簡單記錄下平時開發對類型斷言(Type Assertion)的使用場景。golang
package main import "fmt" func main() { add(1, 2) add(int16(1), int16(2)) add(float32(1.1), float32(2.2)) add(float64(1.1), float64(2.2)) add(true, false) } func add(a, b interface{}) { switch t := a.(type) { case int: fmt.Printf("type [%T] add res[%d]\n", t, a.(int)+b.(int)) case int16: fmt.Printf("type [%T] add res[%d]\n", t, a.(int16)+b.(int16)) case float32: fmt.Printf("type [%T] add res[%f]\n", t, a.(float32)+b.(float32)) case float64: fmt.Printf("type [%T] add res[%f]\n", t, a.(float64)+b.(float64)) default: fmt.Printf("type [%T] not support!\n", t) } }
type [int] add res[3]
type [int16] add res[3]
type [float32] add res[3.300000]
type [float64] add res[3.300000]
type [bool] not support!開發
package main import "fmt" func main() { a := int16(2) b := int32(3) add(a, b) } func add(a, b interface{}) { _, ok := a.(int32) if !ok { fmt.Println("error type assertion!") } b = b }
error type assertion!
package main import "fmt" import "time" type NetMsg struct { MsgID int16 Data interface{} } type Cat struct { name string age int16 } type Dog struct { name string age int32 } type human struct { name string age int64 } func main() { msg1 := NetMsg{1, Cat{"Qian", 1}} msg2 := NetMsg{2, Dog{"doge", 8}} msg3 := NetMsg{3, Dog{"allu", 18}} msg_handler(msg1) time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond) msg_handler(msg2) time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond) msg_handler(msg3) } func msg_handler(msg NetMsg) { switch msg.MsgID { case 1: cat := msg.Data.(Cat) fmt.Printf("Do Something with Msg 1 %v \n", cat) case 2: dog := msg.Data.(Dog) fmt.Printf("Do Something with Msg 2 %v \n", dog) default: fmt.Printf("Error MsgID [%d] \n", msg.MsgID) } }
Do Something with Msg 1 {Qian 1}
Do Something with Msg 2 {doge 8}
Error MsgID [3]模板