一 link:http://lostabaddon.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1436.entry
感受分散太開了,因此作一個目錄,方便之後調用瀏覽。 VB6.0:初級篇:http://spaces.msn.com/LostAbaddon/cns!1pf3uE0xJEVm6r5DNTKMEKxA!488.entry進階篇:http://spaces.msn.com/LostAbaddon/cns!1pf3uE0xJEVm6r5DNTKMEKxA!501.entry中級篇:http://spaces.msn.com/LostAbaddon/cns!1pf3uE0xJEVm6r5DNTKMEKxA!513.entry正式1.0:http://spaces.msn.com/LostAbaddon/cns!1pf3uE0xJEVm6r5DNTKMEKxA!823.entry正式2.0:PART I:http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1164.entryPART II:http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1165.entryPART III:http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1166.entryPART IV:http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1167.entry C#(.Net FrameWork1.1):代數計算部分(更新於060522):http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1378.entryAngle結構部分(更新於060522):http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1427.entry三維Vector結構部分(更新於060522):http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1430.entry二維Vector結構部分(更新於060522):http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1431.entry四元數Complex部分(更新於060522):http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1439.entry多類型代數計算部分:http://spaces.msn.com/lostabaddon/cns!EB06676D0B60BFBD!1620.entry
三:Application of Fraction class: Matrix class in C#
link http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/Matrix.asp
四:Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors calculation in just one line of your source code
link: http://www.bluebit.gr/matrix/
五:Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET
link: http://www.extremeoptimization.com/Default.aspx
The Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET form the first complete platform for technical and statistical computing built on and for the Microsoft .NET platform version 2.0. It combines a math library, a vector and matrix library, and a statistics library in one convenient package. At a glance:
六:The Matrix Math Library component is a C# library for performing operations on matrices and scalars. This includes basics like addition and multiplication, as well as more complex operations.
link: http://software.topcoder.com/catalog/c_component.jsp?comp=22626501&ver=1
七 Library for linear algebra methods in C#.NET and its application to computational heat transfer
link: http://www.codeproject.com/cs/library/matrixoperations.asp
title: Efficient Matrix Programming in C#
link: http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/dynmatrixmath.asp
title: Matrix.NET - C# managed code classes for Linear Algebra.
Introduction: Matrix.NET 2.0 is a complete redesign based on this premise:
Math.NET is a mathematical open source library written in C#. Math.NET aims to provide a self contained* clean framework for symbolic mathematical (CAS, Computer Algebra System), and also for numerical / scientific computations. The Math.NET project is covered under the LGPL or rarely GPL, vary amoung various components.
(* does not depend on external libraries like Intel MKL, BLAS or LAPACK)算法
After public release 0.19, the original project, now called Math.NET Symbolics: Classic, was abandoned due to architectorial limitations, and Math.NET was redesigned and rewritten from scratch, seperated in several packages: Numerics, Symbolics and SignalProcessing. This website and the Wiki deal with this new architecture while the old website remains in place (see below). Unfortunately, the new architecture still suports hardly all features of the old architecture yet, but opens up some new areas (particularly numerical methods) and, looking at the new symbolics architecture, has the potential to outstrip the old architecture soon. Also, Math.NET is no longer a one-man project - currently we're a team of 5-6 developers.
十二 Math.NET
link: http://nmath.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Math.NET is a mathematical open source library written in C#. Math.NET aims to provide a self contained clean framework for symbolic mathematical (CAS, Computer Algebra System), and also for numerical / scientific computations. The Math.NET project is covered under the GPL or LGPL, vary amoung various components. If you have questions, visit our FAQ.
link: http://mathnet.opensourcedotnet.info/Default.aspx
overview: A mathematical open source (LGPL & GPL) library written in C#/.Net, aiming to provide a self contained clean framework for symbolic algebraic and numerical / scientific computations.
十三 .Math
link: http://hebertsoft.com/dotmath/
overview: Welcome to .Math, the OpenSource expression compiler for the .NET platform written entirely in C#. Offering speed through compilation of expressions, the library allows for variable handling, an entire function library and the ability to add your own functions.express
.Math Sourcecode is available as an OpenSource license on the web at http://workspaces.gotdotnet.com/math.
link: http://sharptoolbox.com/tools/math-expression-compiler
overview: Open source expression compiler written entirely in C#.
.Math parses and compiles an expression and makes variables available for discovery and setting through the API. This library enables free-form, user-entered expressions within an application with variable support and allows for the addition of user-defined functions.
The library binary is available along with source code, including NUnit tests.
十四: dotMath
link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dotmath/
overview: The dotMath library is a two-pass expression compiler written entirely in C# for the Microsoft .NET platform. The library requires only the core .NET library (supporting all shipping versions 1.0 and 1.1). The library is capable of running on any system
link: http://www.codeplex.com/dotMath
Welcome to dotMath, the extensible OpenSource expression compiler for the .NET platform written entirely in C#. Offering speed through compilation of expressions, the library allows for variable handling, an entire function library and the ability to add your own functions.
If you need to evaluate fixed or variable expressions, dotMath is your solution:
十五:mathworks公司的一個open source math component,忘記了名字,之後找到了再詳述。
美國Visual Numerics公司在2006年年末以前爲全校師生提供使用Visual Numerics數據分析工具軟件,全校師生使用可申請受權。該軟件的受權範圍只限於本校師生用於科研與教學活動,且只限於在各院、系、因此及研究中心的四顆(不含)處理器如下的計算機服務器上運行。
從即日起在工做時間內,歡迎你們到計算機與信息管理中心的用戶服務中心辦理申請使用Visual Numerics數據分析工具的手續。申請的步驟以下:
項次 申請系所 使用人 產品類別 OS & Compiler Host Name Host ID
姓名 學號 email
1 IMSL C Windows XP / MS Visual C++ .NET 2003 12345678 12345678
二、用戶服務中心審覈資格後,提供產品下載賬號,並將用戶信息提交給美國Visual Numerics公司。
聯繫地點:中央主樓218房間 聯繫人:張如俠
聯繫電話:62771940 62771942
Visual Numerics公司提供的產品清單及介紹
1、 定量分析(數值分析)類:Fortran, C, C++, Java, C# 等各類計算器語言程序(函式)庫
IMSL Fortran Library程序庫
IMSL Fortran 整合了IMSL F90、IMSL F77與並行處理功能,成爲完整、單一的數學、統計程序庫。全新、彈性的接口,適用最新的Fortran語法與可選擇的參數。IMSL提供完整的向下兼容功能;能提升程序的品質,減小錯誤,加速程序的開發。IMSL支持Windows, Linux, Unix以及各類最新超級計算機之做業環境。IMSL針對金融產業推出許多新的優化算法,也整合了更多新的LAPACK程序。IMSL TS是100% thread safety程序庫,全部程序均在「多執行緒」狀態下通過檢驗與測試。科學家可在同一時間重複的呼叫相同的、或是不一樣的數學、統計程序,進行大型的數值分析,能確保數據運算的正確性。
IMSL C Library (CNL)程序庫
CNL是爲C與C++程序設計師所開發之工具,以IMSL Fortran程序庫作爲基礎,運用C語言的優勢予以撰寫。擁有400餘種通過驗證、可靠的數學、統計程序。CNL涵蓋了85% 以上IMSL Fortran的功能。最新版本的CNL包含許多的新程序,如優化(Optimization)、數據探採、時間序列以及實驗設計等,同時也能支持更多、最新的做業環境。
IMSL C# Library程序庫
IMSL C# 是爲C#、Visual BasicTM .NET 程序設計師所開發之工具。IMSL C# 是以IMSL Fortran程序庫爲基礎,以100% pure C# 所開發,涵蓋了絕大多數IMSL Fortran通過證實、精確可靠的數學、統計程序。IMSL C# 能與Microsoft的Excel, .NET的各類圖形、應用系統甚至於第三方廠商以 .NET所開發的軟件圖形、應用系統作充分、完美的結合。
JMSL-IMSL Library for Java程序庫
JMSL是一套Java的數學、統計、圖形程序庫,由純 Java 所撰寫;提供您開發Java程序與網絡應用系統的組件。JMSL程序庫是以通過多年測試、可靠、快速的IMSL Fortran算法理論作基礎來改寫,提供您值得信賴的數學、統計程序庫,以及許多種經常使用的2-D圖形組件庫。
2、 定性分析(圖形分析)類: PV-WAVE系列產品
PV-WAVE是一套數組導向的第四代程序語言(4-GL),有簡易、直覺的語法,容易操做的使用者接口。 從1D/2D 的圖形、等高線、表面處理,到 3D 三維曲面圖形、斷層 (Iso-Surface)處理。 由餅圖、直方圖... 到各類圖形繪製、影像處理、2D/3D 向量圖形...,到動畫呈現 ...等等。 PV-WAVE能處理大型數據集、提供各種數據型式(Byte, integer, floating, complex, table, structure...)、支持各類數據格式(ASCII, Binaries, Images, C/Fortran...),也能夠外接其它程序語言、各類數據庫,支持各類操做系統。以高效能、精確性與使人驚歎的速度來幫您呈現、分析數據。PV-WAVE也能夠內建IMSL程序庫,在作圖形分析之同時進行數值計算與分析。
JWAVE (Java-Enabled PV-WAVE)
SPSS .NET wrapper assembly goes open source
I wrote a managed C# wrapper for the spssio32.dll library that comes with SPSS. It exposes most of the functionality of spssio32.dll for .NET use. All the memory management required to use spssio32.dll is already taken care of, and a small set of common document operations for reading and creating files is even offered in an object-oriented class layer.
You can download the source, and visit the forum. [28Feb07 Update: It's released under the LGPL.]
Note that due to SPSS copyright, the project does not include spssio32.dll, so you will need to get that file to use with this library in order to read and write SPSS files using .NET.安全
十六.centerspace 公司的NMath.net產品服務器
專門致力於.net的數學計算庫,任何.net 應用均可以調用,包括VB,C#和f#,大量的API文檔接口。http://www.evget.com/product/2307網絡