1 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)] 2 public class FieldAttribute : Attribute 3 { 4 /// <summary> 5 ///是否爲主鍵(true/false) 6 /// </summary> 7 public bool PropertyKey { get; set; } 8 /// <summary> 9 /// 是否爲自動增加(true/false) 10 /// </summary> 11 public bool Identity { get; set; } 12 }
1 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] 2 public class TableAttribute:Attribute 3 { 4 /// <summary> 5 /// 數據庫表名 6 /// </summary> 7 public string TableName { get; set; } 8 }
[Table(TableName = "emesc.Dome")]表示引入的擴展屬性名而且數據庫名爲emesc.Dome
[Field(PropertyKey = true)]表示是否爲主鍵
1 [Table(TableName = "emesc.Dome")] 2 [Serializable] 3 public class Dome 4 { 5 [Field(PropertyKey = true)] 6 public string EMP_NO { get; set; } 7 public string EMP_NAME { get; set; } 8 public string EMP_DESC { get; set; } 9 public string TYPE { get; set; } 10 public string EMP_RANK { get; set; } 11 public string EMP_PASS { get; set; } 12 public object FACTORY_CODE { get; set; } 13 public DateTime QUIT_DATE { get; set; } 14 public object CALENDAR_CODE { get; set; } 15 }
步驟3、建立BaseClass 該Class主要是用來封裝ORM框架的通用方法(增、刪、查、改)學習
PropertyInfo[] 主要反射實體類字段屬性.net
T 主要是用來傳遞實體類對象code
1 private static string GetClassType<T>(T modelName) { 2 try { 3 StringBuilder type= new StringBuilder(); 4 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 5 foreach ( PropertyInfo Info in props) { 6 //if ((Info.GetValue(modelName,null) + "").Equals("")|| (Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 7 //if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime")) 8 //{ 9 // if (Convert.ToDateTime(Info.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue) continue;//判斷時間是否為最小時間 ; 10 //} 11 type.Append(Info.Name+","); 12 } 13 return type.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1);//拼接全部字段屬性名 14 } 15 catch (Exception ex) 16 { 17 throw ex; 18 } 19 }
1 /// <summary> 2 /// 獲取實體類中的惟一id和對應的表名 3 /// </summary> 4 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 5 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 6 /// <returns></returns> 7 public static List<string> GetModelFeature<T>(T modelName) { 8 try { 9 List<string> list = new List<string>(); 10 var info= modelName.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), false); 11 foreach (var item in info) 12 { 13 TableAttribute attr = item as TableAttribute; 14 if (attr != null) 15 { 16 string tableName = attr.TableName;//表名只有獲取一次 17 list.Add(tableName); 18 break; 19 } 20 } 21 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 22 foreach (var item in props) 23 { 24 object[] objAttrs = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true); 25 if (objAttrs.Length > 0) 26 { 27 FieldAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as FieldAttribute; 28 if (attr.PropertyKey == true) 29 { 30 list.Add(item.Name+" = '"+ item.GetValue(modelName,null)+"'");//抓取篩選條件 31 } 32 } 33 } 34 return list; 35 } 36 catch (Exception ex) 37 { 38 throw ex; 39 } 40 }
3. 編寫通用增刪查改方法 insert、update、delete、Query(select)方法blog
通用方法編寫思惟引導:當咱們在對數據庫進行操做時咱們發現無論怎麼對數據庫操做都少不了表名、字段名和值 那麼咱們能夠封裝函數用來存儲字段名和值
如:insert into 表名 (字段名) values(值)
update set 字段名=‘值’ from 表名 where 字段名=‘值’
delete 表名 where 字段名=‘值’
select 字段名 from 表名 where 字段名=‘值
1 private static string GetNumericField<T>(T modelName) 2 { 3 try 4 { 5 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 6 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 7 foreach (var item in props) 8 { 9 Start.Append(item.Name + ","); 10 11 } 12 return Start.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1); 13 } 14 catch (Exception ex) 15 { 16 throw ex; 17 } 18 }
1 private static string GetValues<T>(T modelName) 2 { 3 try { 4 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 5 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 6 foreach (var item in props) 7 { 8 if ((item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals("") || (item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 9 if (item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))//判斷字段類型 10 { 11 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = '" + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "'"); 12 } 13 else if (item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime"))//判斷字段的屬性是否為時間類型//判斷字段類型 14 { 15 if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue) 16 { 17 continue; 18 } 19 else 20 { 21 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = '" + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "'"); 22 } 23 } 24 else 25 { 26 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = " + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + ""); 27 } 28 29 } 30 return End.ToString(); 31 } 32 catch (Exception ex) 33 { 34 throw ex; 35 } 36 }
1 /// <summary> 2 /// 最低兼容.net 4.0(該ORM緊支持對單表操做) 3 /// <para>開發時間:2019/5/27</para> 4 /// <para>開發人員:會害羞的青蛙</para> 5 /// </summary> 6 public class BaseFunction 7 { 8 DBHelper DB = new DBHelper(); 9 /// <summary> 10 /// 添加數據(數據錄入時必須將時間轉換為DateTime) 11 /// </summary> 12 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 13 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 14 /// <param name="dbName"></param> 15 /// <returns></returns> 16 public static int Save<T>(T modelName) { 17 try { 18 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 19 string dbName = list[0]; 20 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("insert into "); 21 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 22 SQL.Append(dbName + " ("+ GetSaveStart(modelName)+") values ("+ GetSaveEnd(modelName) + ")"); 23 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); 24 } 25 catch (Exception ex) 26 { 27 throw ex; 28 } 29 } 30 /// <summary> 31 /// 添加數據(數據錄入時必須將時間轉換為DateTime) 32 /// <para>connectionString為自定義數據庫連接地址支持不一樣數據庫操做</para> 33 /// </summary> 34 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 35 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 36 /// <param name="dbName"></param> 37 /// <returns></returns> 38 public static int Save<T>(T modelName,string connectionString) 39 { 40 try 41 { 42 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 43 string dbName = list[0]; 44 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("insert into "); 45 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 46 SQL.Append(dbName + " (" + GetSaveStart(modelName) + ") values (" + GetSaveEnd(modelName) + ")"); 47 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), connectionString); 48 } 49 catch (Exception ex) 50 { 51 throw ex; 52 } 53 } 54 /// <summary> 55 /// 根據主鍵ID修改數據(若沒有主鍵請在實體類定義一個主鍵,數據編輯時必須將時間轉換為DateTime) 56 /// </summary> 57 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 58 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 59 /// <param name="dbName"></param> 60 /// <returns></returns> 61 public static int Update<T>(T modelName) 62 { 63 try { 64 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 65 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 66 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("update "+ dbName + " set "); 67 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 68 SQL.Append(GetEditStart(modelName) +" where " + list[1]); 69 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); 70 } 71 catch (Exception ex) 72 { 73 throw ex; 74 } 75 } 76 /// <summary> 77 /// 根據主鍵ID修改數據(若沒有主鍵請在實體類定義一個主鍵,數據編輯時必須將時間轉換為DateTime) 78 /// <para>connectionString為自定義數據庫連接地址支持不一樣數據庫操做</para> 79 /// </summary> 80 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 81 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 82 /// <param name="dbName"></param> 83 /// <returns></returns> 84 public static int Update<T>(T modelName, string connectionString) 85 { 86 try 87 { 88 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 89 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 90 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("update " + dbName + " set "); 91 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 92 SQL.Append(GetEditStart(modelName) + " where " + list[1]); 93 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), connectionString); 94 } 95 catch (Exception ex) 96 { 97 throw ex; 98 } 99 } 100 /// <summary> 101 /// 根據主鍵ID刪除數據(若沒有主鍵請在實體類定義一個主鍵) 102 /// </summary> 103 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 104 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 105 /// <returns></returns> 106 public static int Delete<T>(T modelName) 107 { 108 try { 109 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 110 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 111 string primaryKey = string.Empty; 112 string primaryValue = string.Empty; 113 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 114 foreach (var item in props) 115 { 116 object[] objAttrs = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true); 117 if (objAttrs.Length > 0) 118 { 119 FieldAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as FieldAttribute; 120 if (attr.PropertyKey == true) 121 { 122 primaryKey = item.Name; 123 primaryValue = item.GetValue(modelName, null)+""; 124 } 125 } 126 } 127 if (primaryValue=="") { throw new Exception("主鍵不能爲空!"); } 128 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("delete " + dbName+ " where " + primaryKey+"='"+ primaryValue + "'"); 129 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); 130 } 131 catch (Exception ex) 132 { 133 throw ex; 134 } 135 } 136 /// <summary> 137 /// 根據主鍵ID刪除數據(若沒有主鍵請在實體類定義一個主鍵) 138 /// <para>connectionString為自定義數據庫連接地址支持不一樣數據庫操做</para> 139 /// </summary> 140 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 141 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 142 /// <returns></returns> 143 public static int Delete<T>(T modelName, string connectionString) 144 { 145 try 146 { 147 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 148 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 149 string primaryKey = string.Empty; 150 string primaryValue = string.Empty; 151 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 152 foreach (var item in props) 153 { 154 object[] objAttrs = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true); 155 if (objAttrs.Length > 0) 156 { 157 FieldAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as FieldAttribute; 158 if (attr.PropertyKey == true) 159 { 160 primaryKey = item.Name; 161 primaryValue = item.GetValue(modelName, null) + ""; 162 } 163 } 164 } 165 if (primaryValue == "") { throw new Exception("主鍵不能爲空!"); } 166 StringBuilder SQL = new StringBuilder("delete " + dbName + " where " + primaryKey + "='" + primaryValue + "'"); 167 return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), connectionString); 168 } 169 catch (Exception ex) 170 { 171 throw ex; 172 } 173 } 174 /// <summary> 175 /// 查詢全部結果 modelName(實體類) 176 /// </summary> 177 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 178 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 179 /// <returns></returns> 180 public static DataTable QueryList<T>(T modelName) { 181 try { 182 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 183 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 184 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 185 Start.Append(GetQueryStart(modelName)); 186 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 187 End.Append(GetQueryEnd(modelName)); 188 string SQL = "SELECT " + Start + " FROM " + dbName + " WHERE 1=1" + End; 189 return DBHelper.GetMultipleResults(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); 190 } 191 catch (Exception ex) 192 { 193 throw ex; 194 } 195 } 196 /// <summary> 197 /// 查詢全部結果 modelName(實體類) 198 /// <para>connectionString為自定義數據庫連接地址支持不一樣數據庫操做</para> 199 /// </summary> 200 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 201 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 202 /// <returns></returns> 203 public static DataTable QueryList<T>(T modelName, string connectionString) 204 { 205 try 206 { 207 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 208 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 209 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 210 Start.Append(GetQueryStart(modelName)); 211 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 212 End.Append(GetQueryEnd(modelName)); 213 string SQL = "SELECT " + Start + " FROM " + dbName + " WHERE 1=1" + End; 214 return DBHelper.GetMultipleResults(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), connectionString); 215 } 216 catch (Exception ex) 217 { 218 throw ex; 219 } 220 } 221 /// <summary> 222 /// 查詢全部結果(包含分頁)modelName(實體類),page(當前頁),linmt(當前頁的總條數),count(結果集總條數) 223 /// </summary> 224 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 225 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 226 /// <param name="page"></param> 227 /// <param name="linmt"></param> 228 /// <returns></returns> 229 public static DataTable QueryList<T>(T modelName, int page, int linmt ,out int count) 230 { 231 try { 232 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 233 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 234 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 235 Start.Append(GetQueryStart(modelName)); 236 StringBuilder StartToPagination = new StringBuilder(); 237 StartToPagination.Append(GetQueryStartToPagination(modelName)); 238 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 239 End.Append(GetQueryEnd(modelName)); 240 241 count = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.GetMultipleResults("SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNTNUM FROM " + dbName+" WHERE 1=1 "+ End).Rows[0]["COUNTNUM"]); 242 string SQL = "SELECT " + StartToPagination + " FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS NUM ," + Start + " FROM " + dbName + " WHERE 1=1" + End + " AND ROWNUM<=" + linmt + "*" + page + ") WHERE NUM>" + linmt + "*(" + page + "-1) "; 243 return DBHelper.GetMultipleResults(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); 244 } 245 catch (Exception ex) { 246 throw ex; 247 } 248 } 249 /// <summary> 250 /// 查詢全部結果(包含分頁)modelName(實體類),page(當前頁),linmt(當前頁的總條數),count(結果集總條數) 251 /// <para>connectionString為自定義數據庫連接地址支持不一樣數據庫操做</para> 252 /// </summary> 253 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 254 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 255 /// <param name="page"></param> 256 /// <param name="linmt"></param> 257 /// <returns></returns> 258 public static DataTable QueryList<T>(T modelName, string connectionString, int page, int linmt, out int count) 259 { 260 try 261 { 262 List<string> list = GetModelFeature(modelName); 263 string dbName = list[0];//數據庫名 264 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 265 Start.Append(GetQueryStart(modelName)); 266 StringBuilder StartToPagination = new StringBuilder(); 267 StartToPagination.Append(GetQueryStartToPagination(modelName)); 268 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 269 End.Append(GetQueryEnd(modelName)); 270 271 count = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.GetMultipleResults("SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNTNUM FROM " + dbName + " WHERE 1=1 " + End).Rows[0]["COUNTNUM"]); 272 string SQL = "SELECT " + StartToPagination + " FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS NUM ," + Start + " FROM " + dbName + " WHERE 1=1" + End + " AND ROWNUM<=" + linmt + "*" + page + ") WHERE NUM>" + linmt + "*(" + page + "-1) "; 273 return DBHelper.GetMultipleResults(SQL.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), connectionString); 274 } 275 catch (Exception ex) 276 { 277 throw ex; 278 } 279 } 280 /// <summary> 281 /// 獲取實體類中的惟一id和對應的表名 282 /// </summary> 283 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 284 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 285 /// <returns></returns> 286 public static List<string> GetModelFeature<T>(T modelName) { 287 try { 288 List<string> list = new List<string>(); 289 var info= modelName.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), false); 290 foreach (var item in info) 291 { 292 TableAttribute attr = item as TableAttribute; 293 if (attr != null) 294 { 295 string tableName = attr.TableName;//表名只有獲取一次 296 list.Add(tableName); 297 break; 298 } 299 } 300 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 301 foreach (var item in props) 302 { 303 object[] objAttrs = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true); 304 if (objAttrs.Length > 0) 305 { 306 FieldAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as FieldAttribute; 307 if (attr.PropertyKey == true) 308 { 309 list.Add(item.Name+" = '"+ item.GetValue(modelName,null)+"'");//抓取篩選條件 310 } 311 } 312 } 313 return list; 314 } 315 catch (Exception ex) 316 { 317 throw ex; 318 } 319 } 320 /// <summary> 321 /// 獲取起始字段 322 /// </summary> 323 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 324 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 325 /// <returns></returns> 326 private static string GetSaveStart<T>(T modelName) { 327 try { 328 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 329 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 330 foreach ( PropertyInfo Info in props) { 331 if ((Info.GetValue(modelName,null) + "").Equals("")|| (Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 332 if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime")) 333 { 334 if (Convert.ToDateTime(Info.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue) continue;//判斷時間是否為最小時間 ; 335 } 336 Start.Append(Info.Name+","); 337 } 338 return Start.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1); 339 } 340 catch (Exception ex) 341 { 342 throw ex; 343 } 344 } 345 /// <summary> 346 /// 獲取字段對應的結果 347 /// </summary> 348 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 349 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 350 /// <returns></returns> 351 private static string GetSaveEnd<T>(T modelName) 352 { 353 try { 354 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 355 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 356 foreach (PropertyInfo Info in props) 357 { 358 if ((Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals("") || (Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 359 360 if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))//判斷字段類型 361 { 362 End.Append("'" + Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "',"); 363 } 364 else if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime"))//判斷字段類型 365 { 366 if (Convert.ToDateTime(Info.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue)//判斷時間是否為最小時間 367 { 368 continue; 369 } 370 else { 371 End.Append("to_date('" + ((DateTime)(Info.GetValue(modelName, null))).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),"); 372 } 373 } 374 else { 375 End.Append(Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + ","); 376 } 377 } 378 return End.ToString().Substring(0, End.Length - 1); 379 } 380 catch (Exception ex) 381 { 382 throw ex; 383 } 384 } 385 /// <summary> 386 /// 從新定義分頁後的查詢字段並且格式化DateTime樣式 387 /// </summary> 388 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 389 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 390 /// <returns></returns> 391 private static string GetQueryStartToPagination<T>(T modelName) { 392 try { 393 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 394 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 395 foreach (var item in props) 396 { 397 if (item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime"))//判斷字段的屬性是否為時間類型 398 { 399 Start.Append("TO_CHAR(" + item.Name + ",'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') AS " + item.Name + ",");//格式化時間 400 } 401 else { 402 Start.Append(item.Name + ","); 403 } 404 405 } 406 return Start.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1); 407 } 408 catch (Exception ex) 409 { 410 throw ex; 411 } 412 } 413 private static string GetQueryStart<T>(T modelName) 414 { 415 try 416 { 417 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 418 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 419 foreach (var item in props) 420 { 421 Start.Append(item.Name + ","); 422 423 } 424 return Start.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1); 425 } 426 catch (Exception ex) 427 { 428 throw ex; 429 } 430 } 431 private static string GetQueryEnd<T>(T modelName) 432 { 433 try { 434 StringBuilder End = new StringBuilder(); 435 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 436 foreach (var item in props) 437 { 438 if ((item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals("") || (item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 439 if (item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))//判斷字段類型 440 { 441 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = '" + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "'"); 442 } 443 else if (item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime"))//判斷字段的屬性是否為時間類型//判斷字段類型 444 { 445 if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue) 446 { 447 continue; 448 } 449 else 450 { 451 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = '" + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + "'"); 452 } 453 } 454 else 455 { 456 End.Append(" and " + item.Name + " = " + item.GetValue(modelName, null) + ""); 457 } 458 459 } 460 return End.ToString(); 461 } 462 catch (Exception ex) 463 { 464 throw ex; 465 } 466 } 467 /// <summary> 468 /// 編輯起始內容 469 /// </summary> 470 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> 471 /// <param name="modelName"></param> 472 /// <returns></returns> 473 private static string GetEditStart<T>(T modelName) { 474 try { 475 StringBuilder Start = new StringBuilder(); 476 PropertyInfo[] props = modelName.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);//抓取泛型類的字段屬性; 477 foreach (PropertyInfo Info in props) 478 { 479 object[] objAttrs = Info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true); 480 if (objAttrs.Length > 0) 481 { 482 FieldAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as FieldAttribute; 483 if (attr.PropertyKey == true) continue;//判斷自定義特性中的主鍵 484 } 485 if ((Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals("") || (Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "").Equals(null)) continue; 486 487 if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))//判斷字段類型 488 { 489 Start.Append(Info.Name + "='" + Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + "',"); 490 } 491 else if (Info.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("DateTime"))//判斷字段類型 492 { 493 if (Convert.ToDateTime(Info.GetValue(modelName, null)) == DateTime.MinValue)//判斷時間是否為最小時間 494 { 495 continue; 496 } 497 else 498 { 499 Start.Append(Info.Name+"=to_date('" + ((DateTime)(Info.GetValue(modelName, null))).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),"); 500 } 501 } 502 else { 503 Start.Append(Info.Name + "=" + Info.GetValue(modelName, null) + ","); 504 } 505 } 506 return Start.ToString().Substring(0, Start.Length - 1); 507 } 508 catch (Exception ex) 509 { 510 throw ex; 511 } 512 } 513 }