FA_MASS_ADDITIONS 表的數據庫定義不要求爲任何欄提供值,可是爲了使「成批增長過賬」程序正常運行,您必須遵循如下欄說明列表中的規則。因爲「成批增長過賬」程序使用 FA_MASS_ADDITIONS 表中的某些欄,所以這些欄均標記爲「空」。請勿將數據導入標記爲「空」的欄。在運行「成批增長過賬」以前,您必須填入標記爲「要求」的欄。html
您能夠直接從其它系統中裝入欄,或在過賬以前在「成批增長」窗口中填入某些值。標記爲「可選」的欄用於您須要時能夠跟蹤的可選資產信息。「可變字符 2」欄能夠區分大小寫。java
對於標記爲 PREP 的欄,您能夠直接將信息導入欄或在過賬以前在「成批增長」窗口中輸入。數據庫
此欄用於填入與資產關鍵字相符的代碼組合標識。請使用 FA_ASSET_KEYWORDS 表 CODE_COMBINATION_ID 欄中的已啓用值。post
此欄是資產的惟一外部標識。若是您在此欄中輸入值,則它將用於資產編號。您提供的編號必須是惟一的。它能夠標識 Oracle 資產管理系統窗口和報表中的資產。若是您將此欄留空,則 Oracle 資產管理系統將使用自動編號來指定資產編號,此時資產編號與資產標識相同。flex
資本化 | 用於資本化資產 |
CIP | 用於在建工程 (CIP) 資產。 |
費用性 | 用於費用性資產。 |
此欄用於填入對此資產負責的員工的員工標識。使用 FA_EMPLOYEES 中 EMPLOYEE_ID 欄的值。請注意 EMPLOYEE_ID 是惟一內部標識,並與外部標識 EMPLOYEE_NUMBER 不一樣。
注意:此說明性彈性域與 FA_ADDITIONS 中的不一樣。
此欄用於填入您將此資產裝入 FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS 表的日期。
使用此欄中的值 1 將其與用於轉換的後續「成批增長」區分開來,或使用與您要裝入的應付款系統全部成批增長相同的編號。
使用此欄中的值 1,或運行此導入程序的人員的特定用戶標識。
此欄用於填入您將此資產裝入 FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS 表的日期。
使用此欄以指明您是否要使用 Oracle 資產管理系統對此資產進行折舊。若是要對此資產計算折舊,請在此欄中輸入「是」。若是不計算折舊,則輸入「否」。
此欄用於填入當前總賬中顯示的資產累計折舊。您能夠輸入一個值,或使用 Oracle 資產管理系統進行計算。
此欄用於填入發票標識(若是適用)。請使用 AP_INVOICES 表 INVOICE_ID 欄中相應的值。請注意,INVOICE_ID 是惟一內部標識,並與外部標識 INVOICE_NUMBER 不一樣。
此欄用於填入您將此資產裝入 FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS 表的日期。
使用此欄中的值 1,或運行此導入程序的人員的特定用戶標識。
使用此欄中的值 1,或運行此導入程序的人員的特定用戶標識。
Oracle 資產管理系統使用此欄做爲成批增長的惟一標識。MASS_ADDITION_ID 中的值一般是連續的。您可使用序列生成器來填寫此欄。
(可選)此欄設置用於未合併行的 INVOICE_NUMBER。
(可選)此欄設置用於未合併行的 VENDOR_NUMBER。
若是您從另外一應付款系統導入資產信息,則在此資產爲另外一資產的子資產時使用此欄來填入父資產的資產標識。父資產必須爲現有資產。請注意,ASSET_ID 是惟一內部標識,並與外部標識 ASSET_NUMBER 不一樣。
此欄用於填入組成資產的數量。您必須使用正整數值。而且此欄中的值與 FIXED_ASSETS_UNITS 欄中的值相同。
此欄用於填入產量資產的能力。若是您未輸入能力,則 Oracle 資產管理系統將使用資產類別的能力。若是此資產不是產量資產,請勿使用此欄。
使用您輸入 POSTING_STATUS 欄的相同值(如新建、掛起和過賬)。
此欄用於填入資產標籤號(若是要求)。若是您按條形碼跟蹤資產,則可使用此欄來填入條形碼值。Oracle 資產管理系統容許填入除「空」外的不重複值。
此欄用於填入產量資產的計量單位。若是您不輸入計量單位,則 Oracle 資產管理系統將使用資產類別的計量單位。若是此資產不是產量資產,請勿使用此欄。
此欄用於填入總賬中當前顯示的資產年初至今折舊。您能夠輸入值,或使用 Oracle 資產管理系統對上一會計期中啓用的資產計算折舊。
The database definition of the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table does not require that you provide values for any columns, but in order for the Mass Additions Posting program to work properly, you must follow the rules in the following list of column descriptions. The Mass Additions Posting program uses some of the columns in the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table, so these columns are marked NULL. Do not import your data into columns marked NULL. You must fill columns marked REQUIRED before you run Mass Additions Post.
You can either load the column directly from your other system, or you can fill in some values in the Mass Additions window before you post. Columns marked OPTIONAL are for optional asset information that you can track if you want. VARCHAR2 columns are case sensitive.
For columns marked PREP you can either import information into the column directly or enter it in the Mass Additions window before you post.
Use this column for the accounting date of the invoice. The Unposted Mass Additions Report reports on this date.
Do not use this column.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the distribution line number. The value must be a valid in the AP_DISTRIBUTION_LINE_NUMBER column on the table AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS, and tied to the INVOICE_ID given above.
Use this column for the category id that corresponds with the asset category of the asset. See: Importing Your Asset Information .
Use this column for the code combination id that corresponds to the asset key. Use an enabled value from the CODE_COMBINATION_ID column of the FA_ASSET_KEYWORDS table.
This column is a unique external identifier for assets. If you enter a value in this column it is used for asset numbering. The numbers you supply must be unique. It identifies the asset in Oracle Assets windows and reports. If you leave this column blank Oracle Assets assigns an asset number using automatic numbering, in which case the asset number is the same as the asset id.
Use this column for the asset type of the asset. Enter one of the following values:
CAPITALIZED | For your capitalized assets |
CIP | For your construction-in-process (CIP) assets. |
EXPENSED | For your expensed assets. |
Use this column for the employee id of the employee responsible for this asset. Use a value from the EMPLOYEE_ID column in FA_EMPLOYEES. Note that EMPLOYEE_ID is the unique internal identifier, and not the same as the external identifier EMPLOYEE_NUMBER.
Do not use this column.
Do not use these columns.
Attention: This descriptive flexfield is NOT the same one as on FA_ADDITIONS.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the book to which you want to assign the asset. You must choose a book that you have set up in the Book Controls window, and the book class must be CORPORATE. Values in this column must be in upper case.
Use this column for the date you load this asset into the FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS table.
Use the value 1 for this column to distinguish it from subsequent Mass Additions for a conversion, or use the same number for all mass additions from your payables system that you load at once.
Use the value 1 in this column, or the specific user id of the person working on the import.
Use this column for the date you load this asset into the FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS table.
Use this column for the date you placed the asset in service.
Use this column to indicate if you want Oracle Assets to depreciate this asset. If you want to calculate depreciation on this asset, enter YES in this column. If you do not want to calculate depreciation, enter NO.
Use this column for the accumulated depreciation of the asset as it currently appears in your general ledger. You can enter a value, or have Oracle Assets calculate it.
Use this column for a description of the asset.
Use this column for the code combination id of the general ledger account to which depreciation expense should be charged. See: Importing Your Asset Information .
Use this column to note that this asset came from a import process. Use a word like CONVERSION or PAYABLES to denote the nature of the import.
Use this column for the cost of the asset as it currently appears in your general ledger.
Use this column for the number of units that make up the asset. You must use a positive integer value.
Use this column for the number of times you have revalued this asset as fully reserved. If you do not revalue your assets, do not use this column.
Do not use this column.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the invoice id, if available. Use the appropriate value from the INVOICE_ID column of the AP_INVOICES table. Note that INVOICE_ID is the unique internal identifier, and not the same as the external identifier INVOICE_NUMBER.
Use this column for the invoice number for this asset, if available.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the date you load this asset into the FA_MASS_ ADDITIONS table.
Use the value 1 in this column, or the specific user id of the person working on the import.
Use the value 1 in this column, or the specific user id of the person working on the import.
Use this column for the location id that corresponds with the location of the asset. See: Importing Your Asset Information .
Oracle Assets uses this column as a unique identifier for mass additions. The values in MASS_ADDITION_ID are generally sequential. You can use a sequence generator to populate this column.
Use this column for the name of the manufacturer of the asset.
Optionally set this column to INVOICE_NUMBER for unmerged lines.
Optionally set this column to VENDOR_NUMBER for unmerged lines.
Use this column for the model number of the asset.
Do not use this column.
If you are importing asset information from another payables system, use this column for the asset id of the parent asset if this asset is a subcomponent of another asset. The parent asset must be an existing asset. Note that ASSET_ID is the unique internal identifier, and not the same as the external identifier ASSET_NUMBER.
For a conversion, do not use this column. If an asset is a subcomponent, you can enter this relationship in the Subcomponents window after you post.
Do not use this column.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the code combination id of the asset clearing account you assigned to the asset category. See: Importing Your Asset Information .
Use this column for the original cost of the asset. If you do not have the original cost of the asset, use the asset cost as it appears in the general ledger.
Use this column for the number of units that make up the asset. You must use a positive integer value. Use the same value in this column that you use in the FIXED_ASSETS_UNITS column.
Use this column for the purchase order number for this asset, if available.
Use this column for the supplier id. See: Importing Your Asset Information .
Do not use this column.
To import asset information from another payables system, use the value NEW or ON HOLD for this column if you want to review this asset in the Mass Additions window.
Use the value POST for this column if you are entering all required information and want to post the asset immediately, such as for a conversion.
Use this column for the capacity of a units of production asset. If you do not enter a capacity, Oracle Assets uses the capacity from the asset category. If this asset is not a units of production asset, do not use this column.
Use the same value you entered into the POSTING_STATUS column (e.g. NEW, ON HOLD, POST).
Use this column for the basis for amortization of revaluation reserve for a revalued asset, usually the current revaluation reserve. If you do not revalue your assets, do not use this column.
Use this column for the revaluation reserve of a revalued asset. If you do not revalue your assets, do not use this column.
Use this column to note that this asset came from a import process and any other details about this asset.
Use this column for the salvage value of the asset, if available.
Use this column for the serial number of the asset.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the asset tag number if required. You can use this column for barcode values if you track assets by barcodes. Oracle Assets allows no duplicate values except null.
Use this column for the unit of measure for a units of production asset. If you do not enter a unit of measure, Oracle Assets uses the unit of measure from the asset category. If this asset is not a units of production asset, do not use this column.
Use this column for the cost without regard to any revaluations of a revalued asset. If you do not revalue your assets, do not use this column.
Do not use this column.
Use this column for the year-to-date depreciation of the asset as it currently appears in your general ledger. You can enter a value, or have Oracle Assets calculate it for an asset with a date placed in service in a prior period.
Use this column for the year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation of a revalued asset. If you do not revalue your assets, do not use this column.
About the Mass Additions Open Interface
Defining Oracle Assets for Mass Additions
Importing Your Asset Information
原文連接: http://www.onejava.net/article/oracle/fa/maoi04.htm
原文連接: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A60725_05/html/comnls/us/fa/maoi04.htm