--列轉行小實例 --建立測試表 if object_id(N'test', N'U') is not null drop table test go with UnPivotTable as ( select 1 as UserNO, '33' as A, '44' AS B, '55' as C union all select 2 as UserNO, '23' as A, '34' AS B, '56' as C ) select * into test from UnPivotTable go --建立存儲過程 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name = 'usp_GetUnPivotInfo') drop proc usp_GetUnPivotInfo go create proc usp_GetUnPivotInfo as declare @SQL nvarchar(4000) SELECT @SQL=isnull(@SQL+',','')+quotename(Name) FROM syscolumns WHERE ID=object_id('test') and [name] not in ('UserNO') ORDER BY Colid SET @SQL='select UserNO,[Attr],[value] from (select * from test) a unpivot ([value] for [Attr] in('+@SQL+'))b' exec(@SQL); go exec usp_GetUnPivotInfo ;