<!--根據實體參數查詢 --> <select id="selectBaseList" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> select * from ${map.tableName} where 1=1 <foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value"> <if test="key != 'tableName' and key != 'pageSize' and key != 'pageNo' "> and `${key}` = #{value} </if> </foreach> limit #{baseModel.fromRec},#{baseModel.pageSize} </select> <!--根據實體參數查詢個數 --> <select id="selectBaseCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(1) from ${map.tableName} where 1=1 <foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value"> <if test="key != 'tableName' and key != 'pageSize' and key != 'pageNo' "> and `${key}` = #{value} </if> </foreach> </select> <insert id="insertBase" parameterType="java.util.HashMap"> insert into ${map.tableName} ( <foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value" separator=","> <if test="key != 'tableName' "> `${key}` </if> </foreach> ) values ( <foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value" separator=","> <if test="key != 'tableName' "> #{value} </if> </foreach> ) </insert> <update id="updateBaseByPrimaryKey"> update ${map.tableName} <set> <foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value" separator=","> <if test="key != 'tableName' "> `${key}`= #{value} </if> </foreach> </set> where id = #{map.id} </update>
import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; public interface BaseDao { int insertBase(@Param("map") Map map); Map selectBaseByPrimaryKey(Long id); int updateBaseByPrimaryKey(@Param("map") Map map ); List<Map> selectBaseList(@Param("map") Map map, @Param("baseModel") BaseModel baseModel); int selectBaseCount(@Param("map") Map map); }