-- compile Instruction; -- $ gcc -c hello_world.adb -- $ gnatbind hello_world.ali -- $ gnatlink hello_world.ali with Text_IO; procedure Hello_World is begin Text_IO.Put_line("Hello World!"); end Hello_World;
$ gnatmake hello_world
gcc-6 -c hello_world.adb
gnatbind-6 -x hello_world.ali
gnatlink-6 hello_world.ali
$ ./hello_world
Hello World!函數
ADA字符串操做符除了已經見到的乘法用於複製串之外,對字符串鏈接則用&,而不是通常語言中用的+(固然用戶能夠去改,但這不符合ADA的一般實踐)。須要注意的是,若是鏈接兩個定長字符類型變量,若是賦值給一個定長類型變量,這個變量必須正正好好和這兩個鏈接起來的字符串的長度相等,這個比較麻煩,但這是沒辦法的;除了鏈接外,ADA還提供了一些字符函數的插入替換操做等(Replace_Slice, Overwrite, Insert等),也是比較方便的。ADA的定長類型求子字符串只須要在數組下標中指定便可;但若是在字符串對象上進行的話,因爲ADA不支持數組下標的運算符重載,因此必須使用函數如Slice/Replace_Slice來提取設置子串或Element/Replace_Element來提取設置單個字符。而string,Bounded_String和Unbounded_String之間轉換目前彷佛只提供了string和後二者之間的互轉,對於這些ADA庫可能還有待更新擴展。對象
-- $ gnatmake adastrings with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Bounded; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Command_Line; procedure adastrings is package CL renames Ada.Command_Line; -- shorten the package name package Bounded is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max => 128); use Bounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; fixed_str_without_sizespec : string := "size determined by designated value"; fixed_str_from_cmd_line : string := CL.Argument(1); fixed_str : string(1..32) := 32 * "0"; -- has to be 32 fixed_str2 : string(1..32) := 32 * "1"; fixed_str3 : string(1..64); bounded_str : Bounded_String; unbounded_str : UnBounded_String; -- create a string 'dynamically' by duplicating a string given times function duplicate_string(str: string; occurs : integer) return string is result : string := occurs * str; begin return result; end duplicate_string; -- create a string 'dynmically' by returning a string of any length -- specified at run time function produce_blank_string(length : integer) return string is result : string(1..length) := length * ' '; begin return result; end produce_blank_string; procedure print_string (str : string) is begin put_line(str); end print_string; procedure print_string (bounded_str : bounded_string) is begin put_line(To_String(bounded_str)); end print_string; procedure print_string (unbounded_str : unbounded_string) is begin put_line(To_String(unbounded_str)); end print_string; begin print_string("demo program for ada string types"); print_string(fixed_str); fixed_str3 := fixed_str2 & fixed_str; print_string(fixed_str3); print_string(fixed_str2(1..16)); fixed_str := Overwrite(fixed_str, 17, fixed_str2(1..16)); print_string(fixed_str); print_string(fixed_str_without_sizespec); print_string(fixed_str_from_cmd_line); bounded_str := bounded_str & fixed_str; print_string(bounded_str); unbounded_str := To_Unbounded_String(To_String(bounded_str)); unbounded_str := unbounded_str & "123"; print_string(unbounded_str); Replace_Slice(unbounded_str, 3, 10, "replaced"); print_string(unbounded_str); print_string(duplicate_string("Sample", 5)); print_string(produce_blank_string(12)); end adastrings;
$ gnatmake adastrings x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -c adastrings.adb x86_64-linux-gnu-gnatbind-7 -x adastrings.ali x86_64-linux-gnu-gnatlink-7 adastrings.ali $ ./adastrings argument1 demo program for ada string types 00000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111 00000000000000001111111111111111 size determined by designated value argument1 00000000000000001111111111111111 00000000000000001111111111111111123 00replaced0000001111111111111111123 SampleSampleSampleSampleSample
-- filename: ifInteger.adb -- gnatmake testrange with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure testrange is Var : Integer; begin Put ("Enter an Integer number to confirm its range:"); Get (Var); if Var in Integer'First .. -1 then Put_Line ("It is a negative number"); elsif Var in 1 .. Integer'Last then Put_Line ("It is a positive number"); else Put_Line ("It is 0"); end if; end testrange;