npm install react-native-side-menu --save
import SideMenu from 'react-native-side-menu';android
render() {git
const menu = <Text style={{marginTop: 22}}>aaa</Text>; return ( <SideMenu menu={menu} //抽屜內的組件 > <View style={styles.container}> <Text style={styles.welcome} onPress={() => { this.setState({ isOpen: true }) }}> Open Draw! </Text> <Text style={styles.instructions}> To get started, edit App.js </Text> </View> </SideMenu> );
menu 爲 抽屜內部的組件 , 展現在抽屜上的內容 .
ContentView 爲主頁面視圖 , 是抽屜關閉時頁面上展現的內容 .github
新建項目,安裝好 react-native-side-menu庫 , 替換APP.js中的內容運行便可react-native
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Dimensions } from 'react-native'; import SideMenu from 'react-native-side-menu'; const instructions ={ ios: 'Press Cmd+R to reload,\n' + 'Cmd+D or shake for dev menu', android: 'Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,\n' + 'Shake or press menu button for dev menu', }); const {width, heihgt} = Dimensions.get('window'); type Props = {}; export default class App extends Component<Props> { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isOpen: false } } render() { const menu = <Text style={{marginTop: 22}} onPress={() => alert('點擊了aaa')}>aaa</Text>; return ( <SideMenu menu={menu} //抽屜內的組件 isOpen={this.state.isOpen} //抽屜打開/關閉 openMenuOffset={width / 2} //抽屜的寬度 hiddenMenuOffset={20} //抽屜關閉狀態時,顯示多少寬度 默認0 抽屜徹底隱藏 edgeHitWidth={60} //距離屏幕多少距離能夠滑出抽屜,默認60 disableGestures={false} //是否禁用手勢滑動抽屜 默認false 容許手勢滑動 /*onStartShouldSetResponderCapture={ () => console.log('開始滑動')}*/ onChange={ //抽屜狀態變化的監聽函數 (isOpen) => { isOpen ? console.log('抽屜當前狀態爲開着') : console.log('抽屜當前狀態爲關着') }} onMove={ //抽屜移動時的監聽函數 , 參數爲抽屜拉出來的距離 抽屜在左側時參數爲正,右側則爲負 (marginLeft) => { console.log(marginLeft) }} menuPosition={'left'} //抽屜在左側仍是右側 autoClosing={false} //默認爲true 若是爲true 一有事件發生抽屜就會關閉 > <View style={styles.container}> <Text style={styles.welcome} onPress={() => { this.setState({ isOpen: true }) }}> Open Draw! </Text> <Text style={styles.instructions}> To get started, edit App.js </Text> <Text style={styles.instructions}> {instructions} </Text> </View> </SideMenu> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF', marginTop: 22 }, welcome: { fontSize: 20, textAlign: 'center', margin: 10, }, instructions: { textAlign: 'center', color: '#333333', marginBottom: 5, }, });