ./gradlew test)

Debug tests in your IDE


You can also set breakpoints in your Java code for seamless debugging into your Vert.x verticles and modules as normal. No special set-up is required


Run your module and see your changes immediately


When developing a Vert.x module, especially if it has a web interface, it's often useful to have your module running and have it automatically pick up any changes in classes or other resources in the module without you having to rebuild the module.

To get this to work your module must be marked as:

"auto-redeploy": true


In your mod.json. See the modules manual for more information on this.

If you haven't done so already, you can create project files for your IDE using:

./gradlew idea


./gradlew eclipse

Now open your project file in your IDE, and set your project in your IDE to automatically compile when source files are saved - how to do this depends on your particular IDE so consult your IDE documentation if in doubt.

Now, make sure your IDE has built your project at least once (e.g. hit CTRL-F9 in IntelliJ IDEA).

Note you should make sure there is no previously built module lurking in the target/mods directory - of one is found there then runModwill deploy that, not the module corresponding to the resources in your IDE. So delete target/mods if it exists before running runMod.

Then, if you're using the standard Vert.x Gradle Template project, you can run the following from a console in your project directory:

./gradlew runMod -i

This will start Vert.x running and it will monitor the file system to changes to your module as you edit them and save your changes.

If you want to provide command line arguments to the running module, e.g. you want to specify a config file you can edit the runModArgsproperty in `".

Note that we use the -i switch when running gradlew - this tells Gradle not to swallow INFO level debug output when running. By default Gradle swallows all logging output (!)

If you're using Maven you can run the following from a console in your project directory:

mvn clean vertx:runMod

This will start Vert.x running and it will monitor the file system to changes to your module as you edit them and save your changes.

By installing the Maven or Gradle plugin for your IDE you should be able to run the runMod tasks directly in the IDE.

Vert.x uses the file vertx_classpath.txt to determine where to find the resources of your module during development. This file is configured for standard directories used by both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, but if you have put your resources in a different place you can edit this file to point at where the resources are.

If you don't use Maven or Gradle but still want to see your changes in a running module immediately you can run the following from a console in your project directory:

vertx create-module-link com.yourcompany~your-module~1.0
vertx runmod com.yourcompany~your-module~1.0

Working with Multi Module Applications


For larger applications it makes sense to implement them as a set of Vert.x modules.

The application should be made up of several projects (probably created using the Maven archetype or Gradle template), each outputting a single module.

You can then use

mvn install


./gradlew install

From any of the projects to install that module in your local Maven repository, and it will be automatically picked up by your other modules which use it. Vert.x module system understands how to pull modules from local (as well as remote) Maven repositories.

If you want to enable auto-redeploy for all modules in a multi-module project then it's recommended that you set VERTX_MODS to point to a directory in the parent directory for your modules.

Then in each module project directory execute:

vertx create-module-link <module_name>

This only has to be done once.

Then just run the main module with vertx runmod as normal and any changes in sub modules will be picked up causing redeployment.

Other best practices


Using a Verticle to co-ordinate loading of an application


If you have an application that is composed of multiple verticles that all need to be started at application start-up, then you can use another verticle that maintains the application configuration and starts all the other verticles. You can think of this as your application starter verticle.

For example, you could create a verticle app.js (you could use another scripting language - Ruby, Groovy or Python if you prefer) as follows:

// Start the verticles that make up the app

vertx.deployVerticle("verticle1.js", appConfig.verticle1Config);
vertx.deployVerticle("verticle2.js", appConfig.verticle2Config, 5);
vertx.deployVerticle("verticle3.js", appConfig.verticle3Config);
vertx.deployWorkerVerticle("verticle4.js", appConfig.verticle4Config);
vertx.deployWorkerVerticle("verticle5.js", appConfig.verticle5Config, 10);

Then set the app.js verticle as the main of your module and then you can start your entire application by simply running:

vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -conf conf.json

Where conf.json is a config file like:

// Application config
    verticle1Config: {
        // Config for verticle1
    verticle2Config: {
        // Config for verticle2
    verticle3Config: {
        // Config for verticle3
    verticle4Config: {
        // Config for verticle4
    verticle5Config: {
        // Config for verticle5


If your application is large and actually composed of multiple modules rather than verticles you can use the same technique.

