Exchange2007 中處理郵件地址重複問題

若是收件人地址重複, 發件會收到一封錯誤NDR, 標明郵件地址重複沒法發送, 這裏咱們須要作以下操做: shell


錯誤描述以下: ide

Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists: this


Yuuki Kitazoe
There is a problem with the recipient's e-mail system. More than one user has this e-mail address. The recipient's system administrator will have to fix this. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator and then try resending the message after the problem has been resolved.


但咱們經過console臺查找, 擁有此地址的用戶只有一個, 那爲何仍是會顯示衝突問題? rest


這是由於Exchange2007 Console臺查找, 默認爲本地域, 若是當前用戶在森林的另外一個域中, 則顯示不出來,須要在console臺查找界面的Scope, 選擇Forest才能夠. orm


固然咱們能夠經過powershell作處理 ip



第一步 查詢擴展到森林 ci

$AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest=$true get


第二步根據郵件帳戶類型, 查找信息; 我這裏是mail contact it

Get-MailContact 「Shinichi Tonomura」


第三步找到重複數據後, 刪除

Remove-MailContact -Identity "Shinichi Tonomura"


若是有權限刪除成功; 若是沒有權限會刪除失敗; 聯繫管理員進行刪除
