AttributeSets are thankfully very simple to explain. They define float values (and ONLY float values. Right now only float attributes are supported) and can be connected to AbilitySystems to grant the ability system in question these attributes. GameplayEffects and GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations have specifically designed macros and menus to manipulate these attributes on an ability system. An ability system may use multiple attribute sets or none at all, too.安全
The system accounts for attributes it cannot find and will simply ignore stats that are not appropriate for the particular actor and his AbilitySystem. As such, maybe both players and foes have Health, Mana, attack damage, defense, you name 'em, and players then have an extra attribute set containing RPG attributes such as Strength, Intelligence, Constitution and the like. These are all perfectly possible scenarios, and it's nice that the system gives you the option to mix and match multiple attribute sets. The best way to bind an attribute set to an ability system is to create the AttributeSet as the same actor's subobject in the constructor. The ability system should find it by itself. It does for me, at least.ide
Attributes within attribute sets are defined like any other UPROPERTY, which is amazingly practical and straightforward. Why can't everything in this module be... Well, it isn't that easy anyway, due to the AttributeSet's functions, which either deal with finding out which UPROPERTY the current parameter is talking about or have to do with the infinitely more complex GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation.學習
PreAttributeBaseChange is called before... well, an attribute's base value (so without any temporary modifiers) is changed. It would be unwise to use this for game logic, and is mostly there to allow you to describe stat clamping.ui
PreAttributeChange is in the same boat, but here you can define clamping with temporary modifiers instead. Either way, NewValue describes the new value of a changed stat, and FGameplayAttribute Attribute describes some info about the stat we're talking about. If you want to find out if this particular Attribute change is talking about a particular Attribute MyAttribute in UMyAttributeSet, you'd do it something like this:
Attribute.GetUProperty()==FindFieldChecked<UProperty>(UMyAttributeSet::StaticClass(),GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UMyAttributeSet, MyAttribute))
This code takes the UPROPERTY variable of the Attribute parameter and checks if the referenced UPROPERTY is identical with the one that describes MyAttribute in UMyAttributeSet. The macro is mostly there for safety, I believe this is actually defined as a relatively simple string.
PreGameplayEffectExecute is a function that takes the data a GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation spits out (including which stats it wishes to modify, and by how much), and can then decide if the GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation is allowed to influence the AttributeSet in any way, by returning an appropriate bool. PostGameplayEffectExecute happens after this evaluation and as such you are unable to throw the GameplayEffectExecution out properly by then. However, because 90% of the time things such as damage calculations will be effect executions, here will be an excellent place to wrap such a thing up, such as by, for example, checking if the damage you took killed you.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "AttributeSets")
TArray<TSubclassOf<class UAttributeSet>>AttributeSets;
for (TSubclassOf<UAttributeSet>& Set : AttributeSets)
AbilitySystem->InitStats(Set, nullptr);
▼代碼開始(Cpp文件) // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "AS01.h" /*void UAS01::PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData & Data) { return; }*/ ▲代碼結束 ▼代碼開始(h文件) // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "AttributeSet.h" #include "AS01.generated.h" /** * */ UCLASS() class GATUT_API UAS01 : public UAttributeSet { GENERATED_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(Category = "Wizard Attributes | Health", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) float Health; //virtual void PostGameplayEffectExecute(const struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data) override; }; ▲代碼結束
#: AttributeSet表示屬性集,它僅僅是一些浮點數的集合罷了。好比我有AS_Basic表示基本屬性集,帶有HP,MP,有AS_Animal表示野獸類屬性集,帶有Constitution(體質),Wild(野性),Fecundity(繁殖力)等屬性。
#: 這些屬性都是默認值爲零的。
建立一個GA(GameplayAbility),命名爲GA_Milk, 表示自愈技能。在其中寫施用GE_Milk的邏輯:
▼代碼開始 // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "AttributeSet.h" #include "AS01.generated.h" /** * */ UCLASS() class GATUT_API UAS01 : public UAttributeSet { GENERATED_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(Category = "Wizard Attributes | Health", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) float Health; virtual void PostGameplayEffectExecute(const struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data) override;//先無視這個 FGameplayAttribute HealthAttribute(); //得到Health屬性類型(或者說得到Health鍵,用來標識Health); virtual void PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, float& NewValue); }; ▲代碼結束 在AS01.cpp文件中實現它。 ▼代碼開始 // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "AS01.h" #include "GameplayEffectExtension.h" #include "GameplayEffect.h" #include "GameplayEffectTypes.h" #include "AbilitySystemComponent.h" //先不要管這個 void UAS01::PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData & Data) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("This AS is ready to be changed")); UAbilitySystemComponent* Source = Data.EffectSpec.GetContext().GetOriginalInstigatorAbilitySystemComponent(); if (HealthAttribute() == Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute) { AActor* DamagedActor = nullptr; AController* DamagedController = nullptr; if (Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo.IsValid() && Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.IsValid()) { DamagedActor = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.Get(); DamagedController = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->PlayerController.Get(); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("The DamagedActor Name is:%s"), *( DamagedActor->GetName() )); } } return; } //返回Health屬性鍵 FGameplayAttribute UAS01::HealthAttribute() { static UProperty* Property = FindFieldChecked<UProperty>(UAS01::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UAS01, Health)); return FGameplayAttribute(Property); } //修改前 void UAS01::PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute & Attribute, float & NewValue) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("PreAttributeChagne AS01")); //若是這個待修改的屬性是Health屬性,那麼就這樣Clamp if (Attribute == HealthAttribute()) { NewValue = FMath::Clamp(NewValue, 0.f, 100.f); //Clamp表示截取在某個範圍內,若是這個不熟悉,請看官方文檔中FMath中關於它的介紹 UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("43 AS01")); } } ▲代碼結束
第3.3步:在GEMilk中配置屬性以下,其中Modifiers表示修改,正如上面所說的,【一次修改將會add AS01.Health 10點】下方的Period表示執行週期,勾選ExecutePeriodicEffectOnApplication,【表示在此效果激活期間(HasDuration 10s)將會以2s週期地執行(execution)】,每一次執行就會進行一次modify,也就是說,在這10s之內,每兩秒鐘add 10 health。
//這些函數在AS01.h中(即AttributeSet文件中) //表示數值修改前執行,前文說過了 virtual void PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, float& NewValue); //執行前執行 virtual bool PreGameplayEffectExecute(struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data); //執行後執行 virtual void PostGameplayEffectExecute(const struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data) override;
▼代碼開始(爲了讓你們清晰地參考,貼出AS01.h文件) // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "AttributeSet.h" #include "AS01.generated.h" /** * */ UCLASS() class GATUT_API UAS01 : public UAttributeSet { GENERATED_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(Category = "Wizard Attributes | Health", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) float Health; virtual void PostGameplayEffectExecute(const struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data) override; FGameplayAttribute HealthAttribute(); virtual void PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, float& NewValue); virtual bool PreGameplayEffectExecute(struct FGameplayEffectModCallbackData &Data); }; ▲代碼結束 ▼代碼開始(AS01.cpp文件) // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "AS01.h" #include "GameplayEffectExtension.h" #include "GameplayEffect.h" #include "GameplayEffectTypes.h" #include "AbilitySystemComponent.h" //我爲何知道要添加這些頭文件?這個有點難解釋 //GE執行前事件,此事件僅僅在「執行前」調用 /**原文解釋: * Called just before modifying the value of an attribute. AttributeSet can make additional modifications here. Return true to continue, or false to throw out the modification. * Note this is only called during an 'execute'. E.g., a modification to the 'base value' of an attribute. It is not called during an application of a GameplayEffect, such as a 5 ssecond +10 movement speed buff. */ bool UAS01::PreGameplayEffectExecute(FGameplayEffectModCallbackData & Data) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("57 AS01 PreGPEE")); return true; } //GE執行後事件 /** * Called just before a GameplayEffect is executed to modify the base value of an attribute. No more changes can be made. * Note this is only called during an 'execute'. E.g., a modification to the 'base value' of an attribute. It is not called during an application of a GameplayEffect, such as a 5 ssecond +10 movement speed buff. */ void UAS01::PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData & Data) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("This AS is ready to be changed")); //得到施放這次修改的源頭 UAbilitySystemComponent* Source = Data.EffectSpec.GetContext().GetOriginalInstigatorAbilitySystemComponent(); //這次修改的屬性是Health嗎? if (HealthAttribute() == Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute) { AActor* TargetActor = nullptr; AController* TargetController = nullptr; if (Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo.IsValid() && Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.IsValid()) { TargetActor = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.Get(); TargetController = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->PlayerController.Get(); //這裏給出了修改目標TargetActor的抓取方法 UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("The TargetActor Name is:%s"), *(TargetActor->GetName() )); } AActor* SourceActor = nullptr; AController* SourceController = nullptr; AController* SourcePlayerController = nullptr; if (Source && Source->AbilityActorInfo.IsValid() && Source->AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.IsValid()) { SourceActor = Source->AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.Get(); SourceController = Source->AbilityActorInfo->PlayerController.Get(); //這裏給出了發起修改的源頭SourceActor的抓取方法 UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("The SourceActor Name is:%s"), *(SourceActor->GetName())); } //Clamp,其實Clamp不是「執行後事件」最重要的邏輯 Health = FMath::Clamp(Health, 0.f, 100.f); //「執行後事件」最重要的邏輯是:若是數值過低,那麼表現觸發特定事情,如Health觸零,那麼死亡。 if (Health <= 0.f) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Death Logic Here 執行死亡邏輯")); TargetActor->Destroy(); } } return; } //返回Health屬性鍵 FGameplayAttribute UAS01::HealthAttribute() { static UProperty* Property = FindFieldChecked<UProperty>(UAS01::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UAS01, Health)); return FGameplayAttribute(Property); } //修改前 void UAS01::PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute & Attribute, float & NewValue) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("PreAttributeChagne AS01")); //若是這個待修改的屬性是Health屬性,那麼就這樣Clamp if (Attribute == HealthAttribute()) { NewValue = FMath::Clamp(NewValue, 0.f, 100.f); //Clamp表示截取在某個範圍內,若是這個不熟悉,請看官方文檔中FMath中關於它的介紹 UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("43 AS01")); } } ▲代碼結束
Name BaseValue MinValue MaxValue DerivedAttributeInfo bCanStack
AS01.Health 70 0 100 (這裏有一個空缺項) FALSE
for (TSubclassOf<UAttributeSet>& Set : AttributeSets)
AbilitySystem->InitStats(Set, nullptr);
▼代碼開始 // Copyright 1998-2017 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "GameFramework/Character.h" #include "AttributeSet.h" #include "AbilitySystemInterface.h" //改動1:添加頭文件 #include "GATutCharacter.generated.h" //這個枚舉類型使得FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds可以映射到技能槽中 UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class AbilityInput : uint8 //C++11的新特性,冒號後面寫的是無符號8位整數,表示這個枚舉只用無符號8位整數來表示 { UseAbility1 UMETA(DisplayName="Use Spell 1"), //藍圖中的展現名 UseAbility2 UMETA(DisplayName="Use Spell 2"), UseAbility3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 3"), UseAbility4 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 4"), WeaponAbility UMETA(DisplayName="Use Weapon") //注意:被動技能也能夠聲明在這裏,可是無須和輸入作綁定。 };//*/ UCLASS(config=Game) class AGATutCharacter : public ACharacter ,public IAbilitySystemInterface //改動2:繼承此接口 { GENERATED_BODY() /** Camera boom positioning the camera behind the character */ UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) class USpringArmComponent* CameraBoom; /** Follow camera */ UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Camera, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) class UCameraComponent* FollowCamera; //改動3:添加一個Abi組件 //BlueprintReadOnly的內容實際上是不容許寫在private區中的,若是寫在private區且要藍圖可讀,那麼須要寫上meta=(AllowPrivateAccess="true") UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Abilities, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) class UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilitySystem; public: AGATutCharacter(); /** Base turn rate, in deg/sec. Other scaling may affect final turn rate. */ UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=Camera) float BaseTurnRate; /** Base look up/down rate, in deg/sec. Other scaling may affect final rate. */ UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=Camera) float BaseLookUpRate; protected: /** Resets HMD orientation in VR. */ void OnResetVR(); /** Called for forwards/backward input */ void MoveForward(float Value); /** Called for side to side input */ void MoveRight(float Value); /** * Called via input to turn at a given rate. * @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate */ void TurnAtRate(float Rate); /** * Called via input to turn look up/down at a given rate. * @param Rate This is a normalized rate, i.e. 1.0 means 100% of desired turn rate */ void LookUpAtRate(float Rate); /** Handler for when a touch input begins. */ void TouchStarted(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location); /** Handler for when a touch input stops. */ void TouchStopped(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location); protected: // APawn interface virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override; // End of APawn interface public: /** Returns CameraBoom subobject **/ FORCEINLINE class USpringArmComponent* GetCameraBoom() const { return CameraBoom; } /** Returns FollowCamera subobject **/ FORCEINLINE class UCameraComponent* GetFollowCamera() const { return FollowCamera; } //改動4:添加一個返回此組件的方法 UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = AS) UAbilitySystemComponent* GetAbilitySystemComponent()const; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Abilities) TArray< TSubclassOf<class UGameplayAbility> > MyAbilities; //符文 UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Abilities) TSubclassOf<class UGameplayAbility> Rune; UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Abilities) void BindTargetToAbility(AGATutCharacter* Target, TSubclassOf<UGameplayAbility> &Ability); virtual void BeginPlay()override; static FName AbilitySystemName; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "AttributeSets") TArray<TSubclassOf<class UAttributeSet>>AttributeSets; //Mark+ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Abilities) UDataTable * AttrDataTable; }; ▲代碼結束 ▼代碼開始 // Copyright 1998-2017 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #include "GATutCharacter.h" #include "AbilitySystemComponent.h" #include "AbilitySystemGlobals.h" #include "GameplayAbilitiesModule.h" #include "Kismet/HeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary.h" #include "Camera/CameraComponent.h" #include "Components/CapsuleComponent.h" #include "Components/InputComponent.h" #include "GameFramework/CharacterMovementComponent.h" #include "GameFramework/Controller.h" #include "GameFramework/SpringArmComponent.h" FName AGATutCharacter::AbilitySystemName(TEXT("AbilitySystem")); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AGATutCharacter AGATutCharacter::AGATutCharacter() { // Set size for collision capsule GetCapsuleComponent()->InitCapsuleSize(42.f, 96.0f); // set our turn rates for input BaseTurnRate = 45.f; BaseLookUpRate = 45.f; // Don't rotate when the controller rotates. Let that just affect the camera. bUseControllerRotationPitch = false; bUseControllerRotationYaw = false; bUseControllerRotationRoll = false; // Configure character movement GetCharacterMovement()->bOrientRotationToMovement = true; // Character moves in the direction of input... GetCharacterMovement()->RotationRate = FRotator(0.0f, 540.0f, 0.0f); // ...at this rotation rate GetCharacterMovement()->JumpZVelocity = 600.f; GetCharacterMovement()->AirControl = 0.2f; // Create a camera boom (pulls in towards the player if there is a collision) CameraBoom = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("CameraBoom")); CameraBoom->SetupAttachment(RootComponent); CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = 300.0f; // The camera follows at this distance behind the character CameraBoom->bUsePawnControlRotation = true; // Rotate the arm based on the controller // Create a follow camera FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FollowCamera")); FollowCamera->SetupAttachment(CameraBoom, USpringArmComponent::SocketName); // Attach the camera to the end of the boom and let the boom adjust to match the controller orientation FollowCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = false; // Camera does not rotate relative to arm AbilitySystem = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("AbilitySystem")); // Note: The skeletal mesh and anim blueprint references on the Mesh component (inherited from Character) // are set in the derived blueprint asset named MyCharacter (to avoid direct content references in C++) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input void AGATutCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) { // Set up gameplay key bindings check(PlayerInputComponent); PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Pressed, this, &ACharacter::Jump); PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Released, this, &ACharacter::StopJumping); PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("MoveForward", this, &AGATutCharacter::MoveForward); PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("MoveRight", this, &AGATutCharacter::MoveRight); // We have 2 versions of the rotation bindings to handle different kinds of devices differently // "turn" handles devices that provide an absolute delta, such as a mouse. // "turnrate" is for devices that we choose to treat as a rate of change, such as an analog joystick PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn", this, &APawn::AddControllerYawInput); PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("TurnRate", this, &AGATutCharacter::TurnAtRate); PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("LookUp", this, &APawn::AddControllerPitchInput); PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis("LookUpRate", this, &AGATutCharacter::LookUpAtRate); // handle touch devices PlayerInputComponent->BindTouch(IE_Pressed, this, &AGATutCharacter::TouchStarted); PlayerInputComponent->BindTouch(IE_Released, this, &AGATutCharacter::TouchStopped); // VR headset functionality PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("ResetVR", IE_Pressed, this, &AGATutCharacter::OnResetVR); //測試證實:在本篇的教程裏,不加這一句也能夠 //AbilitySystem->BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent(PlayerInputComponent, FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds("ConfirmInput", "CancelInput", "AbilityInput")); } UAbilitySystemComponent * AGATutCharacter::GetAbilitySystemComponent() const { return AbilitySystem; } void AGATutCharacter::BindTargetToAbility(AGATutCharacter * Target, TSubclassOf<UGameplayAbility>& Ability) { if (Ability == nullptr || Target == nullptr)return; AbilitySystem->InitAbilityActorInfo(this, Target); AbilitySystem->GiveAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpec(Rune.GetDefaultObject(), 1, 0)); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("BindTargetToAbility")); } void AGATutCharacter::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); if (AbilitySystem == nullptr)return; UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Beginplay 97")); if (HasAuthority() && MyAbilities.Num()) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Bplay 99")); for (auto i = 0; i<MyAbilities.Num(); i++) { if (MyAbilities[i] == nullptr)continue; AbilitySystem->GiveAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpec(MyAbilities[i].GetDefaultObject(), 1, 0)); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("103bp we register an ability!")); } UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("All Ablities registered")); } AbilitySystem->InitAbilityActorInfo(this, this); //這兩個參數覺得着Owner和Avatar UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Bplay 105"));//*/ for (TSubclassOf<UAttributeSet>& Set : AttributeSets) { AbilitySystem->InitStats(Set, AttrDataTable);//Mark+ } //UAbilitySystemGlobals* ASG = IGameplayAbilitiesModule::Get().GetAbilitySystemGlobals(); //FAttributeSetInitter* ASI = ASG->GetAttributeSetInitter(); } void AGATutCharacter::OnResetVR() { UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::ResetOrientationAndPosition(); } void AGATutCharacter::TouchStarted(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location) { Jump(); } void AGATutCharacter::TouchStopped(ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, FVector Location) { StopJumping(); } void AGATutCharacter::TurnAtRate(float Rate) { // calculate delta for this frame from the rate information AddControllerYawInput(Rate * BaseTurnRate * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds()); } void AGATutCharacter::LookUpAtRate(float Rate) { // calculate delta for this frame from the rate information AddControllerPitchInput(Rate * BaseLookUpRate * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds()); } void AGATutCharacter::MoveForward(float Value) { if ((Controller != NULL) && (Value != 0.0f)) { // find out which way is forward const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation(); const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0); // get forward vector const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X); AddMovementInput(Direction, Value); } } void AGATutCharacter::MoveRight(float Value) { if ( (Controller != NULL) && (Value != 0.0f) ) { // find out which way is right const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation(); const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0); // get right vector const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y); // add movement in that direction AddMovementInput(Direction, Value); } } ▲代碼結束
——小江村兒的文傑 zouwj5@qq.com