#include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> #pragma comment(lib, "cv.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "cxcore.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "highgui.lib") int main() { double degree = 30; // rotate 30 degree double angle = degree * CV_PI / 180.; // angle in radian double a = sin(angle), b = cos(angle); // sine and cosine of angle // Load source image as you wish IplImage *imgSrc = cvLoadImage("test.png"); int w_src = imgSrc->width; int h_src = imgSrc->height; cvNamedWindow ("src", 1); cvShowImage ("src", imgSrc); // Make w_dst and h_dst to fit the output image int w_dst = int(h_src * fabs(a) + w_src * fabs(b)); int h_dst = int(w_src * fabs(a) + h_src * fabs(b)); // map matrix for WarpAffine, stored in statck array double map[6]; CvMat map_matrix = cvMat(2, 3, CV_64FC1, map); // Rotation center needed for cv2DRotationMatrix CvPoint2D32f pt = cvPoint2D32f(w_src / 2, h_src / 2); cv2DRotationMatrix(pt, degree, 1.0, &map_matrix); // Adjust rotation center to dst's center, // otherwise you will get only part of the result map[2] += (w_dst - w_src) / 2; map[5] += (h_dst - h_src) / 2; // We need a destination image IplImage *imgDst = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w_dst, h_dst), 8, 3); cvWarpAffine( imgSrc, imgDst, &map_matrix, CV_INTER_LINEAR | CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, cvScalarAll(0) ); // Don't forget to release imgSrc and imgDst if you no longer need them cvNamedWindow( "dst_big", 1 ); cvShowImage( "dst_big", imgDst); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&imgSrc); cvReleaseImage(&imgDst); return 0; }