排序的字符串以下: the squid project provides a number of resources toassist users design,implement and support squid installations. Please browsethe documentation and supportmysql
#!/bin/bash ###-------------CopyRight------------- # Name:sort string # Version Number:1.0 # Type:sh # Language:bash shell # Date:2018-05-09 # Author:sandy # QQ:442656067 # Email:eeexu123@163.com str="the squid project provides a number of resources toassist users design,implement and support squid installations. Please browsethe documentation and support sections for more infomation" #no1按單詞出現的頻率降序排序 word(){ echo $str|sed 's#[^a-zA-Z]#\n#g'|grep -v "^$"|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn -k1 } #no2按字母出現的頻率降序排序 string(){ echo $str|grep -o "."|egrep -v "[^a-zA-Z]"|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn -k1 } menu(){ cat <<END 1.按單詞出現的頻率降序排序 2.按字母出現的頻率降序排序 END read -p "Pls you choose num:" num } menu usage(){ echo "USAGE:You muset choose 1 or 2" exit 1 } case "$num" in 1) word ;; 2) string ;; *) usage esac
#!/bin/bash ##-------------CopyRight------------- # Name:sort string # Version Number:1.1 # Type:sh # Language:bash shell # Date:2018-05-09 # Author:sandy # QQ:442656067 # Email:eeexu123@163.com str="the squid project provides a number of resources toassist users design,implement and support squid installations. Please browsethe documentation and support sections for more infomation" #no1按單詞出現的頻率降序排序 word(){ echo $str|tr ' ' '\n'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn -k1 } #no2按字母出現的頻率降序排序 string(){ echo $str|sed -r 's#(.)#\1\n#g'|egrep -v "[^a-zA-Z]|^$"|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn -k1 } menu(){ cat <<END 1.按單詞出現的頻率降序排序 2.按字母出現的頻率降序排序 END read -p "Pls you choose num:" num } menu usage(){ echo "USAGE:You muset choose 1 or 2" exit 1 } case "$num" in 1) word ;; 2) string ;; *) usage esac
[root@mysql01 shell]# sh no_20.sh
Pls you choose num:1
2 support
2 squid
2 and
1 users
1 toassist
1 the
1 sections
1 resources
1 provides
1 project
1 Please
1 of
1 number
1 more
1 installations
1 infomation
1 implement
1 for
1 documentation
1 design
1 browsethe
1 a
[root@mysql01 shell]# sh no_20.sh
Pls you choose num:2
19 s
17 e
16 o
14 t
12 n
12 i
11 r
9 a
8 u
7 p
7 d
6 m
4 l
4 c
3 f
2 q
2 h
2 b
1 w
1 v
1 P
1 j
1 gspa