可是對於這種操做報出相似於 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'goods' of undefined
if (res.data.goods.list[0] && res.data.goods.list[0].price) { // your code }
if (res && res.data && res.data.goods && res.data.goods.list && res.data.goods.list[0] && res.data.goods.list[0].price){ // your code }
這是一個出於stage 2的ecma新語法,目前已經有了babel的插件 babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining ,這種語法在 swift 中有,能夠看下官方給的實例swift
a?.b // undefined if `a` is null/undefined, `a.b` otherwise. a == null ? undefined : a.b a?.[x] // undefined if `a` is null/undefined, `a[x]` otherwise. a == null ? undefined : a[x] a?.b() // undefined if `a` is null/undefined a == null ? undefined : a.b() // throws a TypeError if `a.b` is not a function // otherwise, evaluates to `a.b()` a?.() // undefined if `a` is null/undefined a == null ? undefined : a() // throws a TypeError if `a` is neither null/undefined, nor a function // invokes the function `a` otherwise
咱們能夠經過函數解析字符串來解決這個問題,這種實現就是lodash的 _.get
var object = { a: [{ b: { c: 3 } }] }; var result = _.get(object, 'a[0].b.c', 1); console.log(result); // output: 3
function get (obj, props, def) { if((obj == null) || obj == null || typeof props !== 'string') return def; const temp = props.split('.'); const fieldArr = [].concat(temp); temp.forEach((e, i) => { if(/^(\w+)\[(\w+)\]$/.test(e)) { const matchs = e.match(/^(\w+)\[(\w+)\]$/); const field1 = matchs[1]; const field2 = matchs[2]; const index = fieldArr.indexOf(e); fieldArr.splice(index, 1, field1, field2); } }) return fieldArr.reduce((pre, cur) => { const target = pre[cur] || def; if(target instanceof Array) { return [].concat(target); } if(target instanceof Object) { return Object.assign({}, target) } return target; }, obj) }
var c = {a: {b : [1,2,3] }} get(c ,'a.b') // [1,2,3] get(c, 'a.b[1]') // 2 get(c, 'a.d', 12) // 12
這個思路是來自github上 You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore 這個倉庫,看到這個的時候真的佩服babel
const c = {a:{b: [1,2,3,4]}} const { a: result } = c; // result : {b: [1,2,3,4]} cosnt {a: { c: result = 12 }} = c // result: 12 複製代碼
固然,這個時候爲了保證不報uncaught Typeerror,咱們仍然須要定義默認值, 就像這樣, 貌似若是不加lint可讀性堪憂app
const {a: {c: {d: result2} = {}}} = c 複製代碼
function pointer(obj, path = []) { return new Proxy({}, { get (target, property) { return pointer(obj, path.concat(property)) }, apply (target, self, args) { let val = obj; let parent; for(let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if(val === null || val === undefined) break; parent = val; val = val[path[i]] } if(val === null || val === undefined) { val = args[0] } return val; } }) } 複製代碼
let c = {a: {b: [1, ,2 ,3]}} pointer(c).a(); // {b: [1,2,3]} pointer(c).a.b(); // [1,2,3] pointer(d).a.b.d('default value'); // default value 複製代碼